

#1 Report | Quote[en] 

With so many people trying to do the same missions ovr and over again, I would like some guidance on what the protocol is for the que when people are lined up waiting to kill bandit. ARe we talkking first come first server or every man for himself ?

I've been honoring the former but my experience has shown that that's not commonly acceepted.


#2 Report | Quote[en] 

i think its mixed ... the last days i´ve done a few misison runs as well ... mostly it is first come first gets em...but there are some peeps that kills the bandits as soon as they pop...if u wait there since an hour or not... they dun care ...mostly they kill em so fast with an enchant on amps or weapons that there was no chance for me to make one normal spell to kill a bandit...think its a bit messed up but as soon as everyone will be karavan and kami again it will be more peacefull when doing missions


Lexius Shiras -Atys Sexiest Zorai-
Born: 10th April 2005

Zorai for Life
GoJ for Life
Atys for Life
Ryzom for Life

someone told me a day : Let the past be the past and never look back...except there is a kitin behind ya ^^

#3 Report | Quote[en] 

Would be nice if they would just decrease the respawn time on all the bandits. The missions themselves have cooldowns. There's no decent reason for people to be forming a line while waiting 5 or 10 minutes for repop.

#4 Report | Quote[en] 

That's a given. I was just asking as each of the three communities had established its own protocols and etiquette. With three communities mergeing there's bound to be certain expectatiosn that others may not subscribe to.


#5 Report | Quote[en] 

In my recent experience it's not so much a difference in the communities, but really in individuals. About 90% of homins I encountered while slaying bandits are very polite. Sometimes there's a low language barrier, but soon enough, when you ask "How many left", some numbers pop up, and people queue up nicely. It's even some fun to sit there on a hill right next to the bandit's camp fire or maybe dig up some material in a relaxed way while waiting. One can help one another, and some nice chance meetings happened with homins I did not know before.

Two times so far I have come across an individual that literally said "screw you" (or did not answer at all) and just shot down bandits even when those who were at the front of the queue had them already targeted and under fire.

It's sad to see, but cannot really be helped. What's really sad to me is that there are those other players that actually admire the impatient for the fast progress they do. As a Zorai I can only feel sympathy with those living on the fast lane. It seems they have learned nothing of the camaraderie during the exodus. The times of need are only 8 years gone, Kitins are still all over our places, and some have already forgotten.

There will be the time when they need help, and other homins passing by will tell them that they have more important things to do. Zorai have a good memory...

#6 Report | Quote[en] 

I agree that it deoends on the individual but individual choices depend upon the culture or community standards. The community standard will be a melting pot of that from the 3 communities. For example, on Aris, a neutral player could go and dig anywhere in PR w/o fear of being ganked. Yes, game emchganics allowed it, but the community had the courtesy to respect individual player wishes. Im well aware that that wasn't the "community stanbdard" on other server(s).

As I was typing this response, I was waitning for the Eyes of Intuition to pop and when they did, not 1 second had gone by and a player who just walked up and took out the whole spawn.

At Liberty Pirates yesterday, had a guildie in a queue of 3 peeps and a player walked in and did the same. Courtesy and community always have been the attraction to the game for me. If it's going to degenerate into a free for all, I'd just like to be aware so I know what to expect and, if it's not to my liking, can start spending my time elsewhere.


#7 Report | Quote[en] 

Putting this down on different community's is kind of sad 95%+ of ppl english/french/german wait in line and be nice, ppl like me in zora doing zorai missions aswell most of the time let others that just need 1 go infront of them, when I have to let 2 spawns go to ppl needing 1 or 2 then sorry for them but I'll take 3th spawn. I'm not a charity case that's gonna let ppl get infront all evening.
I did kill half a FoF spawn 2days ago going in and not wait in line some days ago but that was because I got agro dragged KotD on me 2 times at skinners 5min before I went to FoF and it got me fuming mad. 

About ganking in pr talked with some french and they found it funny saying you can't gank in this game, when entering PR you get a message saying you enter a pvp zone just like what you get when you tag up or even duel. PR is just one big matis arena with the addition of some spoils of war. You can't be ganked if you sign up to partake in the pvp.


#8 Report | Quote[en] 

What I can't understand is what's the attraction of killing someone who doesn't or can't fight back? Killing someone who is afk or in focus gear without a weapon is completely beyond my understanding.

#9 Report | Quote[en] 

Not picking on any community .... asking a question as to what the community standard willl be. Unlike the position you have obviously taken, I have no wish to impose my style of play on anyone. If two consenting parties wanna do whatever they want, that's fine with me. We had a free for all on Ari at one point and what happened....2/3 of the population . entire guilds ... left game. I was one of them ..... came back to visit and things had changed.

