

#36 Report | Quote[en] 

Agree to Gilga,

for getting hundreds of thousands of dappers in craftmissions you have to have at least 2 crafting trees at
far beyond 200+. To do more than one mission a day, you have to be master in several totally different trees
(e.g. Ammo & Armor are often combined).
The "old" crafters don't care about. They don't have problems with dapper furthermore. But the "not-veterans",
which are the majority atm are in trouble anyway.


#37 Report | Quote[en] 

Exactly my concern, because this again caters those who already mastered alot of crafting branches, if not all.
Besides, and let's be honest here, at this level speed it'll only be a matter of a few month before everyone interested will be able to craft their own goods, and no one will buy any goods from the markets.

Edit: And no, I'm not whining, I'm merely expressing my concern. You may not know me, but I've been around on and off since '06, I know my way around here and I know what to do to secure my income ingame, so please refrain from treating me like an angry noob.

Edited 3 times | Last edited by Callysto (1 decade ago)


#38 Report | Quote[en] 

I must agree the way you get dappers is a little too focused on high end crafters in multiple trees. I have a lot of crafting skills and even I struggle to do all the missions that give good dappers.

a tweak here and there and you could have it perfect...

#39 Report | Quote[en] 

Old Economy System and Expensive Prices woud make dapper more worthy as well... in my eyes there was no need to make it that hardcore...the different picks and tools (from Q50 to Q250 ) are nice ... some more information about what tool can i use with what skil and in what region would be nice but ... with a lil knowledge u can figure it out....sure we earned millions of dappers in the past ..but only cuz there was no expensive stuff to buy...and now we have both together...and i think the whole system has Fu..ed up...my Playstyle atm is beeing Neutral Naturist.... not bought any TP´s yet ...cant afford it...sure i could do missions for some more dappers ... but where is the fun in doing every day or every 2nd day missions for money...in 2 or 3 weeks i will get bored in doing missions and what then??...atm i run around only by feet and with my mount...its strange to not teleport to other locations but hey ... it safes me some dappers that i can buy my tools and picks and maybe some other stuff in the end...when i see people shouting for a rez and nobody goes to that person to rez him cuz of less money and no TP then i think the new system has failed...

thats my point of view


Lexius Shiras -Atys Sexiest Zorai-
Born: 10th April 2005

Zorai for Life
GoJ for Life
Atys for Life
Ryzom for Life

someone told me a day : Let the past be the past and never look back...except there is a kitin behind ya ^^

#40 Report | Quote[en] 

I agree with you, Lexius. Right now I am working hard just to keep my head above water and not gaining anything. Right now this feels a lot more like a job than it does a game. Where's the fun?

#41 Report | Quote[en] 

I got 2 mentionable craft skills, one of them not 250. I found missions that even i can do. I dig an hour to get materials to do 3-5 of them (they got short cooldown). When i do one of those i can buy a pick, a tool and still got money for several tps and get some craft xp at the same time.

I can increase my dappers without much effort. I can't buy 3 600k packers a day.... and i can't scout for bosses hourly using tps. But that's it.

I think the new system is much more realistic. Make items that either players buy from npc shops or make them to satisfy the demand of npcs. Making items without any demand should not result in wealth.

There is one issue though i'd like to be adressed. 9999% is far too low as max resale prize now. I won't sell a good q250 amp for 25% of the reward of one completed mission.


Casy * Foreign Secretary * Alliance of Honor
Intensive Care Bear

#42 Report | Quote[en] 

yeah working hard here and only see dapper going down instead. Already need to lend dapper from high lvl guild crafters who can make dapper quickly in the new system.
Kind of feels sad I made myself into a kittin hunter mastering almost all melee skills these years to hunt down the kittin now need to beg master crafters for some dappers to survive. (i never was rich on other server but could atleast afford my teleports.


#43 Report | Quote[en] 

Casy (atys)
I think the new system is much more realistic. Make items that either players buy from npc shops or make them to satisfy the demand of npcs. Making items without any demand should not result in wealth.

I have realistic everyday at my work everyday, I play a game to relax and not to think constantly about needing dapper

Last edited by Subox (1 decade ago)


#44 Report | Quote[en] 

The old economy was sad, the worst aspect of the game IMO. Things might be better with the new system. Too soon to say for sure. I am now having to make real choices about what to spend dapper on. That is a good game feature. My net worth is slowly increasing, which is as I would expect. So far so good. I don't object to doing missions. I can feel the pain for those who find that objectionalble. Personally I wander the wilderness prospecting and doing missions for wandering npc's and camp npc's when I encounter them. That does not get grindy for me. Progress is slow but I have no concerns about that.

