
#1 [en] 

1. At the moment you can only choose one language Uni.
I think a lot of people would like to be able to choose more than one.
2. There is no way to see which channels are available. An interface to enable you to join/leave channels and set public/private channels, perhaps also guild access would be nice (not sure if that has already been implemented - no idea where to find documentation on this)
3. A joint international forum would be useful, because at the moment we only have access to English/Spanish/Russian forums, but not German or French. Communicating with French and German players would possibly be improved with such a forum.

Some of these ideas may have been floated elswhere - apologies if I missed that.

#2 [en] 

While having the option to join extra "official" language channel would be nice, you can create additional channels. So, till we get something "official", we could have a stickied topic that lists "unofficial" channels like:

LFG - People who are looking for a group to level on mobs
LFT - People looking for trekking parties.
International - Everyone who wants to join and talk to each other without worrying about "spamming" the Universal channels.

Though, I would love to see an ability to set channels private/public and list all "public" channels I could join.

Also: I'd be for a join international forum, too.

Edited 2 times | Last edited by Ambika (1 decade ago)


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