
#1 [en] 

Events need to be way much better for organised

#2 [en] 

1) *all* "Event Organisers" must be wearing a Title for the Event so that we all know who is running it and knows exactly what is going on...maybe make it language-based - "English Event Organiser", "French Event Organiser", "German Event Organiser", etc... (...for the other languages then they can be in for those languages)

#3 [en] 

2) if there is going to be anything like a 1st/2nd/3rd place prizes then all participants must be "registered" - what I mean is liek, "inscribe" with for an Event Organiser and then the Event Organiser can add all of the registered participant to an new Post for the Events Thread in the Events Forum...maybe not so clear there
so say there is a...for liek the "[Players] Festivities of the lakes" has a link for the "Show details in forum" which then takes us to Forums >> Events (arispotle) >> [Evennement Players] Festivities of the lakes
.in that Thread there can have been added a post by a Event Oraganiser that lists all of the "inscribled" teams for the third event (something to do with "coupling for them animals")

at the end one of them was actually saying that, asking if there was anymore team (and they should know because we all had to "inscribe" for them)

#4 [en] 

3) the Chat is the absolutely worst place for to putting Event instructions in - it scrolls and then is hidden from us so that if we miss it then we have no clues for about what we are supposed to be doing

I very much like Anlor Winn (except for Yubo Ball - I had no taunt so couldn't participate) becasue of it had three separate channels for all of the different languages (Story Telling Event) and if cannot use for the Forums then atleast make for use of these for *all* Events - otherwise it is just too much overly chaotic!!! >_<

and can please be very much much more clear about what is going on? !

#5 [en] 

I can understand why somethings are hidden from use in the forums at first (digging q37 mats) but at the very least you can do is put the details into the Forum *at-the-time-of-the-Events*

ithis is not very difficult to do and is almost instantaneous so that everybody can read from it (Shift on the Forum link next to that Event...scroll down to the new Forum post)

I was watching it all of the time and it never even got updated and I was so very dissappointed

#6 [en] 

just like for that Chicken Run, I saw a "chicken" but didn't kill it because I thought it was just another Homin and was just looking for a gigantic White Fluffy/Feathery CHICKEN!!! and so missed out on of the dappers for it

I wasn't watching names but the way that they were discribed to me - there was no mistake that that was a "chicken" because it did not attack me and ran away from me as soon as it first saw and took any notice of me

...I was only told that after the Event that they were Red Trykers and stuff

Edited 3 times | Last edited by Muffin (1 decade ago)

#7 [en] 

and I absolutely HATE these Events now...being kept in the dark until it is already too late and somebody else has already finished for it - it's just Frustrating for me now...if this is how Events will be handled all of the times then I'm not doing them anymore because it's just stupid for me to waste my time with not know what is happening and everybody else just running around like the Bananas in Pyjamas

it's no fun if I don't have the same chances as everybody else (and we all know exactly what is going on and waht we have to do - making it FAIR)

Last edited by Muffin (1 decade ago)

#8 [en] 

Hello, Muffin,

I was one of the organizers of the Festivities of the Lakes. ANd i see you make some confusion between this event and the official.

The Festivities of the lakes have been organized by simple players. Stcentor, Anyume, Krill or me aren't CSR or official animators. We propose our project to the animation team and they help us with the titles (my title during the event is a creation i kept only for the event) and with the Labyrinth.

For all the other things, we organize all alone.

We are all french and it was usual to have this kind of event in our ancient server.

But now, we must play with 3 communities, each with a different language. It's not easy, we are learning what is the better and what is wrong.

I note that the next time we will ask a specific channel for the rules. It will be easier.

But don't think to organize this is easy. How many /tell i had to receive do u think ?

Well, it's not perfect but it's the first time we do it. So, thanks do not be too criticist with us. We accept proposition.

For example, i stay in the game until midnight altought i have worked from 5h AM to 8 PM all the days of the week. I had to asleep my little boy before the games to be sure that i can be here, so i accept to see my contest (the digging contest) very late because my son is my priority. But i was very tired ^^

So, don't be so hard with us. We are going to analyze the good propositions. But don't forget that we are only simple players. If all the players criticize us, you don't see this kind of events anymore !

#9 [en] 

k, well I appreciate all of the hardwork and effort that you put into it - and if there is anything way for me to help then let me know

...thought that it was so easy and simple for making our own channels (but I guess I haven't even tried for ithem yet too see if it still works)

Custom channels
You can create your own channels as well, or join those created by others. A player can be connected to at most 2 custom channels at a time.

/channel <channelname>
Join the channel with the given name, or create it if doesn't exist already.

/channel <channelname> <password>
Join or create a channel with password protection.

/channel <channelname> *
Leave the channel with the given name.

^this is what I thought that they did for thet Anlor Winn Story Telling Event

Last edited by Muffin (1 decade ago)

#10 [en] 

As I say, we have forgotten this possibility ! Nothing else ! It's now written in red on a post-it on my screen :D

#11 [en] 

you guys did a awesome job. i cant even imagine how confusing it must be to host a event like this in 3 languages. if there is one point i could advice, make sure the rules to each event is posted on forums as soon as it starts. saves u loads of questions, and may be more explaining then getting instructions in 3 languages at once.

beyond that, great job. i hope to be at more events like this

kind regards,
Mr. 2nd place

#12 [en] 

Yup you guys did a great job, everyone of you. This was your first event that included all the communities so there will always be some confusion and unexpected situations in the process. I for one can't wait for your next event. Don't let this discouraged you, there were many happy players present that had a good time. Learn from the mistakes, from what didn't work, and improve it for the next one.

I want to add that for events that required "teams" it would be fair if you post the requirements ahead of time, so that players can register their teams even before the event day. This would help with having balanced teams, especially in the amount of players in each team. I quite enjoyed the labyrinth but it wasn't clear to me that only one member of my team needed to collect the jewels. It happened to me that I found one contact and another member found another contact and we got the jewels, but after I went deeper into the maze I was asked to return mine because I didn't collect it in the order you required.

Another point I'd like to make is that you added the event to the spanish forum but at the event you had no spanish translator. I tried to help translate but I could not keep up with the chatter and the multi languages in the channel. Having said that if you need someone to translate at your next event feel free to ask me. I can even add a character to your "events guild" to help at these events.

Don't be discouraged, continue to do player events, learn from each one and have fun doing them.

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