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Not if you are wearing clothes Freddy!
Boots allowed tho :p

Last edited by Binarabi (1 decade ago)


This idea of "I'm offended". Well I've got news for you. I'm offended by a lot of things too. Where do I send my list? Life is offensive. You know what I mean? Just get in touch with your outer adult. (Bill Hicks)


I have a question, under Achievements/General/Whohaa, it has a goal of achieving a q290 item. I have a q300 goo residue, does that count?


Naema (atys)
I have a question, under Achievements/General/Whohaa, it has a goal of achieving a q290 item. I have a q300 goo residue, does that count?

I don't know that item. What is it and where does it come from?




It is gained in your inventory when you click on the Goo in the corrupted ranger camp in almati's kitin lair : then you appear in Darkmoor.
Access is restricted to event with rangers.


Fey-Lin Liang


Hmmm... actually that wasn't the way of getting the achievement I thought of....

An other question... what other q290+ items are there ingame? I thought there were crafting mats with that quality?




Yes, what Feylin said... but does that mean it does not include this item on achievements? And Cotare, i was encouraged to ask you about it by a CSR, since you were working on the achievements, lol.


I changed the objective to "Obtain an item of quality 290 or more". So it should trigger with the q300 residue now (hopefully).




Well, encouraging homins to grab pure Goo sample is not a good thing, shame on you Cotare


Fey-Lin Liang



I'd suggest using gloves :)




wow it worked! Thanks Cotare :D. Besides... my apt is already infected hehehe


Cotare (atys)
I changed the objective to "Obtain an item of quality 290 or more". So it should trigger with the q300 residue now (hopefully).

Seems like, now, it triggers with everything above 290... including sap cristals...


Peu importe que la chope soit à moitié vide ou à moitié pleine, tant qu'on a le tonneau.


Woha! Thx for the info. That was not intended at all.

I changed it to the following now:
* Quality has the be >= 290 and <= 300
* Item must not be of type "item_sap_recharge"

I hope that fixes it.

Yours Cotare




wait i thought that there was nothing in game over Q250 unless it was tied to an event. looks like there's a few yobo points i'll more then likely never get now, but that's ok, i think i'll shift away from yobo points and work on something else now, i really did love the endevor of getting all the yobo points, but it seams that at this point my knowledge and level's (close to master in more then one skill) will not be enough, and since i'm not a "ranger" i guess getting a trigger for the Q290+ will never happen, unless someone wants to pass an item of that level to me for a save that is.

i do love the yobo points thing and i'll keep working at them for years (takes years to get all skills to 250) so maybe in that time on the big tree, i'll be able to find the very lucky few that have some of these things i've never hurd of untill just today.

keep up the awesome work cotare, i really enjoy what i'm getting and seeing, and sure if there's a few that i can't get, no big loss i guess becasue other then braggin rights i can't use the yobo points for anything else.


Remickla (atys)
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There are several looted mats that are over 250 by a small amount, and mats from Valconarich (or whatever his name is) a goo-infested gibbai boss are q290.


Remembering Tyneetryk
Phaedreas Tears - 15 years old and first(*) of true neutral guilds in Atys.
(*) This statement is contested, but we are certainly the longest lasting.
<clowns | me & you | jokers>


Valcorenoch was the name of the beast ;) and yes, he was 290, stubbornly resisting our spells ... (not that it did help him in the end). The 290 loot was the soul key (or how else "Seelenschlüssel" spelled in other languages)

Edit: Report about a fight against Valcorenoch (German)

Edited 2 times | Last edited by Daomei (1 decade ago)


Daomei die Streunerin - religionsneutral, zivilisationsneutral, gildenneutral
Last visit Friday, 18 October 08:29:24 UTC

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