
#1 [en] 

Lordoy dear Atysians,

As some of you have perhaps heard about it, here they are! The Celebrations in the Lakes will start on December, 15th, from 9:00 pm till December, 17th. ;)

Our team has worked passionately to provide you with activities and trials, which will be proposed to you during these three evenings of festivities.

Here is a short summary of what you might expect and what you should get as activities, knowing that all trials will be done in teams ;)
Summary of the evenings:
1) Search and re-composition: 12/15 – 9:15 pm (CET)
2) Extraction of a special quality: 12/15 – 10:00 pm (CET)
3) Craftsman of Proper Equilibrium: 12/15 – 10:30 pm (CET)
4) Fire, Cold and Kitins: 12/16 – 9:00 pm (CET)
5) Talodi’s Recipe: 12/16 – 9:45 pm (CET)
6) Search and Enigma: 17/12 – 9:00 pm (CET)
7) The Traveller’s Daydream : 17/12 – 10:00 pm (CET)
8) Crafting Special : begins on 12/15 – 9:00 pm and ends on 12/17 – 11:30 pm (CET)

From the first evening on, you’ll be given details on a small crafting trial. Be aware that you can perform it whenever you want during the three days, as long as you give us your resulting item on last evening :D ! Hence you can do it during the day. It is not required from you to have a high level in crafting, but you’ll need to know how to create heavy boots.

Let’s consider the other trials for our party evenings!
For one of the first trial, you’ll have to have room for about twelve jewels. This part will occur in the labyrinth from the “Lune Eternelle” guild (ex-Aniro’s guild – the labyrinth will be popped next to Fairheaven). This trial is from Stcentor.

Later in this first evening, you’ll need a foraging tool which allows you to extract at least q40 materials. This trial is from Luth.

Third trial, “Craftsman of Proper Equilibrium”, is from Ortaven. Feel at peace, despite use of word “craftsman”, no crafting tool will be implied, but we advise you to come well-equipped.

If you need equipment, feel free to contact Kiwalie or Stcentor !

Fifth trial is from Chenli, and hasn’t any title yet :p. You’ll have to discover it with the author.

Sixth trail is from Kaaon, and is called “The Talodi’s Recipe”. Details will be provided by Kaaon at the beginning of the trial.

Seventh trial is a joint creation from Stcentor, Freeze, Krill and Maltord. It is also a growth experience: The Travellers Daydream. You’ll travel on foot and swimming. You’ll have to follow boards which will give you the various steps of your journey. We encourage you, nonetheless, to look very closely at everything that surrounds you, since you’ll have to answer some questions when back to the Celebration Village.

By the end, if pyrotechnists manage to join us, you’ll be given a huge firework…

As usual, all participants will be rewarded, but later after the festivities since we’ll have to prepare your gifts, and titles will be awarded as soon as the animators will get this functionality back.

We hope to see a lot of you, we have done our best for most of the trials to take place outside of Fairheaven, so that everyone can join, even those of you who may be in bad terms with the guards. The Village also is in a neutral area.

We request you, however, to remain courteous and not aggressive during these evenings, be you participant or spectator.
[We would appreciate that you don’t come under tag and, if you cannot resist PvP call, that you fight somewhere else.]
All this out of simple politeness for organisers, animators and players, since we have spent six month preparing for these three evenings that, we hope, you will enjoy.

On these words, I wish you all a lot of fun, and I hope to see you all on Saturday 15th at 9:00 pm (CET), near the slope to kami porter in Fairheaven, and next on 16th and 17th.

Have a nice evening.

Stcentor, organiser, with support of the FDL and Animators.

(Merci a Krill pour sa premier traduction)

#2 [en] 

Lordoy to all Atysiens and Atysiennes

You all have been waiting for and here they are! The festivity of the lakes will start at 9pm, December 15 until the 17 21h French time!?.

