

#1 Report | Quote[en] 

Welp, I’m heading out of here. With my departure I want to leave behind some assistance to all of those boss hunters out there. It was my favorite activity in the game and I hope you all enjoy it at some point as I did.

Part 1: Supreme Material Boss Locations
Red Dots = Old Spawns(Most are still valid)
Blue Dots = New Spawns(Might need confirmation)

Grove of Confusion: Aranakin, Kizokin, Ragukin

Knoll of Dissent: Javkin, Rendokin
Hidden Source: Cratchakin

Upper Bog: Madakin, Ginkin

Void: Kirokya, Plodekya, Yetikya

Grove of Umbra: Wombakya, Gibbakya

Haven of Purity: Timkya, Najakya

Knot of Dimentia: Slavekya

Cities of Intuition: Igakya

Lagoons of Loria: Womkan, Stinkan, Goakan

Enchanted Isle: Shakan, Torkan

Fount: Kincherkan, Caprykan

Bounty Beaches: Cukan, Craykan

Desert Region:
Scorched Corridor: Shooketh, Shalaketh, Kipeeketh
Savage Dunes: Ocyketh, Rendoketh
Sawdust Mines: Raspaketh, Goaketh
Outlaw Canyon: Kipucketh, Plodeketh
Dunes of Exile: Aranaketh

Nexus: Cuttlekin, Gnoofkin

Windy Gate: Hornkoo, Cukoo

Elusive Forest: Armkoo, Kipeekoo

Gate of Obscurity: Lumpkoo, Zerkoo

Trench of Trials: Varykoo, Najakoo

Abyss of Ichor: Gubakoo, Izakoo

Under Spring: Vorkoo, Madakoo, Kipekoo

Land of Continuity: Psykokoo, Jugukoo, Rakoo
Forbidden Depths: Jukoo, Kinkoo, Mekoo
Sunken City: Tyrakoo, Kibakoo, Yelkoo

(Eeek, Marked over the Kami TP in FD instead of off to the right a bit where it should be *shrugs*)

Part 2: Roaming Bosses of Interest
***2 notes on roaming bosses:
***After you kill one, it will spawn precisely 50 minutes from the time of death.
***Once you are within 70m from an herbivore roaming boss it becomes attackable by hostile monsters, contrary to popular belief hostiles do not aggro on roaming until then – tested.




Mukah - Also spawns in EF




Part 3: Tiny-Cheekya

For all the ladies out there, love it!

P.S.: I couldn't rescue this photo, shame, it was a nice butt.
Peace out... again!

Edited 11 times | Last edited by Chongon (9 years ago)

#2 Report | Quote[en] 

Bosses = ending with -kin, keth, -kya, -kan and -koo; they have minions / guards and a different appearance
Named = large version of a normal mob, unique name, no guards

Check http://en.ryzomnomnom.com/wiki/Bosses_of_Atys

#3 Report | Quote[en] 

very nice guide :)


#4 Report | Quote[en] 

Bump'ing this for young hunters !
( Don't hesitate to invite me... )

#5 Report | Quote[en] 

+1 Very nice too - good bump Yenno


This idea of "I'm offended". Well I've got news for you. I'm offended by a lot of things too. Where do I send my list? Life is offensive. You know what I mean? Just get in touch with your outer adult. (Bill Hicks)

#6 Report | Quote[en] 



The Clan

#7 Report | Quote[en] 

