
#104 Report | Quote[en] 

Well premium package gives 1m it makes 5m per paid account if they give it to all paid account without doing anything...With their way of doing u might have only 1 premium package per account so economy doesnt exploit again?

(or may be im wrong lol)

Yes -- you are wrong. It clearly says only one toon per paid account can do the "Reckless" designation.


Remembering Tyneetryk
Phaedreas Tears - 15 years old and first(*) of true neutral guilds in Atys.
(*) This statement is contested, but we are certainly the longest lasting.
<clowns | me & you | jokers>

#105 Report | Quote[en] 

Well actually i was telling the same thing to answer someone else....

#106 Report | Quote[en] 

Well actually i was telling the same thing to answer someone else....

Ah. I'm sorry. I misread your comment.


Remembering Tyneetryk
Phaedreas Tears - 15 years old and first(*) of true neutral guilds in Atys.
(*) This statement is contested, but we are certainly the longest lasting.
<clowns | me & you | jokers>

#107 Report | Quote[en] 

It's not the New Begining, it's Old Bullshit.

#108 Report | Quote[en] 

I'm not saying P2P players are better then F2P players but I think it comes down to money and time. I myself have probably 4 f2p accounts i've used for fun or even more and i think alot of ppl are like me then there are the real f2p players, ppl with f2p alts and the f2p players that made account and only used it once and so on; there have to be an unimagenable amount of f2p accounts.
Well this is certainly an improvement, now I have to decide whether to renew my sub and save my levels....

Found the "f2p keep the game alive" argument hysterical, yeah right, someone who is taking up system resources and not paying a penny for it is helping no end... duh !

f2p accounts have no more right to be maintained than my unsubbed p2p account, if you want rights, stick your hands in your pockets, otherwise, get over it cos you're just sponging

Firstly, I agree that no one should cry too much about unsubs losing everything - they can get a basic pack by participating in one of the events. It may make some of them take out a subscription. If Suboxide is right there could be hundreds, if not thousands of dormant unsubbed accounts where players have tried the game and not returned. If nothing else, this reset will clear a lot of dormant accounts, which will help in all sorts of ways.

I do, however, think we must be careful not to think of unsubbed players as somehow unworthy. Many of them will be players who are making up their minds about the game. Who among us did not start out unsubbed for however long before 'putting our hands in our pockets'?

I think the previous arrangements for unsubbed players was an unbelievably good deal and we can't blame people for taking advantage of it. The new arrangement - half XP for unsubs and no CATS - is a genius idea. We all know the worst part of the game is grinding. This will hopefully motivate a greater number of undecideds to pay up and support the game we all love.


It's bad luck to be superstitious . . .

Palta e decata, nan nec ilne matala.

When one goes on a journey it is not the scenery that changes, but the traveller

#109 Report | Quote[en] 

Not only am I going to sub - timing of the Great Wipe has concentrated the mind, as it were, I'm taking out a Monthly subscription. The has two advantages;

- first it means more cash for Ryzom (3 monthly, 6 monthly + yearly subs work out cheaper)

- second it means if things go bad and the game has to close (I really, really hope not) then I'm taking the minimum risk


Out of the Darkness, into the Light

#110 Report | Quote[en] 

I think this way, you are doing it right.

I always said that a server merge was needed, it will bring more players to play with, your actions have more meaning because of one gameworld, it will be great.

Keeping levels will be great, and this way you will earn some extra from all the vets that are comming back to sub so they don't loose there character and skills, and part of them will stay subbed.

Also the way free accounts are handled by giving them packs look good to me.

One question tho, how is it going to work with character name duplicates, anyone know?

Last edited by Cyberghost(arispotle) (1 decade ago)

#111 Report | Quote[en] 

Fixed an ERRATUM in the news, it goes without saying that we can not offer you unlimited raw materials, which would favor the lvl up being as we recover backups of your characters the last days.

Thank you for your understanding.

Edited 2 times | Last edited by Sywindt(Yubo) (1 decade ago) | Reason: MP -> raw materials


Yumeroh | Senior Gamemaster | Community Manager | Senior Tester Manager

#112 Report | Quote[en] 

It's not the New Begining, it's Old Bullshit.

I agree, it is not a new beginning. Not with characters transferring with all skill levels in tact. I was looking forward to a clean start. It's too bad they can't afford two servers - one for new starts and one for everyone wishing to keep their levels, skills, and items. Of course, the one for new starts would draw down the population of the other and cause a problem. People would keep their old characters on the one and run over to the other to play. It would be Cho all over again.

