
#115 Report | Quote[en] 

The problem is that the vets don't want to give up their powerful skills. I can understand that.

But at the same time you must understand that it is almost impossible to start new players and have any fun with them as long as the vets are there. I've started probably 50 or more players. They always end up getting pimped out or powerleveled so that they can play with other groups. Not very many wish to play the low levels. All they do is get rushed through them. The only exceptions are some role-playing types. And even they will most probably eventually get inticed and give in.

#116 Report | Quote[en] 

The reason the lower level regions don't get played much is because there aren't many willing to take their time to play them. They are being drawn to the higher levels through powerleveling and such.

I'm sorry for the broken input, but I'm on my lunch break and have people coming and going.

It doesn't matter anyway. You all know what I am talking about. And there are just too many that will wield their influence to keep the status quo.

I'll let it go. Sorry to have bothered you all.

#117 Report | Quote[en] 

le sigh.

Guardian of Atys
Former GL of OmegaV

#118 Report | Quote[en] 

Yumeroh (Aniro)
Fixed an ERRATUM in the news, it goes without saying that we can not offer you unlimited MP, which would favor the lvl up being as we recover backups of your characters the last days.

Thank you for your understanding.

uhm what's MP?


#119 Report | Quote[en] 

Yumeroh (Aniro)
Fixed an ERRATUM in the news, it goes without saying that we can not offer you unlimited MP, which would favor the lvl up being as we recover backups of your characters the last days.

Thank you for your understanding.

uhm what's MP?
Materials (probably).

Last edited by Jable (1 decade ago)


Dandy Highwayman of the Red Ribbon Army

#120 Report | Quote[en] 

I'd suggest removing unlimited dappers, or material vendors, for the same reason.

#121 Report | Quote[en] 

Im with Tyk. Too bad we wont get to relive a fresh server :/ Cant wait for the complaining over scarce resources starts.

#122 Report | Quote[en] 

Im with Tyk. Too bad we wont get to relive a fresh server :/ Cant wait for the complaining over scarce resources starts.

Really? Imagine 100+ on silan all waiting for the Kiro's 10 minute respawn timer to expire.


Eldest, Order of the White Lotus

#123 Report | Quote[en] 

Gonna pay one more time ,just to keep my toon .And then gonna go absent and will wait to hear for a real restart...I have been waiting it for at least 3 years now, anyways.

(You should really consider about a new server...)

#124 Report | Quote[en] 

I must say, I had completely lost focus of Ryzom and haven't been playing in what seems like ages.

Yet, when I read the original announcement, I was as shocked and disappointed as most people that responded to it here on the forums.

Even though I haven't been playing in a long time, I still feel somewhat attached to this game and this community. I always told myself that "someday" I might return to playing it and was grateful that I could trust that my Char was safely tucked away on some corner of the server.

From my knowledge, Ryzom never deleted any characters (except maybe perma-banned players, idk.) and this created some form of trust with the developers. On the day of the original announcement, that trust was deeply shaken.

It made me think if I was ready to completely let go of Ryzom. And I think if you had gone through with your initial plan to delete all characters, then I would have indeed "cut loose" once and for all.

When I read today that you're offering players a chance to save their characters, I realized that I'm not willing to let go, yet. And seeing that you had the strength to crush your initial plan and work out a compromise - one that undoubtly will cause you more effort and cost, my trust in you was restored.

I believe, this can be seen as a leap of faith toward the community, hoping that they will take this opportunity to resubscribe and show their support for the game. So in return, as of today, I resubscribed to the game.

Thanks for listening and reconsidering.


#125 Report | Quote[en] 

Thank God for this email...I almost forgot about Ryzom and now I can not stop thinking about it...see you in Atys my fellow Homins :)


#126 Report | Quote[en] 

Wow, a company that actually listens to the community. These are the reasons that Ryzom is still alive today, and will continue to live on and hopefully flourish.

#127 Report | Quote[en] 

wahoo.. they listened and i am very happy to hear that i will be able to do something to retain my chars and revisit the game once again. thank you :)



HO of the reapers of the dark

#128 Report | Quote[en] 

Will you keep peoples Titles? Like I won the Kami Champion Title in the very first event. Will I still have that?

#129 Report | Quote[en] 

I dont get the point of the different packs, you say you start with the pack you "won".

Why cant all subbed players start with a premium pack, basically you mugged lv 250 players of their gear and they stand to "win" a "Basic" pack.

Maybe I'm missing something or can someone explain the point of the three tiers of starter packs please.



The Operative: Do you know what your sin is Mal?
Capt. Malcolm Reynolds: Ah Hell... I'm a fan of all seven. But right now... I'm gonna have to go with wrath.
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