Our team have been working with passion to create the events, you will discover during this 3 days week end

Little summary of what is waiting for you and what you will need for the events (knowing those events have to be done for teams)

Here is a short summary of what you might expect and what you should get as activities, knowing that all trials will be done in teams ;)
Summary of the evenings:
1) Search and re-composition: 12/15 – 9:15 pm (CET)
2) Extraction of a special quality: 12/15 – 10:00 pm (CET)
3) Craftsman of Proper Equilibrium: 12/15 – 10:30 pm (CET)
4) Fire, Cold and Kitins: 12/16 – 9:00 pm (CET)
5) Talodi’s Recipe: 12/16 – 9:45 pm (CET)
6) Search and Enigma: 17/12 – 9:00 pm (CET)
7) The Traveller’s Daydream : 17/12 – 10:00 pm (CET)
8) Crafting Special : begins on 12/15 – 9:00 pm and ends on 12/17 – 11:30 pm (CET)

At the start of the first night we will give you the detail of a crafting mission.
(You will be able to this mission during the all 3 days, until you give back the result before the end of the competition) you can do it at all time during the events. It is not necessary to have high level of crafting just heavy boots skill.

Other stage!
For one of the event during the first night you will need to carry 12 jewels. This event will take place at the “Labyrinth of the eternal moon”.
Provide to you by “Stcentor”.

During the second part of the evening, you will need a pickaxe, to find a quality 40 minimum. Provide to you by “Luth”.

Third event: “Crafting of the just balance”.
Provide to you by “Ortaven”.
Not to worry! Even if the name is “Crafting..”, no need of crafting tools, but we advise you to show up armed and ready ;).

Fourth event: “Fire, Cold et Kitins”
Provide to you by “Stcentor”.
Like for the “just balance” event. We advise you to be well geared

If you are in a need of equipment, contact “Kiwalie” or “Stcentor”

The fifth event:
Provide to you by “Charming and deadly Chenli”.
The name of this event will be given to you at that time by Chenli.

Sixth event:”Talodi’s recipe”
Provide to you by “Kaaon”
The details will also be given to you by “Kaaon” at the beginning of the event
(Very secretive those Talodi lol )

The seventh event: “The musing of the traveller”
Provide for you by “Stcentor, “Freeze”, “Krill” and “Malthord”.
This event is a training travel; it will be done by foot and by swimming. You will have information boards to fallow they will give you the next check point to get to. We are advising you to observe your environment, you will have a quiz at the end of you trip.
At the end if our firework masters are able to come, you will have a giant firework.

As usual all the participant will get a price, but a bite after the events we are still working on it, title will also be given to you as soon as we can.

We are hoping to see all of you.
To be able for everybody to participate, we have tried to organize the maximum of the events out of “Fairhaven” for those of you who have a little different with the guards 

The village is also in neutral zone

We are asking all of you to be self control “Courteous and not aggressive” even if you are not participating but just watching the events.
We will prefer not to see you flagged for PVP if you wish to do so! Go fight somewhere else!
For the respect of all the persons who have been preparing this for over six month and the entire participant who will be present.

I wish you a great time during this weekend and I will be at the TP Kami of Fairhaven Saturday the 15 at 9pm French time

Good evening to all of you

(Merci a Tazu pour la seconde traduction :) )

Last edited by Stcentor (1 decade ago)

#3 [en] 

I would like to participate but I ask will you be providing a trek for those homins that don't have lake teleports yet? I am able to go to all the other regions but have not been trek to the lakes. It would be nice if you could arrange something of the sort, not just for me but for others who are in the same position as me. If this isn't possible will you be doing festivities like this one in witherings in the future? It sure sounds interesting and I trully hope that you will. :XD

#4 [en] 

Following the previous station, I foresee an expedition leaving since zora toward FH if of other people of the another one capital will like to come thank you to inform of it to me:)

#5 [en] 

I have to say that I had a great time at this event. You guys did a great job organizing and some of the games you planned where really well thought out and good. My team and I had a great time, we enjoyed ourselves, and that is what we all want, a good time. But we also have some suggestions to help you improve for the next one.

Part of doing these events is learning from them, and the best way to learn is by getting feedback from those who participated. Our consensus was cutos to the planners for including all of the communities in one event. But we have to point out that a lot of the event was lost in the lack of translation. I think that had you reached out to other members of the community to help you serve as translators beforehand it would have been much helpful. My advice is ask in forum for translators, contact GL and other guilds in the community, spread the word that you need translators, and I do not doubt that you will get help.

