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lost valley, 3 saves that i saw, going afk now in lost valley, maybe when i get up for work it'll trigger.


Remickla (atys)
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Here comes an update:

There are now three new achievements in the exploration category. The achievements require you to get all teleporter pacts available to your current standting with the higher powers (= neutral, Kami, Karavan).

On top of the category you will notice a drop down box. By default you current standing will be selected. You can select a different alignment to view the achievements related, but only those of your current standing will be active and progress. Changing the alignment on the achievements of course has no impact on your character's alignment.

Please report if there are any teleporters missing, or if any of the neutral teleporters I added to the achievement are not neutral. It is quite a long list and so errors might have ocurred...

Also remember that new achievements will be tracked, once you log in and you character gets saved for the first time. So don't worry if the list shows no initial progress.

PS: (german) falls jemandem ein guter deutscher Name für den Erfolg "Everywhere I go! Oh... wait..." einfällt... bitte melden :)

Last edited by Cotare (1 decade ago)




I think I see one missing for Neutrals, Bounty Beaches Karavan. Other than that, your list checks with my list :)

Also noticed it looks like two didn't update:

Karavan Altar: Savage Dunes - Should be the same as Thesos Karavan?
Karavan Altar: Dunes of Exile - Should be the same as Dyron Karavan?

Last edited by Goofymonkey (1 decade ago)


Should be fixed. Thx! :)




Indeed it is! Thanks much, and have to say, GREAT JOB on all of this!


Hi, the following achievements seem not to be working with me:

That sells - of course (place an item into a merchant's store):
I placed lots of, and sold not too few, but nothing

Getting the paintjob done / The barber will fix it
Did not update til now (I shall wait for a day or so)
Edit:This has been recognized after a few hours

This has worked once in the past. But now, a broken melee
weapon tool and a broken pick are on my mek, at times in
my bag, and nothing happens

I shall go on reporting. Thanks a lot for all corrections so far.

Last edited by Daomei (1 decade ago)


Daomei die Streunerin - religionsneutral, zivilisationsneutral, gildenneutral


that sells has never triggered, and i've put things on sale and been online most of the time it was on sale and it didn't trigger.


Remickla (atys)
Other games - they give you a cookie whether you succeed or not, in fact you don't even have to participate. Ryzom takes your cookie, eats it in front of you, and slaps you 2 or 3 times for bringing a cookie in the first place.
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Thx for the reports :)

"That sells - of course!" has been fixed and should work now.

"Getting the paintjob done" / "The barber will fix it":
Did you stay online while waiting? Achievements are only tracked while a character is in online state. I'm just curious since I see no reason for the achievement not to work.

I'm investigating....




yes I was online all time after visiting the barber and tattooist. Even after 3 saves nothing happened, but when I checked again after some 1 or 2 hrs, it had updated. So seems to work fine, but bit delayed.


Daomei die Streunerin - religionsneutral, zivilisationsneutral, gildenneutral


Here comes an update:

The new "Fame" category is open! Happy testing :)

Fame achievements differ for each combination of racial and cult allegiance. Achievements tied to your current standing are always active, though you can select to view achievements tied to other combinations. If you have any questions please ask :)

Also, if you find bug or so, please report... it would be a miracle if all that worked without an error ^^

Yours Cotare




"Tooltime" should be fixed.

"Getting the paintjob done" / "The barber will fix it":
It looks like the achievements work perfectly. There must have been some delay due to high server load on sunday...




I can confirm Daomei changed her haircut ;-)

Seriously, I don't have a bug here, but some thoughts on the points. The new fame achievements are a logical extension of the system, thanks for the hard work to implement this.

- Is it on purpose that players can switch Faction/Civilization settings on the achievement web pages? Is it not possible for the system to get that information automatically from the game?

- Since we _are_ able to select manually, I've played around with the selections a bit. There's a different number of tribes depending e.g. on the civilization alignment. While that may correctly reflect the possibilities for a character it also means that homins can achieve a different number of yubo points depending on their alignment. Now this is a hard-to-implement request: Would it be possible to balance the yubo point numbers in a way that a homin can always achieve the same maximum number of yubo points irrespective of any alignments? Would this be desirable anyway?

- Another topic on balancing: Lots of achievements are triggered either by fame or by skill. It seems most achievements yield 10 or 15 points. I must admit I haven't done detailed calculations, but I feel that with grinding tribe fame a lot more yubo points can be collected than with exploring the countryside. I am undecided if that would be a good or bad thing. Just curious: Do you have an eye on balancing achievable yubo points for different play styles? Would it make sense to have a greater variety on points? One example could be to increase the luck based points for the rare occasion of winning the lottery prices. But then, others probably complain about luck playing too big a part in these points.

Cotare, I really like and appreciate your work!


maxing fame takes waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay more time than completing exploration =)

2 bugs :
Get a item q300 : max q is 290, and linked to event mob, so far none has been poped since merge, si this achievement can't be complete

Playtime achievement has no description in french



The "Doubtfully Undecided" asks for 100 in both kami and karavan fame, which is currently impossible, as the max for undeclared is 50. Is this a bug, or does it want you to declare for one side, get to 100, then declare for the other and max it all the way back?



Irfidel: the points are collective, once something has been triggered (realted to fame, and i could be wrong but i believe this is correct) it will stay triggered regardless of changes in fame. the progress you have made is what the points are given for, it's possible over time to get all yobo points. the points you get for say karavan fame will still be yours if you were to change over to kami, so the points collect regardless of current standing, it reflects your progress over all.

Byrana, same answer to you, it would require that you did both higher powers to the max, first one then the other, you don't have to do both at one time, but do have to do one all the way and then the other.

timna, i wish i could help you but on that i don't have any information i can share.

Cotare, thanks for making more points to get, this makes me smile, i'm out for a "high score" so the more points total i can get the better. keep up the awesome work.


Remickla (atys)
Other games - they give you a cookie whether you succeed or not, in fact you don't even have to participate. Ryzom takes your cookie, eats it in front of you, and slaps you 2 or 3 times for bringing a cookie in the first place.
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