The community itself decided that it wouldn't force PvP on anyone who was not interested in participating. It was not game mechanics, it was not rules, it was not a message that pops up on the screen. It was simply that the community decided that was best for itself as it brought many of the people who had left back into the game. Granted it also resulted in other people leaving game because, for reasons I am unable to fathom, some people are unhappy if they can't impose their style of play on others.



#10 Report | Quote[en] 

The pop up does tell me that I can get killed by other players. I took that risk on Ari because the community I was in, for the most part, had a sef imposed standard. Remember, the screen pop up does NOT say when you're there that you MUST kill every unarmed person who walks by.

For me, it was never about what Nevrax made or what WG changed, it was about what the community made. If it's going to be about a lack of courtsesy because someone don't wanna wait in line or because "the screen pop up said I'm alllowed to impose my will on you" then that's just not a community I want to be part of. I enjoy the coopertaive aspect of the game, enjoy helping other players / guilds. For some it's about having all the goodies, for me its about common goals and sharing all the goodies.

I am NOT trying for force my play style on anyone, not saying everyone should agree with me. I am simply trying to find out what the community standard will be so I'm in a position to decide whether I want to continue to play the game.

Last edited by Fyrosfreddy (1 decade ago)


#11 Report | Quote[en] 

Here we go again with the community play style questions. The community doesn't require to explain their specific play style, Most peolple do not have a particular play style and do what they want to do when they want to do it as it is part of the game mechanics. If you want things to be exactly how they were on Aris, then I can see the Temple Event going the same way it did on Aris and alot of people will leave because others aren't playing the way they want them to play.

Give it a rest and play the game the way it was intended and within the game mechanics, suck it up and evolve with the game already.

If you don't like to fight go dig in a secluded corner of the world where there is no PvP and leave the PvP zones for those who don't whine about so called "ganking" when it is how others play.

Not everyone enjoys digging 24 / 7 just because others do.

Play how you like, don't ask others to explain their actions when it doesn't suit your play style.

#12 Report | Quote[en] 

Hey hey I have not made a decission here and i'm not planning on running right into PR and start killing diggers. I'm just saying after talking with some french ppl that it is how they saw how it is atm. Does that mean it's gonna be like this forever? I do think we have the ability to change that a bit or atleast have the ability to make convoy's of diggers and protectors to dig down there. Isn't that how they developped the game?
Time will tell.


#13 Report | Quote[en] 

Gibini --

In Arispotle at least, we had a mode of playing that had NOTHING to do with the way that WG (or Nevrax before them) wanted the game to be played. We played it OUR way. The devs have always emphasized the potential for PvP. As a community (overall, in large part, with significant exceptions) we rejected that.

I am a contrarian. I play things my way. I don't bow to external forces, even if they are overwhelming. I will never attack a fellow harvester. Never. I will share my skills with others. Freely. I will encourage others to play cooperatively, not competitively.

This I believe is the will of Jena. This, I believe, is the way to the greatest enjoyment of our time in Atys. This is my credo.

Your mileage may vary, void where taxed, no warrantee implied.

-- Bittty


Remembering Tyneetryk
Phaedreas Tears - 15 years old and first(*) of true neutral guilds in Atys.
(*) This statement is contested, but we are certainly the longest lasting.
<clowns | me & you | jokers>

#14 Report | Quote[en] 

Bittty --

That may have been the way the minority played on Arispotle and perhaps that is why it was the least populated when the minority turned a game into a dig chat channel.

You may have played it YOUR way, but others have the right to play it THEIR way without being abused and called a "ganker", as it is part of the game. Which is exactly what had ruined the Temple Event, when diggers just wanted to dig in a Faction Vs Faction PvP dig event, instead of just role playing with their faction killing their friends on the opposing side to support their faction as the event was created. It is a game, treat it as such and have fun, if you can't kill your mates every now and again for an event then don't bother participating.

This same rule also applies in the normal PvP zones imo. Take away the competiveness and you have a pretty boring game full of those who want to stand around at stables or dig and chat for 8 hours of the day as all did on Arispotle. Stick with your beliefs, others have beliefs too

#15 Report | Quote[en] 

On Leanon most of the time nobody fought in PR unless there was either an event or fights about the multi spots.
There were a few exceptions to this rule but they left people from certain well-known neutral guilds alone most of the time.

Funny remark about one of the few exceptions that really ganked (nearly) everybody:
If you met that person at the stables by chance a few times and talked to her, she wouldn't hurt you in PR unless you'd attack first.

Last edited by Jarnys (1 decade ago)


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