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Kralis (atys)
I have a problem with exploration achievement. I turn all around Pyr and they don't validate 2 zones (Canyon pass and Emperor dunes).

It's normal ? I must perform a action for validate achievement ?

Thanks for your help !

I've got those 2 so they're working - try running around on the bottom of the emperror valley and hunt the gingos that come down once in a while to not be bored too much while waiting for the "saved" in the sys info

For canyon pass run around between the flame and the bridge entrance while fighting the Goaris to kill time while waiting for the "saved" in sys info

Open the achievement page 5-10 mins later to see if it's in there. (that's the time it usually took for me till the update was visible)



Even though this thread gets offtopic a little: The exploration achievements are very fishy for me in multiple regions. Just an example: I was running around with another player yesterday, doing almost exactly the same missions, and moving in exactly the same areas. She got almost all (sub-)areas listed (in Winds of Muse, Dew Drops and some more), while I got only exactly one subarea. We had the same situation on Silan.

She was very persistent and actually just camped places to get the Yubo points, while I considered that too boring and just started to ignore the exploration points. It's really a pity, because it's a good feature and I'd welcome it if it would work more reliably.

Does it still work in a kind of poll mode, like it did on the web pages, checking position every x minutes? I know it would be much harder to implement, but of course it'd be ideal, if the system could register callbacks with certain entities in the engine itself to be triggered on certain events. Such as certain missions (hook into rites), locations (enter/exit an area, mechanism should be there - but is it in the server or just client - since we get messages in the client), meeting people (with an achievement such as talk to 10% of all npc trykers, growing to 100%), etc.

Great work so far, and don't take my constructive criticism as offense - an achievement system probably is a never ending story ;-)


I don't know if the bug is known, but the achievement pro- and anti- aren't working at all (atleast, for pro-fyros and anti-matis ...)



The achievement : " Deposez un item dans la boutique d'un marchand " ( put an item for sale , don't know if it is written like that in the english one ) is not working too.


The exploration of the Blight Zone on Silan isn't working (at least for my toon there). I stayed there until it showed "xxx has been saved" three times, but it never updated the achievement window (yes, I did refresh).
Tried killing mobs there too, not sure what else to try to trigger it, waiting until "xxx has been saved" showed up was enough for the other areas.


"Achieving" a high death penalty also isn't detected. My biggest achievement here is 10K, although I've run around for more than 24 minutes with >300K.

Last edited by Irfidel (1 decade ago)


The death penalty achievement counts in XP not in DP ... Does anyone know what the ratio ist ?

Last edited by Reeth (1 decade ago)



Brinn (atys)
The exploration of the Blight Zone on Silan isn't working (at least for my toon there). I stayed there until it showed "xxx has been saved" three times, but it never updated the achievement window (yes, I did refresh).
Tried killing mobs there too, not sure what else to try to trigger it, waiting until "xxx has been saved" showed up was enough for the other areas.

It seems after loging out nd back in (in the area Blight Zone), the achievement was updated (or has the problem been patched/updated/solved?)


DP counting seems to be seriously broken. I am stuck at 107,305 since nearly a week though I am quite generous in collecting DP. My sister Diwu, with whom I share luck and mishap, is at 215,957 already, Normally we ought to differ by some 10k at maximum.

The position polling or whatever it is is quite frustrating. I fully agree to a scheme which does not display an "exploration point" immediately thus allowing spoilers. But the complete opaqueness and unfairness of exploration assessment ist not good, anyway.


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