

#1 Report | Quote[en] 

The Raw Material Spots on all Maps have been deleted cause of the changes ingame. Now i need your Help, anyone who registers on http://ryzom.silenda.de can add spots to the maps. Please use the info field to enter the Quality and lvl of the material ex: (Q200 Supreme, or Excelent etc.) Please also remember to not use the zoom function of your browser, cause this would mess up the coordinates.


#2 Report | Quote[en] 

I'll try to help once I regain a decent Foraging lvl and prospection skills.


#3 Report | Quote[en] 

A little update about the staus of the DB

I had to do a clean fresh install of the server, after that (some of you may have noticed) there are no longer tooltips for mat and missi mat spots. This maybe a result of the new PHP version on the Server. This counts only for the spots that have comments in the info field. I dont know yet where the error comes from and i am currently really busy traveling through germany for work, so iam only 2 days a week at home over the weekend. Cause of that it may take a while for me to fix everything and until everything is 100% working again.

If anyone has an idea that could solve the problem, i would be thankfull for help and tips.

The Server "Hardware" also got an Upgrade so in the future the Site should behave much better ;)

Best regards,


#4 Report | Quote[en] 

Selene (atys)
This maybe a result of the new PHP version on the Server. This counts only for the spots that have comments in the info field. I dont know yet where the error comes from ...

PHP errors are usually in apache error log file (/var/log/apache2/error.log or such)



#5 Report | Quote[en] 

Some entries in #map have no text (first parameter in overlib) overlib('',WIDTH,...

The spots without mouseover have no entry in the map. That's all I can tell from the outside. You'd have to check the map generation why some spots get no mouseover.


Guck nicht so, ich werd' für's rumstehen bezahlt!

#6 Report | Quote[en] 

Finaly thx to help from Bonny all maps and spots are working again

In addition because of the Server changes back to the old spot positions: The Raw Material Spots on all Prime Root Maps have been restored to the old values pre change.

Remember anyone who registers on this site, can add spots to the maps. Please use the info field to enter the Quality and lvl of the material ex: (Q200 Supreme, or Excelent etc.) Please also remember to not use the zoom function of your browser, cause this would mess up the coordinates.

Please Upload screenshots of Encyclopedia entrys that are new or need to be updated. I need English, German and French pictures.
Please check if the corresponding NPC´s are allready added to the DB and Map, if they are not please add them yourself.

You can also upload pictures of everything else that need to be added to the database, including of Outposts, Tribes, Bandits that have no mini pic on the map.
Please name the pictures with the Tribe, Bandit, Outpost Name.



#7 Report | Quote[en] 

Had to do a clean new install of the Server, everything should be up and running again.
If you find an error please drop me a mail :)




Selene at ryzom.silenda.de

#8 Report | Quote[en] 

Love this database, helped me dozens of times! I'm glad you are still looking after it! :-)


#9 Report | Quote[en] 

In recent weeks https://ryzom.silenda.de/ has gotten a lot of security improvements and i have added some new features.

Whats new?

  • Way of Mobs being sorted at Animal section.
  • Way of how Boss Mobs are being added to Maps and how they are shown.
  • Added Season and Quality options for Raw Materials on Maps.
  • Added a jump to map from Encyclopedia to find NPC.
Remember anyone who registers on this site, can add spots to the maps. Please use the info field to enter the lvl of the material and Weather / Time conditions. ex: (Q200 Day, Rainy etc.)

Please also remember to not use the zoom function of your browser, cause this would mess up the coordinates.

Please Upload screenshots of Encyclopedia entrys that are new or need to be updated. I need English, German and French pictures.
Please check if the corresponding NPC´s are allready added to the DB and Map, if they are not please add them yourself.

You can also upload pictures of everything else that need to be added to the database, including of Outposts, Tribes, Bandits, Bosses that have no mini pic on the map.
Please name the pictures with the Tribe, Bandit, Outpost, Boss Name.


Last visit Monday, 17 February 16:47:17 UTC

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