I'll tell you why I quit playing Tyk. He's got a few masters (crafting and digging). But ever since he left Cho, everything he crafted was for nothing more than the grind. I'll admit it - I can't compete with vets who have for whatever reasons mastered many things, can make and do anything, especially with the help of their guildmates - some very strong guilds and guildmates. I had my opportunity and joined a very strong guild, more than one actually. I was given all I needed and there was nothing left for me to achieve - except maybe participating in some boss hunts, outpost battles with the outposts conveniently split up by "allegiances" and protected by those allegiances. There's just nothing left, except grinding so that I may join the ranks of those that can already do what I grind to achieve. Not very meaningful or fullfilling use of my time.

A new start would have at least allowed me the illusion of being able to achieve something while it still meant something. Why an illusion? Because the vets will naturally be working together in their cliques, I mean guilds, and will reestablish their supremacy.

Is the community helpful? Yes, most definitely. In many respects that's part of the problem. Not only do they help others of their own level, but they powerlevel and give everything to new arrivals. Of course, the new arrival can tactfully suggest that they'd rather do it without "too much" help. Their wish will be honored and they will see all those that are at their levels shoot up and out of their play range, except when they have time to work some off skill just to help lower level players.

The community also has a tendacy to push their wishes on the newbies. Sometime very subtly, sometimes not. They will frown upon starting new guilds instead of chosing from those that already exist - there's plenty of guilds already, why start another? Especially if you aren't on the ML yet. You people on Silan shouldn't be forming guilds, you should just get over to the mainland and get scooped up there.

Okay, I think you have my take.

Sorry, but I won't be subscribing. Go ahead and wipe my players. They don't matter anyway. And I have no desire to play with 3 server fulls of vets. One was enough.

Good luck and I hope you all enjoy. If nothing else you'll have more people afk around the stables.

#113 Report | Quote[en] 

You think a new start without your levels is a good thing but the novelty will wear off and you'll be leveling in the same way you always have but realise you had to redo the levels you lost. The game stays thesame and eventually the way you play the game is the same.



#114 Report | Quote[en] 

You think a new start without your levels is a good thing but the novelty will wear off and you'll be leveling in the same way you always have but realise you had to redo the levels you lost. The game stays thesame and eventually the way you play the game is the same.

Well I have to respectfully disagree with you. Had I not given up my levels and started fresh on Cho I would have probably agreed with you. But I was there for the duration, until they needed a server for "Portuguese" speaking community - right! That didn't happen. Cho was hurting the established servers and the populations were dwindling.

Why not create a new server for new starts - completely new starts - no starter packs required. Combine the other servers into one server and let the vets play there and any non-vets who desire. But, don't allow anyone to have characters on both the new server and the merged server. Make everyone choose. See what happens to the merged server. And what happens to the non-merged server. They could always later offer those on the merged server the option of moving to the new clean start server as long as those wanting to transfer agreed to give up their established characters on the merged server. They could also later allow anyone on the new non-merged (clean start) server the option to move to the merged server.

The game won't be the same as it is now - the merged server will have to work through the cultural problems and play styles of the 3 current servers. It will take a while to settle down into it's new style - but it will be made up of 3 servers of vets.

#115 Report | Quote[en] 

The problem is that the vets don't want to give up their powerful skills. I can understand that.

But at the same time you must understand that it is almost impossible to start new players and have any fun with them as long as the vets are there. I've started probably 50 or more players. They always end up getting pimped out or powerleveled so that they can play with other groups. Not very many wish to play the low levels. All they do is get rushed through them. The only exceptions are some role-playing types. And even they will most probably eventually get inticed and give in.

#116 Report | Quote[en] 

The reason the lower level regions don't get played much is because there aren't many willing to take their time to play them. They are being drawn to the higher levels through powerleveling and such.

I'm sorry for the broken input, but I'm on my lunch break and have people coming and going.

It doesn't matter anyway. You all know what I am talking about. And there are just too many that will wield their influence to keep the status quo.

I'll let it go. Sorry to have bothered you all.

#117 Report | Quote[en] 

le sigh.

Guardian of Atys
Former GL of OmegaV

#118 Report | Quote[en] 

Yumeroh (Aniro)
Fixed an ERRATUM in the news, it goes without saying that we can not offer you unlimited MP, which would favor the lvl up being as we recover backups of your characters the last days.

Thank you for your understanding.

uhm what's MP?


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