The use of community channels, one channel for each community, would have made a great difference. I think the entire event was lost in the translation. Creating channels for the event for each community would have helped to maintain an organized event and participants on the same page. Sadly not everyone reads the forums, and for these events sometimes you have last minute players who are just basically new to the game, repeating the rules of an event is important from the start. My team and I were lost for most of it because the chatter in around got so much and in all languages we just couldn't get the information we needed in time. One of the members from your team even changed the rules in during the second event: I'm not even sure if it was a member of the event team for this event. (instead of q37 it was q50 and then it went back to q37?) Nobody from the event team corrected him so it was hard for me to tell if what was said was true or false.

We stayed around for 3 hours; we lasted right up to the RW event. There we got pretty lost in what it was you wanted us to do, and by the time we figured it out and had a team together it was too late for some of us to continue. I think this event was not well thought out because teams must meet the same requirements in order for them to be fair. There were only 3 members in my team from the start, that last event would not have been fair for us, when others had four, five, six members in their teams. Your idea was good, your event was good, but little things needed to be well though out and explained that weren't. There is always room for improvement and I hope that you take my comments as such and not a criticism. I had a great time even if I lost in everything, and you can always make it up to me by getting me a candy cane. I look forward to the next one. :)

Last edited by Ooko (1 decade ago)

#6 [en] 


Thank your for your advices.

I am sorry for the qual 50, it's my culpability i guess because a player showed me a mat qual 50 and i answered him : "It's not 37 ! It's qual 50" and this sentence would have to create a confusion.

Very sorry but i am french and i try to write very quickly to give all the sentences in the good translation. I would have to say : "No, i want qual 37 and not qual 50 !" I learn for the next time because the Pyk'alkan will come back with new horrible digging contests !

#7 [en] 

I did not participate, because my time zone and playing time pretty much exclude such things, but I want to congratulate you on working so hard to make a real "event".  It is this sort of "player activated" game that makes Ryzom unique.

 -- B


Remembering Tyneetryk
Phaedreas Tears - 15 years old and first(*) of true neutral guilds in Atys.
(*) This statement is contested, but we are certainly the longest lasting.
<clowns | me & you | jokers>

#8 [en] 

Hello all world,

Here are the Boots of which you must try to recover the recipe therefore

We indicate you one an important element, the elements for the crafter it finds around Fairhaven and it is only matters of animals.

You have 3 days therefore to try to recreate the returns

Complementary information, you can crafte all the boots of races another one tryker, the important it is to arrive to the same stat

Add us today the 16/12/12 13:33 => 19/12/12 21:00

Indice 1: Matiere utilisé pour les Bottes

Good Luck has all

and has tonight for the continuation of the festivities


Edited 4 times | Last edited by Stcentor (1 decade ago)

#9 [en] 

Here is the Ordering of the 1st soiré

1) research and recomposition

1.Team of Olorin
2.Team of Magisty
3.Team of Erwelyn
4.Team of Mariwa
5.Team of Nementhy
6.Team of Muffin

2) boring of a special quality

1.Team of Bardor
2.Team of Magisty
3.Team of Zono

3) the craftsman of the just Balanced

1.Team of Zono / Team of Erwely / Team of Sorum
2.Team of Muffin / Team of Magisty

So that us puision remetre the shares have all world I will thank the chef for team of us indicate that were with them if he/it pleases you :)
in any case all world will receive something ;)

For the table 1, if a people will have were in the same team that someone that indicates it to me
idem that for the another one ordering :)

I wait therefore for you for the continuation of the festivities of the 21h hour French


#10 [en] 

Luth (atys)

Thank your for your advices.

I am sorry for the qual 50, it's my culpability i guess because a player showed me a mat qual 50 and i answered him : "It's not 37 ! It's qual 50" and this sentence would have to create a confusion.

Very sorry but i am french and i try to write very quickly to give all the sentences in the good translation. I would have to say : "No, i want qual 37 and not qual 50 !" I learn for the next time because the Pyk'alkan will come back with new horrible digging contests !

I understand Luth. Thank you for replying. Good luck with tonight's events.

