
#1 [en] 

When you choose to align, could it be possible to receive a book to keep the teleporter tickets in? And when you then arrive at a location, you could be greeted and asked if you wanna rebuy it. Thanks :)



#2 [en] 

The teleport ticket book might be nice for organisation, assuming it acted as a separate tab on the inventory window. I'm assuming this wouldn't be any sort of bag of holding - the TP tickets would still take up the minuscule amount of bulk and weight they currently do.
But being nagged to buy another TP ticket every time you TP to a location? No thanks. I prefer the method I've heard many people use - either keep an extra ticket a packer just in case they forget, or make sure to keep 3-4 of each ticket in the inventory.

#3 [en] 

the book itself should have to be in the Bag (and being completely optional because of it's bulks) and can have an option to auto-acquire a new TP if we can have enough Dappers and we can just right click on it in the Bag to show us a new Window which displays all of our TPs in an very organised matter and also the TPs that we do not have yet (I think that there was an issue with it being in the Inventry Tab)

we can buy the TP books from any TP NPC and there can be different ones for both Kami and Karavan

maybe even just like this:
10k Dappers for a Country-wide Book (1 bulk each)
100k Dappers for a Atys-wide Book (2 bulk each)
1m Dappers for a Atys-wide Book (2 bulk each) and comes with one of each different TPs for that Factions

Edited 3 times | Last edited by Muffin (1 decade ago)

#4 [en] 

I'm against the 1m option but the others sound good to me - still I never really had trouble remembering to buy a pact after using one... I've never really had pact stacks (except for those from the kitin lair)

But Id' change it from region vs atys to different amount of general slots
like 10 slots in the small version and 20 in the big one

And the grouping would depend on you "knowledge" of Atys
If you have knowledge of a specific region (like Witherings) the pacts will be both in the witherings category and have additional notes on them (directly visible) with a sorting option.
Otherwise they are just placed in the same way as now (depending on the climate: forest, desert, jungle, lakes and roots)

Regarding the additional notes, it could be:
- That it's a city
- That it's a region of type (level) 50, 100, 150, ...
- The full name of the region (not new)
- The power that is responsible for the pact (not new)
- The tribes in the region
- Personal notes on the region
- Something else that didn't come in mind right now

In addition to that I'd restrict the slots to the same kind of pact as the first one placed in them (if knowledge was gained) - like: you scribbled on the pocket for the pact so you can no longer put an other pact into the pocket.


#5 [en] 

nice idea, could be nice to keep order in a full bag (slots wise that is)


Remickla (atys)
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