
#1 [en] 

Came back to Ryzom after a 2 months absence and one thing I have been noticing on Silan is a bit of a confusion over who speak what language, especially in those impromtu meetings of fighting the common enemy in the Ruins of Silan (i.e. javings). Hence I am wondering - would it be a good idea to add to the name of the character a short note of what language they are proficient in. For example, player called 'Almightyhomin' that speaks English and German in-game would be shown as:

Almightyhomin [Eng, Ger]

So next time I see a Spanish speaking player in need of help I would just help them and try not to ask them their life story:)

Don't know the technical aspect of it, but I think it would help communication at the very least.

#2 [en] 

If nothing else players could add this to their profile so when you view a persons profile you would see what languages they speak.

#3 [en] 

Great idea !! At least in the profile. Not so sure about the name.


#4 [en] 

profile => yes
name => no, could get confusing fast with ppl speaking lots of languages


#5 [en] 

Having the info in the profile is good, and we already had a discussion thread about it which detailed suggestions for formatting.

Any ooc information inside the game disturbs the immersion into the world of Atys imho. I believe the only compromise that I find quite useful and tolerable is the real world clock that can be enabled in the compass. Otherwise I would need to setup an alarm clock next to my computer to remind me to go to bed...

Did I already mention today that I do love an immersive game?

#6 [en] 

If the person is an rper then maybe just add another tab for languages or maybe even add a non intrusive flag I think by now people can recognize the UK, France and Germany flags.

#7 [en] 

'Disturbs the game immersion' is a good point, so maybe not next to the name in-game. On the other hand, I would very rarely look at a person's profile before speaking to them, so for me it would not solve the issue.

Flags (of some sort) may be the way forward...
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