I would have a number of concerns / questions / corrections...
  • There is another Psykokin spawn south by The Trove Workshop
  • Heretics Hovel is missing altogether (Bolkin, Gibbakin). There are at least 4 spawns: Chilling Swamp, Maze of Spite Border Post, in the general area of Folly Farm (hard to describe the maze lol), and 4th on the borded with FG, east side.
  • In Upper Bog, aren't there two spawns by the tribe Slash and Burn? One is marked (above them, near zinuakeen), but I seem to remember another spawn just "below" them on the map. Or perhaps it's the same spawn but the boss herd slowly migrates?
  • I did not see any boss spawning in the Lost Valley spot in Void (the west-most one). Can anyone confirm it's valid?
  • Haven of Purity is missing a spawn by Kincher Arch Border Post (50m south of the thing). However, I cannot confirm the spawn directly west of Fustylake Workshop is valid.
  • Bakawya is missing altogether (Maiden Grove).
  • In Bounty Beaches, the spawn by Tupile Trade Post is slightly off, I think. You would go SW from the trade post, "inside" that cul-de-sac.
  • Dunes of Exile: I believe there is another Aranaketh spawn, down south in the general vicinity of the vortex to jungle.
  • Frahar Towers is missing two spawns: one in East Dyron Workshop, one by the zinuakeen (west side of the region, close to the Fyros observation camp).
  • Capryketh has at least 3 more spawns I've found him in.
  • Sawdust Mines has two more spawns: one slightly south from the karavan altar, one east-ish from the kami altar.
  • Can anyone confirm the west-most spawn in Savage Dunes? I've never found anything there.
  • Nexus has two more spawns: one in the Concha, one by the Hammer Hills Trade Post.
  • Windy Gate has one more spawn, exactly at the kami altar.
  • Can anyone confirm Underwood Woe as a spawn in Elusive Forest? I have never seen anything there.
  • Gate of Obscurity has two more spawns: one in Lowhills (on the east wall), one by the Lowhills Stronghold.
  • Trench of Trials has two more spawns: one by Eerie Valley Magic Pole, and one in Eerie Valley (going approximately SE from the kami tp in the corner).
  • Can anyone confirm a spawn in Haunted Gorge Farm, in Sunken City?
If we can gather the data, perhaps there could also be an update of the maps :)

Edited 2 times | Last edited by Mjollren (9 years ago)


#8 Report | Quote[en] 

  • In Upper Bog, aren't there two spawns by the tribe Slash and Burn? One is marked (above them, near zinuakeen), but I seem to remember another spawn just "below" them on the map. Or perhaps it's the same spawn but the boss herd slowly migrates?
  • A : There're 4 spawns as marked. They might be slightly far from the actual boss spawns but bosses are /tarable from there.
  • I did not see any boss spawning in the Lost Valley spot in Void (the west-most one). Can anyone confirm it's valid?
  • A : Neither do I, but, I can not confirm if it's valid or not.
  • Haven of Purity is missing a spawn by Kincher Arch Border Post (50m south of the thing). However, I cannot confirm the spawn directly west of Fustylake Workshop is valid.
  • A : I confirm that one.
  • Dunes of Exile: I believe there is another Aranaketh spawn, down south in the general vicinity of the vortex to jungle.
  • A : True, actually there's another one just north of the town.
  • Capryketh has at least 3 more spawns I've found him in.
  • A : I agree, I believe Capryketh has 4 spawns.
  • Can anyone confirm the west-most spawn in Savage Dunes? I've never found anything there.
  • A : I can confirm that one. If I am doubting a spawn in SD it would the one in middle by the 'river', never seen a boss there.
  • Can anyone confirm Underwood Woe as a spawn in Elusive Forest? I have never seen anything there.
  • A : I confirm that one.
  • Can anyone confirm a spawn in Haunted Gorge Farm, in Sunken City?
  • A : I confirm that one.

Last edited by Winnyy (9 years ago)

#9 Report | Quote[en] 



The Clan

#10 Report | Quote[en] 


I guess the image host finally deleted the images because no one accessed them?


#11 Report | Quote

[EN] *cough* ... A long time ago I allowed myself to copy the works of Chongon. Since the originals seem to be lost I will be happy to share my copies with all brave hunters on Atys.

Find the copies of Chongons maps in my archive.

[FR]*tousser* ... Il y a longtemps que je me suis permis de copier les œuvres d'Chongon. Étant donné que les originaux semblent perdus, je serai heureux de partager mes copies avec tous les chasseurs courageux sur Atys.

Trouvez les copies des cartes de Chongon dans mes archives.

Last edited by Nuzanshi (9 years ago)

#12 Report | Quote[en] 

Your link doesn't work Nuzanshi :(


#13 Report | Quote

You were very fast ;) Should do it now.
Or search on flickr with 'Nuzanshi, Ryzom boss locations'.

Last edited by Nuzanshi (9 years ago)

#14 Report | Quote[en] 

Your link doesn't work Nuzanshi :(

I don't know if you updated the links... or if Siela has a firewall configuration to work on...
but for me, both links are ok :)

Thanks very much :)


Mon profil sur le wiki Francais


Craftjenn, Ranger

#15 Report | Quote[en] 

Thank you for restoring this database. I was told through the grapevine that it went down and without your saving them they would have been lost. Guess I'll work on putting it back in place.
Last visit Sunday, 16 February 12:31:33 UTC

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