
#1 Report | Quote[en] 

Hello, Deles Silam, Kamia'ata, Lordoy, oren pyr,

First we would like to thank the volunteer translators who responded to our call. Thanks to them, we will be able to have better and more complete Spanish and Russian translations.
Now we are still looking for French -> English and French -> German translators. If you are interested in helping out, please do not hesitate to send an e-mail to

Developer News

Server Patch

A server patch is scheduled for November 27th, 2012. The server will be down from 08:00 GMT to 09:00 GMT in order to implement the following additions and fixes:

  • New gameplay in secondary cities:
    • Adding guild halls and NPC caretakers.
    • Adding apartments and NPC caretakers.
    • Transfer of guild halls and apartments already owned in a capital city, to a town of your choice in the same nation.
    • All raw materials and item vendors will now sell up to q200.

  • New gameplay in capitals:
    • All raw materials and item vendors will now sell up to q290.

  • Adding bricks to make outpost tools superior to q50.

  • Fixed outpost drills.

  • Fixed league bug.

  • Fixed missions bugs: NPCs will no longer take any of your equipped items.

  • Fixed incorrect color of character names.

Upcoming additions

The next additions the devs will work on, in order:

  • Marauder gameplay;
  • Fame titles and events;
  • RP Tags;
  • Apartment items.

Fixed Bugs

  • All tattoos are back.
  • Fixed the prices of some teleporter packs.

Event Team news


  • Here is the list of winners of the Anlor Winn pumpkin hunt: Klayton, Brainmage, Cyrillis, Alassea, Tendrili, Ninofer, Joabu, Myeomye, Katla, Virila, Feylin, Trixibell, Jagweya, Sharleen, Amalia, Bailei, Elhora, Magisty, Aylina, Ayara, Ciliana, Bonny, Tritonium, Paige, Selkie, Pemalin, Muffin, Shayma, Valandrine, Razaya, Evanok, Awendelle, Xania, Lunamoon, Altamira, Ralolojor, Milandora, Stiara, Krill, Irfidel, Kelda, Studdmuffin, Kaehla, Ramunra.
  • Each winner will receive a title valid for one year and a prize of their choice (a pumpkin for their apartment or a teddy yubo). Titles and prizes will be given out by the events team as soon as the necessary tools are operational again.

Reconquest of the New Lands

  • The reconquest of the New Lands seems to be progressing well, but beware! The kitins have not given up... Follow the schedule and forums for more information.

The Ryzom Team wishes you a good game on Atys and hope to see you soon!

The Ryzom Team

Last edited by Tamarea (1 decade ago)


Ryzom Team Manager
(FR / EN / ES)

#2 Report | Quote[en] 

Wow, good news!!! keep up the good work.

And awesome pumpkin price *makes happy dance*

#3 Report | Quote[en] 

What I am not 100% clear on: Can we keep our apartments/guild halls in the capitals, or do they have to be moved to one of the other towns?

#4 Report | Quote[en] 

Dominikus (atys)
What I am not 100% clear on: Can we keep our apartments/guild halls in the capitals, or do they have to be moved to one of the other towns?


You can keep them in the capitals.



Ryzom Team Manager
(FR / EN / ES)

#5 Report | Quote[en] 

good news i like it ... but what is miss is... when are u fixing the economy system??? :PPP


Lexius Shiras -Atys Sexiest Zorai-
Born: 10th April 2005

Zorai for Life
GoJ for Life
Atys for Life
Ryzom for Life

someone told me a day : Let the past be the past and never look back...except there is a kitin behind ya ^^

#6 Report | Quote[en] 

What about the missing statistics rewards from encyclopedia rites?
I have redone a focus rite but didn't got the stat bonus. Tho, all rewards non-stats related are all working for me after merge.

But, most important:
What about all the broken mats in PR?
Is it possible that sup mats are all depleted after 5 seconds of a new season?

Are you going to give us non-ganking lovers some attention? Or marauders and their crap gameplay with non-sense pvp against diggers is better for you?

Improve Outposts, give people that love organized pvp with a meaning something so to continue to love the game.

Or give us sup mats in wasteland and under spring that work so we can ignore the childish gankers in Umbra.

Fix the sup mats, please.


What about the keys to switch handbars? This is important, not a minor bug.

Last edited by Gilgameesh (1 decade ago)


Legion of Atys

#7 Report | Quote[en] 

+1 Gilgameesh ( I would also like to see an occasional supreme popped above ground to, maybe in a hard to reach area, or something)

#8 Report | Quote[en] 

Can't see not having may apartment more than a block away from GH. Will we be able to move apartments too ?


#9 Report | Quote[en] 

Fyrosfreddy (atys)
Can't see not having may apartment more than a block away from GH. Will we be able to move apartments too ?

It's clearly stated freddy. you will do.


Legion of Atys

#10 Report | Quote[en] 

(Looks splendid indeed :)
I too am looking forward to have the quick switch of the handbar sorted.
Was there not also mentioned that those whom participated in the event with a tale was to gain a new title for a year? Or perhaps I misinterpreted that?)


Remember, have fun!

#11 Report | Quote[en] 

What does this mean?
New gameplay in capitals:
All raw materials and item vendors will now sell up to q290.

Why should we need q290 materials if we only can dig and craft up to q250?

And i must agree Fredy: What about the keys to switch handbars? They are very important!

Greetings Gazeto

#12 Report | Quote[en] 

I know that we have q270 boss mats that the vendor needs the option to be able to sell but is there a boss that has q290 mats?



#13 Report | Quote[en] 

Neva (atys)
I know that we have q270 boss mats that the vendor needs the option to be able to sell but is there a boss that has q290 mats?

Yes, event goo bosses have q290 mats.


Ryzom Team Manager
(FR / EN / ES)

#14 Report | Quote[en] 

y'all should probably take any estimated server down time, and multiply it by 3 or 5...

#15 Report | Quote[en] 

Jetal (atys)
y'all should probably take any estimated server down time, and multiply it by 3 or 5...

It will be weeks.


Disclaimer: Any resemblance between the characters in this post/thread and any homins, living or dead, is a miracle.* The characters in this post/thread are fictitious. Any homin resembling them is better off dead**
*You Nazty Spy
**I'll Never Heil Again
Last visit Saturday, 28 September 23:31:16 UTC

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