
#17 [en] 

i've been playing for close to two years, i still don't have everything to 50 (ranged fight is under 50 (isn't everyone's for the longest time?) at say a 20 cap in everything, you can get that in silan, there are no occ's in silan, so IF a player did all of silan, occ's would be open to them on the ml when they get here, but again, it's a game, let a small few "cheat" if they want, it doesn't really hurt game play at all to let them, i can't see the lvl 1 noob toons that can be thrown away hurting us at what they're doing. let them do what they need to do, or maybe like i said, dev's can find more ways to grind decent dappers, when they make more ways to get good dappers with missions (good dappers means in the 10,000 range per mission, with little or no cooldown, let those that want dapps have them, remember it's a game, not a real life job, it should be fun, but the econ has hurt ppl playin because they can't make dappers to waste, regardless of lvl, high or low.


Remickla (atys)
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#18 [en] 

My view on this and Talkirc touched on it slightly:

How do these lvl 1 toons HURT my game play? They don't. As they don't hurt my game play, I don't care whether they are there or not. From an RP stand point, they actually add to the atmosphere of the society filling the role of vagarant. ;)


Runku'Lam Loi

#19 [en] 

Runkulam (atys)
My view on this and Talkirc touched on it slightly:

How do these lvl 1 toons HURT my game play? They don't. As they don't hurt my game play, I don't care whether they are there or not. From an RP stand point, they actually add to the atmosphere of the society filling the role of vagarant. ;)

i like that angle runkulam, very true indeed, and show me anyplace in real life that when something's being offered at a great deal that people DON'T come out of the dark to jump on it and then i MIGHT care about everyone doing it (not really because as long as i get a slice of pie too i don't care if they get two).

i have an idea: don't complain because of lvl 1 toons helping grind for dappers on just a very few missions, complain to GM about the HUGE LACK OF GOOD PAYING LOW LEVEL MISSIONS and then you won't have a problem, because they might get the hint and stop trying to treat the in game econ like it would collapse if it was a little quicker and eaiser to get a fortune.


Remickla (atys)
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#20 [en] 

Tax would solve for the economy :P

#21 [en] 

First off, I'd propose the city welcomer to include the easy occupation master in that city as a target for visiting, and to explain how the occupation products help the player. I often times felt the welcomer doesn't really show you everything you can see/do in the city, which is a shame (and subject for another thread).

On-topic: if the alts problem indeed requires a fix (I'm not knowledgeable to assess this), then I would propose a mixed conditioning: either the player has level 51 in either fight or magic (any one branch), or 35 in both melee AND ranged (or 35 in offensive magic AND defensive magic).

Achieving level 51 in anything is piece of cake once you reach ML, maybe in one or two hours' training; even faster with q50 cats (which you get from the city welcomer missions). Alternatively, for the curious player, there's a small chance it would get them to try ranged (which seems complicated at first, and many disregard until much later) or healing (which some don't bother with, as it's not much needed in Silan, or outside a team for that matter).

Either way, it would encourage the player to explore without requiring grind, and as a side-effect it would sufficiently deter the creation of alts due to the time requirements. Sure, it would only reduce the cost effectiveness of creating alts, but there will always be that player determined to sink time in order to boost themselves.


#22 [en] 

I was a Healer in Silan before anything else :P

#23 [en] 

still people saying there's too much farming for the dappers, i still say that keeps showing GM there's not enought high paying low lvl missions, i just want a way to make good dappers, i could care less about the fame or civ points it "could" give, make a mission that ONLY give's dappers, no fame, no civ points, just dappers, and i bet there would be a line of people ready to do that mission, i think it's more about dappers then civ points or fame rewards. how about it everyone, what's the word, post ur thoughts related to my post here.


Remickla (atys)
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