

#1 Report | Quote[en] 

Hi guys, I've seen a lot of anger and angst in the forums and in-game about the up-coming character wipe. I'd just like to remind everyone about the other parts of the post from the Ryzom team which some seem to have missed.

If the servers aren't merged, there will be no more Ryzom. As a consequence, the dev team have taken a decision to start everyone all over from scratch. So, the reality is, that you could take the option of having a new Toon in Ryzom and be able to continue playing the game, or the option that there is is no more Ryzom, period.

Seems pretty clear to me.


Edited 2 times | Last edited by Oscarian (1 decade ago) | Reason: Dyslexics Untie!

#2 Report | Quote[en] 

Seems pretty clear to me.

I'm guessing it's fairly clear to a lot of people. Hence the anger and angst. Whether this works or not, even people that eventually stay are going to have their say for the next couple weeks. There's very little to do in game besides events and chatting with friends at the moment.

The real intent behind the character reset may be a combination of the notification email and the drawn out time for the reset. They've succeeded in drawing old players back into the forum with the weight of the news and may even manage to hook some of them.

I don't think people are going crazy over the server move. Resetting the toons is the thing and, despite what they may say, that's a choice being made by the owners of the game. It's not a technical impossibility or anything much tougher than making the starting packs they're handing out.

Without any real clarification this becomes a major trust issue with a lot of long time players. It would help to at least be straight with these people that have paid to keep the game going for years.

#3 Report | Quote[en] 

Yes the server move may be driven by financial reasons, and that's FINE. Very few are complaining about that part. This NONSENSE that the character wipe is necesary because of technical reasons is a bald faced lie, and adds the SLAP to the insult.

They are doing the character wipe as a sledgehammer fix to years worth of poor game administration. They don't like the legacy guild and character power arrangements, and are tired of newer players complaining about "not being fair". They don't like the dapper/merchant/crafting economy the way it is currently being utilized either. But they have sat on their hands over this for years and done nothing about it. So, they are using this excuse to "fix" it all.

Like burning your house to the ground because you want to rearrange the furniture.

Just don't pee down our backs and call it rain. At least man up to the truth and say what the real reason for the total wipe out is and face us with honor.

Without that, there will be no trust, THAT is what will kill the game!

#4 Report | Quote[en] 

Hi guys, I've seen a lot of anger and angst in the forums and in-game about the up-coming character wipe. I'd just like to remind everyone about the other parts of the post from the Ryzom team which some seem to have missed.

If the servers aren't merged, there will be no more Ryzom. As a consequence, the dev team have taken a decision to start everyone all over from scratch. So, the reality is, that you could take the option of having a new Toon in Ryzom and be able to continue playing the game, or the option that there is is no more Ryzom, period.

Seems pretty clear to me.


I have seen countless server merges in the many mmos i played/tried over the years.
Yes, server merges are sometimes necessary but they do not imply character wipe.
I have been playing mmos since 2001, i have never seen character wipe, ever.
I think the owners want to get rid of the few old players left, i assume they are seen as a problem.
Easier to get rid of them than program the necessary updates to the game.
Not to mention all the so-called updates i seen so far were about pvp, pvp and pvp, so thats about all the devs know to do, everything else is above their skill level.

#5 Report | Quote[en] 

I believe you might be missing the point of view of many older players also. For a lot of them character wipe is equal to the death of the game. Quite a lot of people have invested a lot of time into getting their characters to where they are now. There are a large number of people who if asked to repeat the effort simply cannot do it or could take years to return to this point. Reasons like having a full time job, a family to support, studies and such.

Consider this: You have put between 4 and 8 years into a game you love and believe in. Years of subscription and thousands of hours of digging and crafting with one thing in mind. "Work hard now, put in the time and I will have my crafts mastered and the grind will be over with."

Then you get this news: We dont like the way things have turned out. The future of Ryzom is in question MAYBE it will last a little longer if we wipe your characters. Please start again.

I dont think the anger is unjust. A trust has been broken that may never be fully repaired.


#6 Report | Quote[en] 

Oscarian, I believe you are missing the point of our angst and anger. Many of us have played Ryzom since it's very beginnings. We've seen the game through 3 different owners and 2 server shut downs. We've stuck with Ryzom through thick and thin, coming back and again and again when things looked the most dismal, all in hopes of living in our homin skins once more. Now, we're being told, after sticking it out for all this time, that our loyalty has been for naught.
We understand the decision has been made, and if a toon wipe must be done in order for Ryzomto continue to survive, then that's what will happen. We don't, however, have to be happy about it nor do we have to keep quiet when voicing our discontent over the loss of years and years of work.

#7 Report | Quote[en] 

Oscarian, I believe you are missing the point of our angst and anger. Many of us have played Ryzom since it's very beginnings. We've seen the game through 3 different owners and 2 server shut downs. We've stuck with Ryzom through thick and thin, coming back and again and again when things looked the most dismal, all in hopes of living in our homin skins once more. Now, we're being told, after sticking it out for all this time, that our loyalty has been for naught.
We understand the decision has been made, and if a toon wipe must be done in order for Ryzomto continue to survive, then that's what will happen. We don't, however, have to be happy about it nor do we have to keep quiet when voicing our discontent over the loss of years and years of work.

