

#1 Report | Quote[en] 

I did some soul searching over the weekend and decided I'd stop abusing the F2P system. It wasn't really meant for people like me anyway. I resubbed my 2 main accounts and Tyk will go Reckless plus one of my favorites from my second account. I deleted all characters on my main accounts except 5 across the two. I'll probably delete a couple more to make room for some of my RP character types.

I'm having difficulties bringing myself to delete the last two characters from my remain F2P accounts. I wish I could transfer them to the other two subbed accounts but I guess I'll just have to rebuild them in the open slots I made in the subbed accounts.

I will try not to abuse the system anymore. It will be hard living with 10 characters but I guess I will learn.

I would only ask that legitimate F2P people be given a little more consideration and a lot more respect.

See you all on the new combined server.

#2 Report | Quote[en] 

Well..... Thanks for the heads-up :)

#3 Report | Quote[en] 

Tyk --

A thoughtful and generous decision.

Just one question. How in Jena's name do you play *ten* characters??? I have a hard time with three! (That would be myself, my "father" and my "sister".) Obviously you don't play them all at once since they are on only two accounts, but still.

And I thought that I suffered from MPD*.

*with grins* -- Bittty

*Multiple Persona Disorder -- please give generously to the MPDF to find a cure.


Remembering Tyneetryk
Phaedreas Tears - 15 years old and first(*) of true neutral guilds in Atys.
(*) This statement is contested, but we are certainly the longest lasting.
<clowns | me & you | jokers>

#4 Report | Quote[en] 

That's a good question. Over the weekend I cut them down to 7 characters (5 on my 2 paid accountsJ) and 1 each on 2 remaining F2P accounts. I had about 5 or 6 F2P accounts each loaded with 5 characters. I used to play on 3 computers, but now only on 2. So I now only play 2 at a time. The characters come and go. Some are sent on 'my special missions (supposedly received from Chiang)' on the starter island and come back only periodically. Some have just disappeared over time (deleted them and started new ones).

In total I had about 40-50 characters over time. When I logged in, I whould decide 'who do I want to be today'? I try to maintain personality characteristics for my players. Some I've had a lot of fun with. Just with their personalities. I enjoy the character development aspect of the game so none are really high level, mostly low to mid-levels. So the 125 cap wasn't a problem for me. I enjoy keeping in character as much as possible. I rarely talk about the outside world. Several characters refuse to acknowledge there is a RL world, they think Atys is the only world that exists. I probably enjoy playing those most. It's true escapism. On good days, I've played 4 or 5 over the course of the day - mostly on the weekend.

Like everyone else, I've taken my breaks from Ryzom. But usually not for long periods. Sometime I play intensely, other times casually.

Ryzom is such a wonderful game, it's easy to think about it as a real world - it's easy to just slip away into that world for much longer than I should. My wife often objects to the time I put in-game. She has played on occasion. But only casually.

Oh well, everyone has their own play styles I guess.
Tyk --

A thoughtful and generous decision.

Just one question. How in Jena's name do you play *ten* characters??? I have a hard time with three! (That would be myself, my "father" and my "sister".) Obviously you don't play them all at once since they are on only two accounts, but still.

And I thought that I suffered from MPD*.

*with grins* -- Bittty

*Multiple Persona Disorder -- please give generously to the MPDF to find a cure.

#5 Report | Quote[en] 

How do I say in an unmistakably nice way, "please do not confuse the playstyle of the creator of this thread with the playstyle(s) of roleplayers"? Because I am not trying to say anything unkind, at all. I just want to inform anyone who reads this thread that there is a difference between those playstyles. Explaining the difference would probably be an excessive derailment of the thread though.

#6 Report | Quote[en] 

How do I say in an unmistakably nice way, "please do not confuse the playstyle of the creator of this thread with the playstyle(s) of roleplayers"? Because I am not trying to say anything unkind, at all. I just want to inform anyone who reads this thread that there is a difference between those playstyles. Explaining the difference would probably be an excessive derailment of the thread though.

Wow! Hmm, let me see if I can help. Since you're not wanting to say anything unkind and only want to inform potential new roleplayers that you do not consider the playstyle suggested above as traditional roleplaying, maybe you could try something like the following.

"As interesting as it may be, I don't believe that the playstyle suggested above conforms to what I, and many of my roleplaying friends, consider true roleplaying. I am starting a new thread to discuss "the joy of roleplaying" and invite all to join in the discussion." Then if you wanted to be nice you could add something like "Tyk, thanks for the insight into your gaming. I look forward to seeing you in game :)" The last is just a nicety and most readers, well at Tyk would, understand it should not be taken literally.

That should do it. That would inform everyone that you believe roleplaying to be something different than suggested above and provide them with a place where they could discuss roleplaying in detail. Of course, that would require you to open up the new thread, discuss roleplaying, and open yourself up to criticism. But, I promise you'd have at least one reader who might contribute to the discussion. Who knows, maybe you could convert me to your style of gameplay. But, more importantly, maybe you'd be able to attract some new roleplayers to the game or convert other players to roleplaying. that is your intent, right?

Back to my original intent for this string. I have decided not to further abuse the F2P system that exists in Ryzom and invite others to consider if they have engaged in similar abuses. All games have ways in which they can be exploited. As tempting as it often may be, it no doubt does cause problems. I invite all to consider ways in which they may help Ryzom to continue on and thrive for the long term.

#7 Report | Quote[en] 

I apologize for hijacking the thread, Tyk.   On more careful consideration,  i should have sent you a PM.


Remembering Tyneetryk
Phaedreas Tears - 15 years old and first(*) of true neutral guilds in Atys.
(*) This statement is contested, but we are certainly the longest lasting.
<clowns | me & you | jokers>

#8 Report | Quote[en] 

Thank you for the advice, Tyk. I do appreciate it. :)

#9 Report | Quote[en] 

Tyk, should we rename this thread to "Tyk answers Questions"?

(sorry couldn't resist thinking about those shows where you can call and get answers to your problems)


#10 Report | Quote[en] 


I seem to have misplaced my GM banner. Have you seen it by any chance?


Sywindt | Game Master | EN, NL, de, fr

#11 Report | Quote[en] 


Sorry, but I haven't seen it. You're going reckless too? That will seem strange seeing you around without the GM accoutrements :)


I seem to have misplaced my GM banner. Have you seen it by any chance?
Last visit Monday, 17 February 06:02:43 UTC

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