
#1 [en] 

make for an "unequip" all ...button/checkbox type kind of thing thing - one for each (Jewelries and Armours)

...also make beable to "assemble" "Sets" of things with but it will make for even more added bulkynesses
so one set of Armours will become 50 bulk or something like that
and Jewelries can be for 25 bulks

and so that they would be turned into only one picture/thing, and have just a one square/space underneath from the Jewelries/Armours ones and then we can equip a single "Set" each with so much fewer and less clicks

if there is anything in the ones that we have access to now then the one for equipping a "Set" can be grayed/greyed out or something (and vices versa fro the other way around - if a "Set" is equipped then for all of the other boxes will be made for unusable/unclickable

can make it so that all ofor in a "Set" must be the same q
so can have a q150 "Set of Armours" ...but can be for all of the different Races (or maybe not because of then which colour for the backgrounds)

#2 [en] 

maybe if it's a Set of Armours then q must be the same

but for ithe colours:
can be for all of the same Races (Racial background colours)
or can be all for the same colours but mismatching of Races (so background colour is would be ofor the same as the Armours colour)

#3 [en] 

I've often thought something like this would be a useful feature; whether a macro or other means to 'assemble' a set under one click/shortcut.

I wouldn't want it limited by race or such though; I don't wear sets that are all one race but mix and match Tryker and Fyros gear.


Elder Of Atys

Chasing the DING!
You can't "complete" the mainland. If one thinks one has seen or done everything there, one is kidding oneself. But be prepared to "get out what you put in," because the mainland does not coddle or hold hands.
Remickla (atys)
Other games - they give you a cookie whether you succeed or not, in fact you don't even have to participate. Ryzom takes your cookie, eats it in front of you, and slaps you 2 or 3 times for bringing a cookie in the first place.

#4 [en] 

I was just thinking about the background colours for the pictures of the gears...must either be of the same Race or the same Colours...otherwise can just say that the majority rules...or no background atall - just like for the flowers/cats

#5 [en] 

Neela (atys)
I've often thought something like this would be a useful feature; whether a macro or other means to 'assemble' a set under one click/shortcut.

I wouldn't want it limited by race or such though; I don't wear sets that are all one race but mix and match Tryker and Fyros gear.

If we are going to have this facility, the only way it would work is for the player to be able to gather different kinds of gear (armour, jewellery, perhaps weapons/tools etc.) into a 'Set'. This would do away with the limitations of doing this automatically and let the player choose what goes into a set of gear.

That is if it's possible, and if we want it. It would be less 'realistic' to be able to change all your gear like this.

However, it is a PITA to change armour and jewels sets too often, and I have changed my gameplay to minimise these changes.

I have found that even with a packer, carrying around 3 (or more) sets of armour and jewels, plus tools etc. for different activities is going to fill a lot of bag space. Maybe with one packer for all your gear, and another for what you are collecting (foraged/looted mats, mission mats, crafted items etc.) but then do you want to take all your possessions around with you all the time - no. Especially if you are going into dangerous areas and putting your packers (and all your gear) at risk.

I leave my Packer in a safe place (nearby if I'm digging) and take with me one set of HA, one set of LA, one set of jewels (all boosted to support whatever activity I'm planning) plus Melee Weapon, Amps and Digging Stick. If I'm planning to travel I will take the relevant TPs, but otherwise these stay with my Packer. This leaves enough bag space for missions etc.

I would vote no to this, because -
a) it is unrealistic
b) it is unnecessary to change your gear that often

- but I can see how other players might find it useful.


It's bad luck to be superstitious . . .

Palta e decata, nan nec ilne matala.

When one goes on a journey it is not the scenery that changes, but the traveller

#6 [en] 

well I'm just at a time where I'm only carrying HA and have to keep healing all of the time...and digging (so have to unequip for that too)

the only reason I started to write is because I just want to beable to unequip everything without all of the clicking...but then re-equip aswell for aggro

...but I can see what you mean - but you can still play like that anyway (if you choose to)
but i'd much prefer to beable to....well am the OP :P

and even if it took much longer time for the actions, I wouldn't even mind - like add them all up, so say ...~10 times as long as it takes to put on one thing

okay, it takes around 5-7s for me to put on my helmet (now I have just tried it for everything and is all of the same as eachother)

so maybe takes around a full minute for a Set of Armours/Jewelries...but Jewelries don't even have it for a timer

it takes 10-15s just to equip all Armours (but only buy lots and lost of clicking - atleast 12 if you don't miss for any of them)

and ~5s to unequip all Armours (no timer)
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