Well Said could not agree more :)

#8 Report | Quote[en] 

While the anger IS valid and just, we should remember that the world itself is not going anywhere. Even if we are to start again, it is still the same Atys we love.

Maybe we are way too fixated to our characters?
Back when Ryzom was closed and gone, people were crying after Atys, even to the point of making a "world viewer" so they could walk it again. This time, we at least get to keep the world.

#9 Report | Quote[en] 

Not to mention all the so-called updates i seen so far were about pvp, pvp and pvp, so thats about all the devs know to do, everything else is above their skill level.

It has been that way for more than 6 years, Frier -- since before my "father" came to Silan. The developers have always conceived of Ryzom as a PvP game and tried to make that the primary focus. Unfortunately (for them) and fortunately (for what I suspect is most of us who love the game) the player base didn't buy into that. Cooperation (by and large) was more fun and more satisfying. Rather than accept what their community wanted, more PvE content (high in programming effort and art development) the devs have, as you said, worked on trying to get more PvP.

((All my experience is with Arispotle. The above statements may not apply to Leanon and Aniro.))

-- Bittty Mac Od

Last edited by Bitttymacod (1 decade ago)


Remembering Tyneetryk
Phaedreas Tears - 15 years old and first(*) of true neutral guilds in Atys.
(*) This statement is contested, but we are certainly the longest lasting.
<clowns | me & you | jokers>

#10 Report | Quote[en] 

As the end of Bitttymacod's post touches on, it's always been easy for people to forget that Arispotle is not the Ryzom community--it's just a small portion of it. I heard that Aniro's community did want more focus on PvP.

Last edited by Jelathnia (1 decade ago)

#11 Report | Quote[en] 

I feel an old quote from Max Planck (German physicist) is appropriate here:

"A new scientific truth does not triumph by convincing its opponents and making them see the light, but rather because its opponents eventually die, and a new generation grows up that is familiar with it."

Perhaps that's what they were thinking?



Always argue with an idiot... it's the only way they can get Experience! :)

#12 Report | Quote[en] 

Bitty at least the German community was/is more PvE focused than PvP as well ;-)

Depending on the currently active guilds there have been more OP and faction/civ battles though some times.


#13 Report | Quote[en] 

I do think starting all at lvl 1 again can give us a chance to grow toughether since we all gonna need to team up/craft/..., we won't have a chance to pvp at the beginning I think. So there is a chance we can make our own new community with the new ppl we learn to know. If we all start with our lvl's then it will just be an arms race and I don't see community's growing to each other that way.


#14 Report | Quote[en] 

If a company decides to go in against 99 percent of the wishes of it's customers , that company will not survive long ....And if it survives it won't be ever taken seriously again .
If a devteam of an MMORPG decides to take out the base and the chars to change technics and merge a server , it does say a lot about the capabilities/Possibilities/Will of that dev-team, especially when that game allready exists for 8 years , surviving allready change of companies , merges ,etc
If u feel attacked by what I say , imagine how we feel .
I do not intend to point my finger but tbh I consider this as a smack in my face , and I even feel like we are not taken seriously ... Not as player , not as customer , not as human .
If u seriously have any problems that are worth mentioning , where we can find a solution for , please respect us as customer and partly shareholders and communicate them , ask for help if necessary .For the sake of your company and the sake of our game ...
I'll always gladly came back and pay my part for seeing my beloved toon back .
And I loved the way she had grown over the years , thanks to the effort of my guild ....In return i loved to help out new players ....And it helped to have grown over those years .Why take this all away ?
I never knew throwing a nuclear bomb was a solution for mankind...Nor will it be for Ryzom .
Sincerely yours

#15 Report | Quote[en] 

Not to mention all the so-called updates i seen so far were about pvp, pvp and pvp, so thats about all the devs know to do, everything else is above their skill level.

It has been that way for more than 6 years, Frier -- since before my "father" came to Silan. The developers have always conceived of Ryzom as a PvP game and tried to make that the primary focus. Unfortunately (for them) and fortunately (for what I suspect is most of us who love the game) the player base didn't buy into that. Cooperation (by and large) was more fun and more satisfying. Rather than accept what their community wanted, more PvE content (high in programming effort and art development) the devs have, as you said, worked on trying to get more PvP.

((All my experience is with Arispotle. The above statements may not apply to Leanon and Aniro.))

-- Bittty Mac Od

Yeah, the devs started the push for pvp in early 2005 and the player response was mostly negative.
But to my knowledge, Ryzom was not conceived as a pvp game.
In the original design of David Cohen Corval there was no significant pvp.
In the game manual that came in the box, it was mentioned that outposts are to be taken from NPC factions by force or by diplomacy.
I would cheerfully salute the wipe if they turned Ryzom towards its original concept.
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