But I do worry about the long term. Even at this rate I will eventually be rich enough that dapper are once again meaningless (although it will now happen more slowly than in the past). As Gilgamesh pointed out, the only way to keep things balanced in the long run would be recurring costs: rent for appartments, guild halls, outposts, meks, etc.

#45 Report | Quote[en] 

I think that when occupations will be back, they will be the real way to make dappers (unless the devs nerf them too) as you get money for each task done, and quicker than the usual missions.


Kaléan McFerty
Pirate of the Lakes

#46 Report | Quote[en] 

I too have recently cancelled my Subscrption, this new economy definately favours the high end crafters/diggers.
Like Subox I too DO NOT want tp spend all my game time doing the same boring missions over and over, Too much like a production line job for my liking.

Gilgameesh, man what a fantastic idea, be a real shame if they don't implement them,if they had have done so months ago then maybe they would not have done such a drastic change as the one they have.

I too have played different mmo's and in everyone you get the scroungers asking for whatever currency is in that game, as a hunter/gatherer that is what i would be reduced to as well, NEVER gonna happen which is why i have cancelled my Sub's.

#47 Report | Quote[en] 

What am I missing ? :0 ..... I'm not seeing this "big advantage" for high level crafters. Selling a jewel to an NPC used to bring just under 20k. Now a full set of 250 brings 4k. That's a 50;1 reduction.


#48 Report | Quote[en] 

After few days, i can say that the concern are justified, but nothing is lost as devs are changing things on the way.
Actually, there are crafting missions that give hundreds of dappers for few stuff that can be done with basic mats.
I did a full run of corporal missions (so, very low level) and, apart of the fame i wanted, i got at the end around 90k.
And timers prevent people to grind for dappers.

Basically the concerns about having economy mission driven is correct.

Crafters being more advantaged compared to warriors or any other non crafter character sounds logic.
Anyone that don't want to craft and dig, will need help from crafters or they will need to run some mission. In the past, the crafter were the richest, and this is normal.

For warriors a possible solution could be to have some quartered mats with higher value, while leaving low values for dug mats. Maybe reintroduce dappers lost by bandits.

Anyway, looking far in the future, devs have to consider people will settle as in the past this way, just need more time but definitely this will not prevent an inflation in the future.
Because teleports and packers are too much important for the gameplay, it's not wise to make them too difficult to manage.

So, i still think we need recurring upkeeps in game and, possibly, rental storage. This storage could be linked to tribes and fame dependant, so devs could do 2 things in one hit: having something really in demand as dapper sinker, and giving more reasons to become a friend of a tribe.

Anyway, i'm feeling the same atmosphere of 2004, so i am happy.


Legion of Atys

#49 Report | Quote[en] 

Bitttymacod (atys)
As for NPC tasks -- I didn't join this game to do FedEx missions. I can do them in WoW. (Yeah, I played the WoW card, so sue me.)

-- Bittty

Im glad you played the WoW card. Ive been haing a blast in WoW lately with the new expansion. WAY more fun than playing this crap WG is trying to force down our throats.



#50 Report | Quote[en] 

Kaetemi (atys)
Solo tp-dig-tp-tp-dig-tp is a joke, and I don't see what's so fun about that. If you want to exclusively harvest, get players in your guild to form a mektoub caravaan to travel the materials to your guild hall, way more challenging and fun.

I hell agree on that! Is more fun than using teleports.
Wanting stuff easy and quick as you can isn't fun, the excuse of casual players isn't a good one, after all, is a reflect from our consumists society. You can always play Angry Birds, though.

I dont see any relation between "fast playgame equals fun" (Are you have 10yrs old? :-/), not for me at least. There is more easy games like WoW that people can switch to, insteand of complaining and using vulgar expressions.

He dicho!


«But my belief that miracles have happened in human history is not a mystical belief at all; I believe in them upon human evidences as I do in the discovery of America. Upon this point there is a simple logical fact that only requires to be stated and cleared up. Somehow or other an extraordinary idea has arisen that the disbelievers in miracles consider them coldly and fairly, while believers in miracles accept them only in connection with some dogma. The fact is quite the other way. The believers in miracles accept them (rightly or wrongly) because they have evidence for them. The disbelievers in miracles deny them (rightly or wrongly) because they have a doctrine against them. ...» ~G.K. Chesterton, Orthodoxy cont. http://tj-markdown-paste.herokuapp.com/posts/354428
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