
#1 [en] 

As the basic occupations won more significance recently, one can observe again carelessly named player characters in refugee starters' clothing crowding the occupation workbenches, presumably in order to leech special products and to circumvent production cooldowns.

To limit such in my opinion misusive gameplay, I suggest to put a skill minimum on basic occupations. Level 25 or 30 in magic or combat should suffice. This does not prevent new players from obtaining occupations, if they have done all Silan missions including the Chiang mission (The greatest sin) where lvl 30 is required to combat the kirosta.

And such limit would make sense, as any occupation done seriously requires some competence in magic or combat, better both. Without, even grade 1 in water carrier or magnetic cartographer to name two of the easier would be hard to survive.

This would render impossible just to drop a lvl 1 from Silan to leech products or do production with others' certs without any game experience. This possibility is nothing but a loophole for misuse and should be closed down.

#2 [en] 

Imo the one day cooldown on occupation production (and other aspects of the occupations) is poor game design and should be redone completely.

Last edited by Kaavi (1 decade ago)


Ryzom LFG

#3 [en] 

truthfully most new players will not be drawn to occupations as they are right now. you CAN perhaps find one of those npcs by chance and MAYBE be interested to do it but I have met no newbie who cares for it, even if there are some rewards now for occupation items from new horizons, I get along quite fine without them.

the harder occupations are useful sure, to uber high level players and crafters particularly but that is not the majority. or. perhaps i am wrong about, maybe atys is majority-older-high-level

a newer player who enjoys melee combat can benefit from cartographer hp/stamina boost items but let's face it, i have to somehow find that npc in the back of zora and be interested enough to do it?

I am just saying as someone who, like may of you, has played many mmo's the reward to effort ratio doesn't compare, you really can just manage your credits well and never need these items especially if you have a friend or two.

the cooldown has a use, sure, but it is a deterrent for me to even try them

i am sure there are many who can reply here and be all pro-occupations and say how under rated they are and how great they are if you just try them - i am inclined to believe them but, i have little to no reason to really give them a fair chance, it's on my "to do later" list when i have "nothing else i want to do" the last resort, if you will


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#4 [en] 

One may argue the 20hrs cooldown on production, though I do not see that it really hinders to produce. Every account has 5 slots, and it is possible and legitimate to let all chars learn occupations and produce. The limitation then would be gaining enough certs anyway.

But that is quite a different topic. The proposal was about stopping cheating with lvl 1 characters. And the main objects of such cheating are special items rather than products. And I fail to see that the 47.75hrs cooldown on receiving items/taking/giving up occupation is irreasonable. I would like it to be converted into a 44hrs cooldown, though, as that would better synchronize with production cooldown.


Daomei die Streunerin - religionsneutral, zivilisationsneutral, gildenneutral

#5 [en] 

Back on topic then, if i understand correctly, you can get a level one toon to harvest the items new horizons wants , such as maps and water, because the only requirement is time and not a level cap?

this would suggest that the lower level occupations are so easy that you could be level 1 and not get killed doing it- if this is true the time limit is not any stoppage to alt-harvesting and a skill cap does make some sense

as for my time limit argument, in the time it takes for the cooldown to come back around i have already lost interest or found something else to do, some people are that way, i am not saying it is unreasonable just a bit offputting. i am one of those people who does like repetitive things, such as digging :P

this said, i would be one of those people who wants to just grind it all day instead of having to wait, if i have to wait i rather go train something else... and then i dont really care to go back to the task again in a day.


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#6 [en] 

It seems that you have not understood the problem. Some occs give special items. And everybody can do the occ grade 1 at the master if provided with certs. Certs are tradable (and should be). lvl 1 throway chars may circumvent especially special item limitations, and if provided with certs, production limitation, too.


Daomei die Streunerin - religionsneutral, zivilisationsneutral, gildenneutral

#7 [en] 

aw you'll hurt my feelings, indeed it does look as though i did not have "any understanding of the problem" way to be blunt :P anyway i did not know that those were tradable, that does explain the problem thanks :o

(shakes head)


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#8 [en] 

How would a lvl cap solve that problem? If the lvl cap is reasonably set, say between 10 and 50, it just doesn't take much effort to lvl up a twink to that threshold. It's a one time effort. Once you're at that lvl you can use that twink endlessly for the occupations.

It's hard to fix loopholes _without_ annoying players behaving as intended. I'm strongly opposed to any annoyances if they don't really help to mitigate the root cause. The cooldown is way too long already. If it would be 6-10 hours, it's still enough of a limit without affecting weekend play too much. And as we can see from this thread, the cooldown only really affects players behaving as intended.