#11 [en] 

*Talodi Recipce*

In this riddle, you have to find the right recipe for a Talodi's alcohol.
This alcohol is a mix of several well-known alcools.
First, you will have to find which alcools are used.
Then, you should find which quantity is needed for each alcohol.

1. Find alcools.

Each ingredient is used in only one alcohol, you must find which one:
  • honey is used to make alcohol n°1
  • berries are used to make alcohol n°2
  • stinga is used to make alcohol n°3
  • shooki is used to make alcohol n°4
  • ocyx is used to make alcohol n°8

2. Discover proportions.

Talodi's recipe uses twice Tryker's alcohols than Fyros' alcohols. It also uses twice Fyros' alcohols than Matis' alcohols.
How many units of each alcohol is used to prepare the Talodi's recipe if it uses 14 alcohol units?

* 2 Marquisettes d'Anichio
* 2 Ocyx essence
* 2 Shooki Liquors
* 4 Stinga rums
* 4 Avendale Ale/aga goo'dreen

1. Icus
2. Bekyr
3. Virg
4. Sorum
5. Erwelyn

Edited 2 times | Last edited by Kaaon (1 decade ago)

#12 [en] 

OK, I sent in an answer to this, based on the information given, and it was not the one posted.  What was the point to this exercise?  How did one discover the recipe and win?

There are no "alcohols" in game - stinga rum and firewine are mentioned in the loading texts, but that's about it.  There is no honey or berries in game. Obviously some people figured it out, but how???  Was there other information given out at the event?

This is another example of what some previous posters were mentioning.  There wasn't enough information given out to allow a person to know whether or not they would be interested in trying the competition.  I appreciate the idea of player events and the effort that the organizers put in, but without publicity and clear (and well translated) rules and parameters you limit your participants.


Remembering Tyneetryk
Phaedreas Tears - 15 years old and first(*) of true neutral guilds in Atys.
(*) This statement is contested, but we are certainly the longest lasting.
<clowns | me & you | jokers>

#13 [en] 

Hi Bitty,

our team was confused by the alcoholic task, too. But then, it's a riddle. And riddles are supposed to be hard.

Anyhow, the task is already clearly divided into two parts: (a) make sense of these alcoholic ingredients (how do berries relate to alcohol) and (b) do a bit of calculation. Without giving away the solution and the exact way of thinking, here's what we did:

We found the second part the easiest: Take the description of amounts and just calculate exactly how many Tryker, Fyros, and Matis ingredients are required. Then we assigned the ingredients to those three countries and we were done. In reality the latter part was hard for us because e.g. Ocyx appear not just in one country. Honey actually exists in several regions. We were thinking "mission mats" all the time. Finally we switched to think in terms of lore and player stories, searched our memories and old forum posts about Atysian cocktails, and finally got it.

I agree that it would have been easier with a clearer description - and I argued that way during the event - but then again: What would be the value of the Irish riddles, if they were clearly formulated?

Btw, being at events and trying to solve things is much more fun than doing it alone. Time and timezones are a limiting factor, of course. But events are interactive between players and between organizers and participants, and as such there may be the odd unexpected help. In our team we had lots of fun because it seemed unsolvable and then everybody could add a small piece to the puzzle, I suppose. In the end, the perceived level of achievement was higher because of it.

Hope to see you around next time :-)

#14 [en] 

Hi Bitttymacod,

I saw your response only once the event has ended.
I thought you were with everyone else IG during the event when I gave the solution.

French players also had a lot of questions about rules and what it really means.
I tried to choose alcohols from those I found in the Lore and Encyclopatys in all languages as much as I could.

Berries alcohol was meant to be the most difficult to find, but you could give several answers.
That was part of the riddle.

I am sure we will do better next time.

#15 [en] 

Well, I got confused because I thought it was a riddle.  I solved the second part trivially and then noted the No.s on the alcohols and assigned their races based on the ratios.


Remembering Tyneetryk
Phaedreas Tears - 15 years old and first(*) of true neutral guilds in Atys.
(*) This statement is contested, but we are certainly the longest lasting.
<clowns | me & you | jokers>
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