
#1 [en] 

what I'm trying to do:
Select Shortcut Bar 09 (it's for my Digging stuff is all kept...I know, it should be 10)
Run Shortcut 08 (Prospecting Plan)
Target an entity Raw Material Source [Muffin]
Run Shortcut 07 (Extraction Plan)

but it does it so fast that the hasn't finished so can add a new one for macors:
Wait until action has finished (or something like this)

because then I also have one for Fighting which needs it to beable to do sofast as it does...because then that way it just always keeps on attacking it for me so that I do not have to keep pressing ithem all ofor the times)

...reasons for why ofor itis very anit-abuse:
well because you can so very easily just simplify by ofor dying while digging :P

Last edited by Muffin (1 decade ago)

#2 [en] 

Muffin (atys)
what I'm trying to do:
Select Shortcut Bar 09 (it's for my Digging stuff is all kept...I know, it should be 10)
Run Shortcut 08 (Prospecting Plan)
Target an entity Raw Material Source [Muffin]
Run Shortcut 07 (Extraction Plan)

but it does it so fast that the hasn't finished so can add a new one for macors:
Wait until action has finished (or something like this)

because then I also have one for Fighting which needs it to beable to do sofast as it does...because then that way it just always keeps on attacking it for me so that I do not have to keep pressing ithem all ofor the times)

...reasons for why ofor itis very anit-abuse:
well because you can so very easily just simplify by ofor dying while digging :P

Just slip your dig macro into two macros. One to prospect and one to dig. Time won't be added to the macro system because that makes it far to easy to have unattended bots.


Runku'Lam Loi

#3 [en] 

well then what about just one for called it "Wait for Prospecting Action to finish"

Edited 2 times | Last edited by Muffin (1 decade ago)

#4 [en] 

sadly i dont think this will ever happen, even if it is just "wait for prospecting action to finish" it is still possible to make bots like that.... and people will do it, always is someone who will. suffer the few seconds loss muffin :) its better than having bots on atys =]]


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#5 [en] 



Remembering Tyneetryk
Phaedreas Tears - 15 years old and first(*) of true neutral guilds in Atys.
(*) This statement is contested, but we are certainly the longest lasting.
<clowns | me & you | jokers>

#6 [en] 

It is guaranteed that introducing one conditional statement into macros will open the floodgated of demand for others.

Conditional statements potentially allow automatic, or semi-automatic execution of unattended macros and the consequences can be seen in many other MMOs.

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