

#46 Report | Quote[en] 

I enjoy pvp, but I dont like to kill lone diggers in PR, even when they are from the opposing faction. Just not my style. (SN digging is another matter ofc, that's an important aspect of factional pvp). However I dont hold anything against players who do like to kill lone diggers or trekers from the opposing faction in pvp zones. That is a part of the game after all.

Some people though, seem to enjoy killing anything that is attackable in their radar. Including neutrals. *shrugs*

Now what I do find in _very_ bad taste is people who come to a bandit camp, see that you are already engaged and in the middle of a fight with a bandit, and just jump ahead using quick enchants to do more dps and steal the kill from you. Maybe just a communication problem? Maybe he didn't see me? That is highly unlikely, taking in consideration that I've seen this happen at least half a dozen times with me and other friends. And always the same ppl doing it. (going back to the original topic of the thread)

And this is precisely the problem with this mentality of "us vs. them" or that our guild/faction has to be the strongest, so we need to hinder the development of all others. It just breeds really rude and selfish behavior in the game. I rather enjoy pvp, but I'd rather keep a respectful and civil play atmosphere. After all one of the major reasons why I play Ryzom instead of something else is because the players here have always been more friendly, mature and respectful. Not the griefers and ninja looters from other MMOs.


"We are Kami. We are here to be you. We are many as you are of many minds. We are one as you are one in Ma-Duk."

#47 Report | Quote[en] 

Daomei (atys)
I have the impression that a number of players dedicated to a tough style of PvP gameplay are stemming from worlds of egoshooters and similar, often highly competent in interface usage and knowledgeable of all sorts of tricks (even the less licit ones), and are looking at their player characters as more a technical instrument, drawing satisfaction from speed and virtuosity while not only not caring about killing or being killed yet drawing satisfaction out of the thrill and the adrenaline rush caused thereby. That is clearly nothing bad, and a legitimate way of gameplay in Ryzom.

On the other hand, there are players who are strongly engaged in roleplay and PvE as well as in social activities in the game. They may identify quite a lot with their ingame character, even more than identifying with a literary character when reading novels or watching movies. This way of diving into the virtual world is called immersion, and players engaged in such style of gameplay are rather living than just playing the course of events their character is going through..
While you are saying many interesting things, I must admit being a bit disturbed by this perception of players. You said so yourself, atys is not bipolar, why believing the players are?

In my expierience, roleplayers looking for immersion want the gameplay possibility of pvp, even when not esppecially interested in pvp for pvp's sake. Because to be able to be attacked as well as being able to attack can be a factor of immersion. I know several such players,as well as some that both love RP immersion *and* pvp challenge, and are even happier when the encounter both in their opponents/fellow players.
This is not to say every roleplayer is like this, of course. Just please don't reduce players to two opposite styles of playing. Most often, those I've seen complaining most against pvp were non/casual-roleplayers who just wanted to enjoy what the game had to offer without being disturbed. (I am not talking about this thread of course since I don't know most of the people on it.)

#48 Report | Quote[en] 

If I wanted to play a game based on RL rules, I may as well turn off the comp and go down to the pub. I understand that the neutrals and RP'ers don't enjoy PvP but that doesn't give them the right to question or abuse those players that do. a Neutral player is still attackable in a PvP zone or situation.

It's simple, if you are against PvP, go stand by the stables and chat to your RP'ing guildies and stay away from the PvP zones and events.

As for players who steal kills, jump lines and such, there is always going to be a handful of rude players, we can't control this, so jot down their name and atack them when you see them in a PvP zone if that makes you feel better.

My point being we all have different play styles and just because others don't play by your style or rulings does not make them bad or disrepective people. Just people that enjoy playing all aspects of the game the way they enjoy playing the game.

And when you are competing for mats and PvP points etc, killing an digger is quite justified in the world of Atys.

PS. I never dig unarmed, and if you do you deserve to be attacked :P

#49 Report | Quote[en] 

I've been meaning to post in here for a while now when I noticed the conversation changed from bandit stealing and general rudeness to "ganking"

PvP in Ryzom is consensual. Always. You can not be killed by another player without agreeing to participate in PvP. Everyone is warned when entering a PvP zone, and by not leaving before the timer ends you are consenting to PvP. The reason these PvP zones have the best materials and greatest quantity is because they are meant to be fought over by guilds. It is not every players right to have access to all the PvP rewards without participating in PvP.

