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#16 Report | Quote[en] 

I did post these same concerns some days ago in another post

re: Stats on Premium Pack Items.

Well I got my silver pack already trough the hide and seek event 2 days ago but I find those hide and seek events a bit to easy most of the time. I know they wanna give low lvl ppl a chance to win them but I don't see it happening anyway with the tips he gives out it's always gonna be oldies that guess them fastest. Some other eventes would be fun aswell so high lvls have a challenge.
Duel event, drag yubo to hiddensource, yubo ball (even refugee can do this aswell), ... there is so much more they could do then just the hide and seek and the question events.

There is also the problem of timezones the race was great since ppl got a whole weekend to do it but mostof these hide and seek and question events are in euro timezone (good for me but not everyone), maybe some more events that stay up a day would be great. Instead of hide and seek, let a package spawn on atys every hour that's not shown on radar and with different name each time (so ppl can't tar) the person first to find it gets a silver) ...

I'm happy I won some more on silan some days ago but I don't get it why they do these events in silan and in q50 zones.
It's the high lvl ppl that have grinded and prefected their skills for years that have supported this game with their money that want and need those packs so why don't do them in some more dangerous zones and why always hide and seek.

For instance do a duel the one winning might not know the lore of the game but it will prove that he has worked and perfected his skils/weapons/armor for years and if that's not worth a silver pack then nothing is.
Maybe do a digg as much of these mats in 24h type of game (or 1h)
Pretty sure ppl can even come up with crafting and healing championships if they think about it

(and i'm pretty sure the ideas I posted in the quoted text can be done aswell)

ps. I don't think they need to add more but they need to change the way to get them. (giving out 100s of packs next week in euro time zone still won't help the ppl that don't play at those times)


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