
#1 Report | Quote[en] 

Hi, I'm having some problems with Ryzom's graphics while in-game.

I'm able to load the client, the starting and character windows, etc without problems. However, when I start to enter the server (with the large yellow wheel graphic just before entering the game) things slow down a little. It takes around 2 to 4 minutes to load and enter the game.

Once I enter the game, the graphics slow down; animations and movement become so choppy the game is unplayable. I regularly get a "please wait" window while my game stalls. Sound, mouse, etc. are all fine. Graphics detail are fine as well.

I'm running the Linux client off the current version of the KDE PCLinuxOS. I'm using an ATI Radeon HD 5670. I've got plenty of RAM and have played other games with equal and better graphics with no problems.

I've tried reducing the in-game graphics settings to low with no change. I've tired changing my ATI settings with no change.

I've been problem solving this issue for several hours and I'm at a loss.

Any help, suggestions, or ideas would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you.

#2 Report | Quote[en] 

I had that when i forst installed Ryzom on a 64bit box while using the official installer from back then. The official installer was 32bit... That still works, but most 64bit Linux installs don't have the 32bit GL libs installed...

So... My guess is that you have the same problem. I may be wrong. :-)

Anyway, at the time i found a 64bit Ryzom in Kervala's Ubuntu repository and installed that. It worked just fine.

It's just a pointer, but i hope it helps.

Have fun,

#3 Report | Quote[en] 

Nuno, thank you for your reply. :)

I should have mentioned this in my OP. I'm running a 32 OS, so that's probably not the problem.

Thank you again.

#4 Report | Quote[en] 

Ohh :-)

This comand outputs "yes"?
$ glxinfo | grep -i direct
direct rendering: Yes

If so, i don't know what's the problem :-D

If it says "No", then you don't have the 3D drivers worling properly.

Have fun,

#5 Report | Quote[en] 

Output = yes.

It seems the gods don't want me playing Ryzom :P

Thanks again Nuno, you're the best.

Still an open question, so any and all with any ideas would be welcome :)

#6 Report | Quote[en] 

The "Please Wait" usually indicates a connection problem - this shouldn't make the animations choppy though - unless you're talking about the movement animations and not the spell animations...

You could try to tracert/pathpaing/traceroute (what ever your OS likes best) and see if there are any connection issues somewhere on the way... (and look inside the client_default.cfg to get the login server - I'm sure it's in the same datacenter as the game servers, not so sure about the website here)


#7 Report | Quote[en] 

At this point I'm throwing in the towel. I've tried everything I know to do given my limited Linux experience. I've been at this for a couple of days now. While I can't be sure, I'm willing to bet the problem isn't on my end. I'll be moving on.

Please consider my request closed.

Nuno and Jarnys, thank you very much for your help today. It was greatly appreciated. :)

#8 Report | Quote[en] 


Are you running the official Ryzom version 1.13.1?


Sywindt | Game Master | EN, NL, de, fr

#9 Report | Quote[en] 

I've never used PCLinuxOS (guess I should throw that in my repertoire). But I'm assuming like most distros it has a repository. Are you using the graphics drivers from AMD or your repository. In the past I've had problems with games and it required actually install the binaries from the AMD website instead of the premade packages. This might help. I'm sorry, but it's really hard to pinpoint the source of your problem because it seems like it's getting hit from all angles, connection and hardware.

More information would really be better, what type of internet connection do you have, what hardware (other than your graphics card) are you running. I'm assuming by your graphics card you are on a desktop? PCLinuxOS ... (version (or at least install version since it's a rolling release distro))?

I wouldn't close this case, if nothing else this is a challenge for you to get to know your computer, the game and the OS better. If you have no interest in doing that you could use Ubuntu. PCLinuxOS is probably not a distro I'd recommend for limited experience. Please don't get me wrong this is not an insult, I started off with Mandrake 10.1 and moved to Slackware 10, but I was willing to get my hands dirty to solve my problems. Now I just want things to run so I use Ubuntu. If you want a more "do it for you" distro, Ubuntu or a variant thereof could be considered.

Edited 2 times | Last edited by Efeeko (1 decade ago)

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