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Well, I would suggest  couple of things to try. 

First of all, since WebIG seems to be working at the moment, file a bug-report  suggesting that it isn't just related to WebIG failure.

Second, I am very careful to be patient when giving the materials so that WebIG has plenty of time to react, just because I know that WebIG is slow.  It might be that you're sending a trigger signal before the previous signal has cleared.

Good to know that the old standby, "log off and on again" works.


Remembering Tyneetryk
Phaedreas Tears - 15 years old and first(*) of true neutral guilds in Atys.
(*) This statement is contested, but we are certainly the longest lasting.
<clowns | me & you | jokers>


indeed, and as for the speed of my turn in, i keep system info open so i can see when the fame has been applied (or not) since that's the time when the dappers and civ points are awarded (in the past i've found if you go too fast you may not get your payout, so it's best to always watch system info for the fame message)

but i'll keep you posted on this issue if it comes back up next time i'll try again to file a ticket and see if they (csr's) can see something happening that is an issue for us all, or just for my client only.

thanks again bitty, and i hope that my little info's will help others that also have this issue.


Remickla (atys)
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still suffering odd bug with NH turn in of occ products

where the selection screen is normally due to show up, the box is large and blank, sometimes this error will only show up for a few minutes, sometimes it show's up for hours, and re-logging the entire client doesn't help any either, nor does using the transport system to tp around to ware it down help, i wore down zora into the yellow in about 3 or 4 hours time

typical talk:
(give or take 30 minutes, mostly give, since it's a long slow process, and hard on the hands and fingers, being able to give even 5 at a time would make it worth it, i would even welcome a longer wait for the credit, say as long as 3 minutes, and you would be unable to give for that amount of time, or just not get credit for handing them in too fast {much like the system now does, and has from day one, so its a working part to me})

back to serious:
if anyone else is having this problem please say so here, as i would like to see if they can look into this for everyone, i know at least 4 or 5 players that have had issues with this as well, and would like to see just how many ppl have this issue.


Remickla (atys)
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Every time I get the message that Talk is discribing I get the same error message in my log files: 2013/10/15 09:36:11 WRN 938 client_ryzom_rd.exe big_file.cpp 404 NLMISC::CBigFile::getFile : BF: Couldn't load 'gamedev.bnp@release_en.html?shardid=101&name=stiene& ;lang=en&datasetid=543061&ig=1'

#45 [en] 

i'm still waiting for a reply as to if there's ever going to be an option to save me from having to click 245 times to turn in 35 products (7 clicks per product), also would be nice if it didn't take as long as 30 seconds to get credit for turning in a product. (i won't mention the fact that a player can get 324 products in a day with 3 active mastered occupations, doing each level with 100% recipe and basic componets, with improved compontes it's 432 products a day max)

there's honestly no reason i can see not to improve this. and if there's a good reason, i'm all eyes to read it.

also a note to add, i've seen the zora system wore complete down to the point that it take's a very long time to tp with the system, it will tp you, but it will take a long time to do so.

also it's been a year, how about an update to the "fine-tuning" of the system.

Edited 2 times | Last edited by Talkirc (1 decade ago) | Reason: see "edit:"


Remickla (atys)
Other games - they give you a cookie whether you succeed or not, in fact you don't even have to participate. Ryzom takes your cookie, eats it in front of you, and slaps you 2 or 3 times for bringing a cookie in the first place.
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#46 [en] 

so we got the ability to turn in all products at one time, wonderful and greatly enjoyed "update". that was a huge start to making NH even better, and we loved it.

recently however, someone complained that NH was broken (in serious need of products) too often in some lands that slowed the transportation system down. for most of us that's not an issue as we have tp's or just trek. we rely on NH for dappers (non crafters need better income) and a few civ points (with little to spend them on, and even less of that tradeable between toons, there's little use for these at this time.)

they used the excuse "new players shouldn't have to wait to TP with NH". logically 98% of new players have NO CLUE what NH is until one of us teaches them, and while we expalin it all, they quickly see that there's little to gain from the TP's themselves, but the dappers are good vs the poor pay that other missions can provide (remember us non-crafters).

anyway, let's get to the point:

prior to the lastest "update" to NH the ware of the system was effective and still required a little time. however the most recent "update" has turned the process of turning in into another PITA that consumes far to much of my play time to simply hand in 36 products.

i have a proposal that will cure the problem that someone complained about, and another option that someone else gave me in discussion about this issue.

my idea*:

raise the "full" count of the system from 3,000 to 30,000. remove the latest update applied to NH and your done, problem solved.
the system is very likely never going to ware down to 0 (or below) from 30,000, and NH doesn't return to the PITA it was prior to the update allowing turnin of all products at one time.

* adding a single zero is a fix that would take less then 5 minutes to do, and the problem is solved without otherwise changing a thing (other then removing the last "update")

another Option:
another option suggested to me by another player related to the same issue:
change NH so that they are always in need of products.

while this would remove the RP feeling of NH, it would cure all the issues related to this problem. the issue here is that it would require much more work then just adding that "0" i spoke about.

i have a 3rd option but that's a project i'll start working on and testing myself, there's enough work-load for the creator of NH to do without addressing creating a new NPC that will buy occ products.

the bottom line:
NH was nice at the start, improved greatly when the option to turn in was changed, but this latest "update" has reverted NH back to the dispised system it was when turn in was one at a time.

final thought:
change things to make them better also known as "upgrade", don't change them and make them worse also known as "downgrade"



Remickla (atys)
Other games - they give you a cookie whether you succeed or not, in fact you don't even have to participate. Ryzom takes your cookie, eats it in front of you, and slaps you 2 or 3 times for bringing a cookie in the first place.
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system is virtually never in need of products, after this many YEARS i think it's about time to finally fix this system and remove the whole "needs use before you can help" this is the ONLY thing still making NH feel like it's a beta2 release. (the first beta was improved with the ability to turn all in at once, minor bug that allows 36 now vs original 35 resulted in this change), now if we could only turn in once every 23 hours reguardless of if the system is used or not (more often not used then used) we'd have a final product worthy of the greatness ryzom deserves.talk

Last edited by Talkirc (5 years ago)


Remickla (atys)
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#48 [en] 

system is virtually never in need of products, after this many YEARS i think it's about time to finally fix this system and remove the whole "needs use before you can help" this is the ONLY thing still making NH feel like it's a beta2 release. (the first beta was improved with the ability to turn all in at once, minor bug that allows 36 now vs original 35 resulted in this change), now if we could only turn in once every 23 hours reguardless of if the system is used or not (more often not used then used) we'd have a final product worthy of the greatness ryzom deserves.talk

NH should be fix and improved (modernized) next patch.



i hope so... still after all these years i sure hope so.


Remickla (atys)
Other games - they give you a cookie whether you succeed or not, in fact you don't even have to participate. Ryzom takes your cookie, eats it in front of you, and slaps you 2 or 3 times for bringing a cookie in the first place.
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