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As there's so much activity right now in fixing polygons, I felt invigorated to complete Dunes of Exile.

Everything triggered fine, but Dyron Hill. Had 5 save spots in the sw, the s, the se, in the ne (on the Arana hill), even in the corner on the nw (between Mighty Kipuckas, the lone nettled Kipucka and the Varinx), and of course on right in the middle.

Don't know if it's of any help: My character is right now logged out near the south end of where the game tells me the border lies. It will remain logged out all of this Saturday.

Thanks for the support!


As for the Silan event option, I don't know how the coding part would work or how easy it would be but from a storyline perspective could we assume a "Terminator" like transport ("I'll be bahhk") whereby ya get sent back with no armor, weapons and empty bag .... or whereby no trading is possible.




All polygons that are used to track your position have been replaced now. They are 100% the same as those used by the game itself, so there should be no problems with exploration achievements any more. Please stay a few meters inside a place though and don't stand directly at the edge since I am rounding your position down to prevent floating point calculations (which are an issue to server load).

I hope the problem is solved now and you get that achievement as soon as you log back in and get saved once.

Well, it would be an option, but I doubt we have the manpower to do all that. It would involve much coding.

yours Cotare

PS: I'm working on account bound achievements, outpost explorations achievements and a few other things now.




Yeah I was hoping it wud be akin to the no trade thing on the reckless npc armor and the picks ya buy w/ fame points and be easy .... was afrid that wud nix it.,



Sir Cotare: And sure it does - even right on the edge. Thanks for the quick fix again!

"Stablemaster" *chuckle* That's a good one, too ;-)


Wonderful :)

And now, here come the updates:

Player vs. Player:
  • There is a new subcategory called "Outposts" that requires you to visit all PvP outposts.

  • Verdant Heights now has an achievement for exploring the marauder city
  • There is a new subcategory called "Outposts" that requires you to visit all non PvP outposts (=ruins).
  • There is a new subcategory called "Old Lands". There are two new achievements for Almati Wood and Kitin's Lair. Also Silan achievements have been moved into this category.

  • New achievement "Stablemaster" that wants you to put a Mektoub into one/all stables on Atys

Heroic Deeds:
  • There is a new heroic deed. I won't tell you what it exactly is about, but it involves Mektoubs.

Fame/Heroic Deeds
  • "I am Legend" (Reach maximum fame with all tribes of Atys) has been moved to Heroic Deeds an will no longer be worth any Yubopoints

Now get out there and achieve something!

Yours Cotare

PS: You are still reading that post?! Get back into the game and make things happen!

Last edited by Cotare (1 decade ago)




Dragon's Spine Stronghold is broken.


Disclaimer: Any resemblance between the characters in this post/thread and any homins, living or dead, is a miracle.* The characters in this post/thread are fictitious. Any homin resembling them is better off dead**
*You Nazty Spy
**I'll Never Heil Again


Should be fixed




"Stablemaster" now requires Packers and won't work with Mounts any longer. Had to change that, because Mounts are too cheap and people were buy->stable->releaseing them.




mounts might be cheep and that might be the case for some, but by only using packers your not allowing any f2p's to complete this achievement. and nice just a little hint as to what the one for mek's is? not fair, there should be a spoiler thread somewhere for all the achievements, because that's what i play the game for, and if i think i've got them all, well then i've beat the game, so a "secret" might be good, but a spoiler post couldn't hurt somewhere else on the forum.... please. or an ingame mail with a nice healthy list would work too.


Remickla (atys)
Other games - they give you a cookie whether you succeed or not, in fact you don't even have to participate. Ryzom takes your cookie, eats it in front of you, and slaps you 2 or 3 times for bringing a cookie in the first place.
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Desert - Can confirm all desert ones work (All on 1st save too)
Jungle - Can confirm all jungle ones work (incl. Underway Arch Stronghold and Gu Qin)
Lakes - Can confirm all lakes ones work (all on 1st save)
Forest - Can confirm all forest ones work (all on 1st save)
Abys of Ichor -Can confirm all abyss ones work (all on 1st save)
Underspring - Can confirm all US ones work (all on 1st save)
Lands of Umbra -Can confirm all LoU ones work (all on 1st save)
Wastelands -Can confirm all Wastelands ones work (all on 1st save)
Nexus -Can confirm all nexus ones work (all on 1st save)

Also, all but the 2 northernmost "groves" (High, West, East) in GoC can be done solo w/ o armor or jools

Edited 8 times | Last edited by Fyrosfreddy (1 decade ago)



"Underway Arch Stronghold" fixed!

Talkirc (atys)
mounts might be cheep and that might be the case for some, but by only using packers your not allowing any f2p's to complete this achievement. and nice just a little hint as to what the one for mek's is? not fair, there should be a spoiler thread somewhere for all the achievements, because that's what i play the game for, and if i think i've got them all, well then i've beat the game, so a "secret" might be good, but a spoiler post couldn't hurt somewhere else on the forum.... please. or an ingame mail with a nice healthy list would work too.

I am aware, that the Packer-only restriction prevents all F2P players from doing that achievement. But there are already many other achievements that are only doable with subbed accounts. That includes all Skill achievements above a certain level. Also it might be quite hard to do all the exploration (unless you get trecked everywhere) without high level skills to defend yourself. Support the game and please subscribe if you want to do everything :)

Still wondering what the new Heroic Deed is that includes mektoubs? I really can't tell you since I don't want to be responsible for Packer mass-murder.

I'll think about releasing a list of Heroic Deeds... maybe. But the game is not all about achievements, you know? ^^

Yours Cotare

Last edited by Cotare (1 decade ago)




Cotare (atys)
Support the game and please subscribe if you want to do everything :)


Last edited by Mestro (1 decade ago)


Cotare (atys)

Still wondering what the new Heroic Deed is that includes mektoubs? I really can't tell you since I don't want to be responsible for Packer mass-murder.

If anyone needs a packer put down, let me know.


Disclaimer: Any resemblance between the characters in this post/thread and any homins, living or dead, is a miracle.* The characters in this post/thread are fictitious. Any homin resembling them is better off dead**
*You Nazty Spy
**I'll Never Heil Again


thanks for the hint... and as for subbing, i've got two sub toons, i'm just thinking of f2p's as well, but it's kool, i'm in full support of the game, which is why i have 2 sub'ed toons.

and that's very true about the achievements not being the whole game, but i'm always after a "high score" in every game i play, and i love ryzom for it's depth and challenge, which is probably why i play it almost 100% exclusively now.

Last edited by Talkirc (1 decade ago)


Remickla (atys)
Other games - they give you a cookie whether you succeed or not, in fact you don't even have to participate. Ryzom takes your cookie, eats it in front of you, and slaps you 2 or 3 times for bringing a cookie in the first place.
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