
#1 Report | Quote[en] 

The low level digging areas (spontaneous mats near the capitals) used to contain a good selection of q50 mats so that newbies could dig and craft their way to level 50 without having to risk substantial dp (other than blowing themselves up).  This gave a new digger/crafter a chance to level, gain a few dappers and progress.

This is no longer the case.  In Fairhaven, there is nothing but amber in the field near the capital.  Nothing.  You can't do crafting with just amber and there isn't anything else nearby. And under the "New Economy" you can't earn significant dapper by just selling the amber.

So where is the nearest material field?  Directly under a Kitin Mound.  Well, that won't work.

The next nearest field is off to the east, behind a "wall of aggro" and it does not have a complete set of mats for any crafting.

I went searching.  The next nearest field of substantial variation of mats was in... Avendale!  That field lacked resin, so no armor crafting, but it did have enough to do weapon crafting.

This is unsupportable.  A newb coming to Fairhaven cannot do any significant digging or crafting!  Under the new economy that means they very quickly go dead broke.  And that means... a new player just plain quits.

I call upon the devs to restore the generalized basic/fine/choice fields near the capitals so that diggers and crafters will not be driven from the game.


Remembering Tyneetryk
Phaedreas Tears - 15 years old and first(*) of true neutral guilds in Atys.
(*) This statement is contested, but we are certainly the longest lasting.
<clowns | me & you | jokers>

#2 Report | Quote[en] 

+1 It is important for the game to be readily accessible to new players so that they don't become frustrated and quit.

Last edited by Jola (1 decade ago)

#3 Report | Quote[en] 

Actually there is a little mat field on other side of the kami hill. Sorry my directions out of game are not that good. but if you leave the kami port and go towards the kitin pile, keep to the right. Big open area next to the water. Seems like I remember resin/seed/bark and maybe a few other things. Yes about Avendale, going towards the loria gate. There though I did have to watch for people dragging aggro every now and then.
map markers for the field by fairhaven.

Edited 2 times | Last edited by Sprout (1 decade ago)

#4 Report | Quote[en] 

As far as I can remember there was always only Basic, Fine and Choice amber in spots on the mainland. Diffirent kind of materials were only around the Ranger Camp on Silan and all in Basic grade only.


#5 Report | Quote[en] 

only amber that pop spontaneously, yes. But there was a lot of different kind of MP to dig around FH if you just poped them, basic fine and choice.

#6 Report | Quote[en] 

Amiko -- I know that there was a full field of mats in FH in the area near the stables just outside where the fence is now.  It was the area that I used to grind my dig and craft to 50.  It was also the area that I prospected time and again to give newbies a hint of what was available.  The same multiplicity of materials also existed in the area just to the north of the Yrkanis Stables and just outside the south gate of Zora and the Cerakos Gate of Pyr.

Brinn is correct that only the amber was spontaneous.


Remembering Tyneetryk
Phaedreas Tears - 15 years old and first(*) of true neutral guilds in Atys.
(*) This statement is contested, but we are certainly the longest lasting.
<clowns | me & you | jokers>

#7 Report | Quote[en] 

The new node distribution might make more sense when the new town teleportation system is in place. Going other places to dig different materials isn't a bad idea if travelling is cheap and quick.

P.S.: I did not know! I swear!

Last edited by Casy (1 decade ago)


Casy * Foreign Secretary * Alliance of Honor
Intensive Care Bear

#8 Report | Quote[en] 

im afraid i dont really understand the problem, i like it the way it is now, if you want to gather a good variety of materials you gotta do some traveling, rather than simply being a homebody that stays around town, more fun imho

#9 Report | Quote[en] 

under lvl 50, searching for new spots is nearly impossible. At least a real nightmare. You just don't have the stanzas for digging-exploration. You are barely learning how to exctract. That is why it is important that new players have access to mats near their starting point.
They will learn to search for new spots, new types of mats when they reach lvl 50 and need to change zone. They can choose to explore before that in lvl 50 areas, but not everybody gets the haresting subtleties so early. And again, you don't have the stanzas to make this enjoyable anyway.

#10 Report | Quote[en] 

Ajnin -- By itself the redistribution of the q50 mats might not be too bad, but combined with the "new economy" (and the ubiquity of Kitin Mounds) it represents a very high barrier to a new person accumulating enough dappers to do the moving around.