On Arispotle, neutral players were allowed to dig freely in PvP zones and even hold outposts without having to fight for them. This is not Arispotle. Everyone must adapt to a new community and different playstyles than we are used to. Supernodes are going to be fought over and all outposts are fair game. If someone doesn't want to participate in PvP they are free to dig in non-PvP zones or trade for OP mats. But noone should be forcing their playstyle on others.

As for kill-stealing and general rudeness: I never encountered someone stealing my bandits or whatever, but communication goes a long way. Try to start a conversation and let them know you were there first.

#50 Report | Quote[en] 

Very well said Crailus

#51 Report | Quote[en] 

Gibini (atys)
I understand that the neutrals and RP'ers don't enjoy PvP but that doesn't give them the right to question or abuse those players that do.

The right of thinking people is to question everything, if you ask me. The ability to do so makes us human. ;) - Apart from that, I only pointed out that it is hardly the thrill of competition if you slay a digger.

And if you can dig armed, you can also walk over water, I guess. I don't dig, but my, I also never learned that trick - I always had to take a pick. ^^

Crailus (atys)
On Arispotle, neutral players were allowed to dig freely in PvP zones and even hold outposts without having to fight for them.

Same on Leanon, btw.


Salazar Caradini
Filira Matia
Royal Historian
Member of the Royal Academy of Yrkanis
First Seraph of the Order of the Argo Navis

#52 Report | Quote[en] 

Crailus (atys)
As for kill-stealing and general rudeness: I never encountered someone stealing my bandits or whatever, but communication goes a long way. Try to start a conversation and let them know you were there first.

I agree with this post and I'd add that q250 PR are not pvp so it's not even the best mats that you have to accept pvp to reach.

But on the topic of kill stealling not everyone answe when you try talking to them. Believe me i've tried.
But it's only a minority that doesnt care, most of the peope i've encontered was respectful enough to take into consideration other's situation when pointed out to them in a language they couldd understand.

I dare hope it's the case for most people but can only share my own experience.

#53 Report | Quote[en] 

Gibini (atys)
I understand that [...] RP'ers don't enjoy PvP
That is egregiously incorrect.

Daomei (atys)
An immersed player will experience attack and abuse of the character much alike real abuse and violence (though on lesser degree) , and take offense accordingly, even if it was never meant that way.
This is also incorrect, if you're equating "immersed player" with "roleplayer". Real roleplayers maintain a very strict separation between their character and their self. Only non/semi/pseudo/fail-roleplayers do not.

Edited 2 times | Last edited by Kimathia (1 decade ago)

#54 Report | Quote[en] 

Daomei did not, if you read it carefully, equate role-players with immersed players, only that immersed characters feel they are playing a role.

There are many types of role-play. One is the aloof, calculating kind where the toon is to be maniupulated according to a thought-out plan. Another one is the immersed role-play where the player, while aware of the difference, immerses himmer self in the aspects of the toon. (There are other kinds, but those are pretty much the extreme ends of the spectrum, imho.) Both types are valid.

I play a cooperative, enterprizing Tryker who has spent time in the world and come to his own conclusions about the Karavan, the Kamis, and everything in between. If someone were to gank me in PR while I am minding my own business, my role-play attitude towards her would be extremely critical. This would not be my OOC opinion of her, though the two might be seen as very close.

I see no reason whatsoever why I should not express these opinions.


Remembering Tyneetryk
Phaedreas Tears - 15 years old and first(*) of true neutral guilds in Atys.
(*) This statement is contested, but we are certainly the longest lasting.
<clowns | me & you | jokers>

#55 Report | Quote[en] 

oops my bad I had to delete text in game so might have got confused :)

#56 Report | Quote[en] 

Rikutatis (atys)

For those leveling PR foraging, you can still do it in the lvl 250 zones or the Abyss. Those zones are not PvP free. For those after the SNs, you can still dig 250 sups in Wastelands or US.

Not really Rik.....I was down there in Wastelands at season change and after getting run over repeatedly by tagged players dragging aggro over me,I left. I don't think they were aiming for me (or perhaps I just prefer to believe that). I just "got in the way" of their PvP *fun*. I can't make a determination as to whether the aggro trains were brought intentionally as a PvP tactic or just as the result of chasing each other down and picking up things accidentally but the end result was, I was half way to max DP because of PvP in an area that I keep being told is free from non consensual PvP activity. I certainly didn't get a pop up warning me that I run the risk of being run over repeatedly by aggro trains.

Last edited by Fyrosfreddy (1 decade ago)


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