#9 [en] 

far from lvl 1 here, but the cool down is kinda long, i would be ok with 4 or 6 hours, but 20 hours, it makes me wonder if all the running around i've done and such is worth it, i have enough stuff to do the mission 10 times, but can only do it once every 20 hours, sure i can grind other stuff while i wait, but still having to wait almost a full day makes me not want to do it as often becasue it will take even longer to get up a lvl, shorter cool down would be nice, but i'll do them either way, just less often becasue i'll be more likely to forget when it's time to go do it again.


Remickla (atys)
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#10 [en] 

I say make the cooldowns more like between 5m-150m

and for the levelling...
level 1 require level 50 *all* skills, lol (unabusive)
level 2 needs 60
level 3 needs 70
level 4 needs 80
level 5 needs 90
level 6 needs 100

when we first did them for the first time we didn't even know! was like okay lets do these missions that are repetetive and neverending (they should have to end and not be so easy for abuse like that...nm) and so we collected somany things and tehn made certificates and then went to the table and was so DePressed and Dissappointing when we couldn't do any of them again for anymore because of that very stupid cooldown (it is quite rediculous if you ask me) and so we didn't even haven't gone back ithem - and I just destroyed all of the mats I had left as I had run out of bulk in for my bag and then didn't realise/notice that they didn't even make a difference, lol

...all of that hard work for nothing - would've been somuch better if I had of gone of digging ofor some crafting mats instead

#11 [en] 

cool down is good muffin, skills on the other hand, let's not go to 50 in all, maybe 20, as one could reach that in silan if they did everything, making it build on where they would be getting here at, but really is there really that much of a big deal to it? if there were more ways to get dappers in these amounts more often there would be alot less people trying to do it, there would be more ways to get the same amount of dappers with an equal amount of time invested, remember it is a game.


Remickla (atys)
Other games - they give you a cookie whether you succeed or not, in fact you don't even have to participate. Ryzom takes your cookie, eats it in front of you, and slaps you 2 or 3 times for bringing a cookie in the first place.
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#12 [en] 

Muffin (atys)
I say make the cooldowns more like between 5m-150m

and for the levelling...
level 1 require level 50 *all* skills, lol (unabusive)
level 2 needs 60
level 3 needs 70
level 4 needs 80
level 5 needs 90
level 6 needs 100

LoL -- That would mean that I would not be able to do the occupations. Bittty has been playing for four + years and still doesn't have all skills to 50+, much less 100+.

The Basic Occupations were introduced as something else for newbs to do and for oldbs to find to interest them.  The long cooldown was designed to make it so that the generation of those same products was limited. 

I think that the current change of linking them to dapper production was a mistake, not just because of the potential for exploitation that has been noticed, but because it takes the useful products off the market.


Remembering Tyneetryk
Phaedreas Tears - 15 years old and first(*) of true neutral guilds in Atys.
(*) This statement is contested, but we are certainly the longest lasting.
<clowns | me & you | jokers>

#13 [en] 

but to me level 20 sounds so easy for any of ithem, and level 50 ensures that they have actually played the game (and as Eruv has said - it is not such that it is easy for any of ithem to find at the back of the game) ...and up also that they are for now in the Mainlands and so then there are cats form all of ithem Welcomers (which can makes it for it so much quicker/easier/faster todo for them)

and I'm so sure that it wouldn't take for you very long to reach level 50 in everything being as you are such a higher level players - and then it is only for a next 10 level...or even make it just 5 (so 50, 55, 60, 65, 70, 75)

Last edited by Muffin (1 decade ago)

#14 [en] 

Muffin -- I think you miss the aspect of choice. Suppose I *choose* to do Scrollmaker. (Advanced Occupation, requires high levels to get the raw materials.)  What you are proposing is that I *must* level my Range crafting and Range melee to 50 or 75 or 100 in order to do this.  That I *must* level all of my different crafts to relatively high levels.

I'd rather deal with the cheaters.


Remembering Tyneetryk
Phaedreas Tears - 15 years old and first(*) of true neutral guilds in Atys.
(*) This statement is contested, but we are certainly the longest lasting.
<clowns | me & you | jokers>

#15 [en] 

well how about just all to level 50 then? ...for the first level

and then for the rest just has to be for atleast one (and could be depending ofor each Occupations)

Last edited by Muffin (1 decade ago)

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