
#40 Report | Quote[en] 

I'm just a noob with 30 levels, so I won't lose much, but this is SWG all over again. Prepare for closure.

On the other hand, I'd still choose a wipe over total closure. After all, It's the people that matter, not the levels.

Last edited by Arkil(arispotle) (1 decade ago)

#41 Report | Quote[en] 

Unfortunately, I also fear that this transfer will deal a final blow to the playerbase. Ok, I'll be there after the restart, but I know too many who won't. Losing apartment, packers, guildhall, lots of items of memorial value, that is pretty hard. Sad also for RP players to lose all the witnessings of their deeds on the bark. Yet that is considered sustainable by many.
The loss of all the experience is a different matter. It cripples players who have won it over years and now, while lacking time as a professional or parent, may still connect, e.g. take part in kicking Aen's and her mates' butt every once or twice a week. They are maintaining their subs, therefore. I doubt they'll do in case they have to relearn everything from scratch because they simply lack the time for.

Please rethink ways to preserve experience in some way while keeping the advantage of clearing old overblown data structures. I cannot imagine that this is completely impossible or an unmanagable amount of data. Maybe you could preserve players' values for some time granting restore to anybody subbing or so. That might give an incentive for many to renew their sub, be it only to preserve their achievements.

Possibly you could just wait with that until a newly connected player has left Silan or even until she owns a full set of capital porters.

Last edited by Daomei (1 decade ago)


Daomei die Streunerin - religionsneutral, zivilisationsneutral, gildenneutral

#42 Report | Quote[en] 

Have been running around Atys since beta,watched the attacks on Pyr by the kittins and the [what was then awesome magical graphics of the mages and guards,which i think was reduced due to server lag } .Have seen the game rise from strength to strength until being dropped in the mire by Nevrax.But all through the following years the community stood by the game supporting in any way possible,until we were ressurected once more again the community pulled together to rescue the game,have looked at many games during the bad times but always drawn back home to Ryzom.Still see many old payers have supported this game over the years and this is nothing but an insult to the ammount of work [ not to mention subscription fees they have invested }
I wonder if any of the devs have ever played the game,and realise the ammount of time/work invested in creating a master lvl.Perhaps if they had they would not consider destroying 8yrs of history and rare items which will never be regained.Or perhaps all they can see are $ signs ,if money was the answer to the problem perhaps they should have asked us { have millions of dappers spare } again this just shows contempt and a lack of intrest in the community.Merging databases a difficult task {not impossible } or even the possibility of toons being given skills/lvls back individually on a new server.Sorry to have rambled on but is such a shame to see the death of so many toons,who i wonder deserves the new title '' Master Toon Eradicator '' one more afterthought perhaps we are being dumped again,new server no more WINCHGATE ??

In Atys we dream of real life only,but are we ready.

Edited 4 times | Last edited by Stormforce (1 decade ago)

#43 Report | Quote[en] 

I fail to see why you would need to clear out all levels for this to work. Guilds, outposts, items etc I can see why you'd want to wipe, but for Jenas sake don't clean out our homins.

If there are naming issues, just bloody send a mail. I'm sure one of the parts will agree to change name, much rather than have their toon deleted. This is just plain out stupid! (edited out quite a few of the words that got me muted on uni over the last year, hope this is good enough)

Sod off. Don't kill Gaskette. Seriously, Wintergreen will beat you silly if you do.


"It's shite being tryker! We're the lowest of the low. The scum of Atys! The most wretched, miserable, servile, pathetic trash that was ever shat into civilization. Some people hate the Matis. I don't. They're just wankers. We, on the other hand, are COLONIZED by wankers. Can't even find a decent culture to be colonized BY. We're ruled by effete arseholes. It's a shite state of affairs to be in, Marceline, and ALL the fresh air in the world won't make any ****** difference"

#44 Report | Quote[en] 

Btw, in the Leanon forums one of the moderators posted that the characters will be reset/wiped, but their looks, race, and the name will move over to the new server.
So at least no one looses his/her character name and exact looks.

I sure hope that I can keep some of the presents I got from crafters, the fireworks I got during the marriage in Matia (on Leanon), or some mission mats that I dug just to decorate my appartement's inventory, or or or.... - And I'm only a low level char at <60. Still it took me more than a year to get there.

On the other hand I also hope that the devs will not go through with their plan to hand over special stuff like the "Marauder Q200 armour" if you're doing something or other now on the old servers. That's again an inflation of some other sorts. People are supposed to work hard for that on the new servers. If you want incentive, then invent a few new items, similar to the flowers and eggs. Unique stuff that only folks surviving the migration will get. Titles even!

Let's hope the devs will change their minds about the xp & item wipe because I also fear that we'll see a drop in payed subscriptions. The danger is that this drop will come slowly: People may change their subscription settings only when a re-sub is due. So the true quality of result of this wipe decision won't be visible immediately.

Those who do consider leaving, I can only encourage to think about this: What's really causing you to have fun in Ryzom? If it's more the people than the levels, then the game is still good for you. I'm looking forward to meeting a bunch of folks I've silently read in the forums but never could meet on a server (not enough time for a server twink). And I'm looking forward in huge treks of low level folks while we're all trying to rediscover the world with the limited abilities we have at the start.

Ryzom is capable of hosting a hundred players on a battlefield. Let's make the first treks of level 30 players a mass-trek. Let's do a big announcement, a big congregation, and try to get through with the mass of low-hit-point folks that we'll all be.