In the old distribution there was plenty of incentive to get out and explore, and you had enough dappers to buy things to help you explore (mostly teleport pacts to get home with).  The distribution of mats allowed you to raise your crafting and digging skills without *having* to travel large and dangerous distances.  The current distribution cuts off a large area of playing styles by simply making them a way to quickly go broke in game.  If nothing else you could make yourself some LA and some jewels with what was available nearby.  Not all of us are "great adventurers". Some of us, even in a game, are "cautious explorers."

That's what the problem is.  It discourages new players who are already faced with a very steep learning curve.


Remembering Tyneetryk
Phaedreas Tears - 15 years old and first(*) of true neutral guilds in Atys.
(*) This statement is contested, but we are certainly the longest lasting.
<clowns | me & you | jokers>

#11 Report | Quote[en] 

thats a matter of opinion, true i had a really hard time finding spots in the beginning, but had lots of help from other players which is really nice, never would have had that experience if it was all in the same place.

#12 Report | Quote[en] 

Ajnin (atys)
thats a matter of opinion, true i had a really hard time finding spots in the beginning, but had lots of help from other players which is really nice, never would have had that experience if it was all in the same place.

They don't want it all to be in the same place...

100m from FH main entrance there's SOME kind of amber (e.g. basic soo)
50m from the second entrance is some kind of seed (e.g. fine saurona)
With this it would be possible to craft some jewels with very basic stats without having to swim a long distance or having to avoid a LOT of aggros and you'd still have to search because they are in different places.

in addition to that you could add other spots in other directions and similar small distances to the entrances (less than 500m) of all capitals like choice abhaya wood, basic glue resin, fine koorin oil, choice scrath wood node, basic adriel bark, fine splinter shell choice anete fiber or basic redhot sap (this list is just the first material of any kind that came to mind and alternating between the different classes - it shouldn't be the best materials available even though some might be)

This would make it possible to find everything needed for crafting close by but still making it needed to search for the materials and giving an introduction to the different material classes as well.

But if the new traveling system is indeed cheap enough it might help this situation in the none desert continents (I wouldn't like dyron and thesos beeing overrun with < level 150 harvesters - the kami's already down long enough there because they are among the best/easiest q200 harvesting spots in the desert... on this note: I wouldn't mind if the restrictios for harvesting on the surface would be the same as in prime roots with the can't harvest because too low thingy)

Last edited by Jarnys (1 decade ago)


#13 Report | Quote[en] 

Well, Dyron and Thesos _have_ to be overrun with <lvl50 everything homins because how else do you want to implement the roleplaying communities with their local languages? Because of the way it seems to be planned to setup the communities, the cities will have to loose their assignment for levels.

Until now and until I read that there's a cheap transportation system coming I did not realize to the full extent that this, too, is needed to support the community setup.

This is getting off topic here, but I'm seriously wondering how Atys will look like if every village has some kind of lvl50 zone around it. I've no idea how the team of devs, game and community masters are planning to integrate low level community roleplaying folks with an Atys that may be dangerous to low levels to travel.

Anyway, back to topic, I do agree that we should have easily accessible lvl<=50 nodes of at least one of each material class so that harvesters can work alone without dying all the time. Fairhaven is special since lot of stuff is accessible somehow, but we shouldn't force newbies to long swims and to long searches (agree with the observation that they have very limited stanzas available).

#14 Report | Quote[en] 

Those 'community-towns' are just for gouverment meetings and some language specific events (I think stuff like a fairhaven fair can be liked by 1 community and not the 2 others so instead of doing a big one in capital they would be able to do a small event in their RP-city, that's how I see it). Those towns will still welcome homins of all languages for digging/selling/chatting at the stables/missions/... so I don't see problems there if for instance the french get dyron that wouldn't mean ppl from leanon and ari aren't welcome there anymore. Those city's are just a place where ppl gonna have a meeting once a motnh or so decide on city based events.


#15 Report | Quote[en] 

That may be beside my point. To clarify: Jarnys brought up the fear that lvl50 harvesters are running around Dyron. So I argued that that is sure to happen as soon as whatever community sets up local roleplay in Dyron.

You're right if you are saying that they only need to come to Dyron for local events, not for harvesting. But that strict separation won't be enforced. And even if it would be heeded by everybody at all times, how do you prevent a Varinx from coming too close during a local Dyron event?

That's why I'm curious how that will work out, and currently fear it will be a bit messy and slow to sort out. Maybe I'm just too lazy/uncreative to adjust my thinking but I like the current way Atys is structured in areas of levels.
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