#45 Report | Quote[en] 

Many years ago I heard a song on the radio, it went like this;

'Do you hear the people sing, singing the songs of angry men! This is the music of a people who will not be slaves again!'

Listen Devs, these people have been slaves to the betterment of Atys, and now you spit it back in their faces. There are so many ways of doing this better. Please, I beg of you, read this page before it's too late.

I said before, now I say again

Atys is dead! Long live Atys!


Wishing will get you nothing; Wanting gets you nothing; Hindsight is the root of all evil

Nebona Psykro

Jena's eternal devotee

#46 Report | Quote[en] 

What a sad day. I dont have the time to play Ryzom currently, but some happiness was always in my heart knowing Jezzer was there, one day, if I returned. It looks like she will no longer exist, all the time effort, history, everything will be gone.

I completely understand the need to move on, if population is low, if running the different servers costs too much, i get it. I just dont think this is a smart move. Maybe there isnt an easy way to transfer over accounts, maybe it is just not even an option, but know that this really is a death blow. You have people playing for years getting their toon where it is today, if you delete their toon, what is the point in starting over? If anything its a slap in the face and a feeling of regret for putting all that time in effort into the game in the first place.

Extremely disappointed.


Spiritus Artificis
250 Desert Forager / 250 Jungle Forager / 250 PR Forager
250 Magic Amplifier Crafter / 250 1h Spear Crafter / 250 Large Shield Crafter / 230 Light Armor Crafter / 210 Rifle Crafter

#47 Report | Quote[en] 

I can't believe this decision to wipe out all players characters. I've been playing just over a year and it's hard enough to take, but this is a kick in the teeth for your most loyal players. The people who lose most are the best of us - the ones who've spent THE BEST PART OF TEN YEARS building their character(s).

You seriously think all your more experienced players (and let's not forget, subscribers) are going to carry on after this? I don't think you'll keep more than 10%.

Yumeroh (Aniro)
the names of new characters will be allocated on a first come, first serve basis, so do not wait to recreate your character if you wish a particular name.

So I've got to rush to re-register my character before someone else takes the name? What if someone else registers the name and runs around passing themself off as me?

I can't believe you're being so stupid about this.

There MUST be an alternative way to merge the servers without killing everybody off.


It's bad luck to be superstitious . . .

Palta e decata, nan nec ilne matala.

When one goes on a journey it is not the scenery that changes, but the traveller

#48 Report | Quote[en] 

This is the best idea youve had in 7yrs!! A fresh start! Awsome! I personally cant wait! no more 50000000 GH full of cats and supreme mats boss mats and w/e a complete FRESH start!! Im that excited i feel tingly!! Cya all on Atys SOON ! :) x

#49 Report | Quote[en] 

This is the best idea youve had in 7yrs!! A fresh start! Awsome! I personally cant wait! no more 50000000 GH full of cats and supreme mats boss mats and w/e a complete FRESH start!! Im that excited i feel tingly!! Cya all on Atys SOON ! :) x

Give me your address and I'll give you the nearest psychologist.



Wishing will get you nothing; Wanting gets you nothing; Hindsight is the root of all evil

Nebona Psykro

Jena's eternal devotee

#50 Report | Quote[en] 

Terrible idea, 6 years! You will lose 3 subs here too...

had a great time in the game, but you are going to lose a lot of subs and the game will finally die.

#51 Report | Quote[en] 

It took me forever to accumulate this much DP and PVP tagging. What now? :(

#52 Report | Quote[en] 

Is it possible to create a "safe list"? A list of toons that people want to save/transfer, 1 toon per account? Delete all their items/apt/gh whatever. I mean that cant be that many toons or take that much time. It lets everyone who currently plays/or is paying attention to this thread keep a least one of their characters with their levels, it allows everyone to start over in a sense because everyone will still be hunting for NPC's/resources/bosses/named/OP battles/etc.


Spiritus Artificis
250 Desert Forager / 250 Jungle Forager / 250 PR Forager
250 Magic Amplifier Crafter / 250 1h Spear Crafter / 250 Large Shield Crafter / 230 Light Armor Crafter / 210 Rifle Crafter

#53 Report | Quote[en] 

Did you people learn nothing from Sony? Did the changes made to SWG have no impact on you? Do you plan for Ryzom to be taught is business schools as another example of what NOT to do?

I have put too much into my character to do it over. I have invested over 6 years in Ryzom. Two accounts that I paid even when I wasn't actively playing. We waited when Ryzom was down due to the financial problems.

But for you to deliberately delete me is more than I can handle. I won't be back. 2500 plus days of The Soul will be lost forever.

Think it over, please. Then think it over again. Don't kill Ryzom! Don't forever kill what we have worked so hard for.

#54 Report | Quote[en] 

Is it possible to create a "safe list"? A list of toons that people want to save/transfer, 1 toon per account? Delete all their items/apt/gh whatever. I mean that cant be that many toons or take that much time. It lets everyone who currently plays/or is paying attention to this thread keep a least one of their characters with their levels, it allows everyone to start over in a sense because everyone will still be hunting for NPC's/resources/bosses/named/OP battles/etc.



Wishing will get you nothing; Wanting gets you nothing; Hindsight is the root of all evil

Nebona Psykro

Jena's eternal devotee
Last visit Saturday, 28 September 12:17:07 UTC

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