
#211 Report | Quote[en] 

I don't mind the wipe, Ryzom will be just as fun (and probably much more) as before.

We all here love Ryzom because its great community and its very unique gameplay, but please don't forget that friendship will remain and the game (and that's all about) will be even better than before.

I also pay to play this game, even if I can't play few days or weeks, but just for support Ryzom.

Too all the players against the wipe:
Please, demostrate that Ryzom community is STRONGER that its player's characters

Last edited by Danto(arispotle) (1 decade ago)

#212 Report | Quote[en] 

I'd rather Ryzom went bankrupt again, maybe someone else would have bought the game without character wipe, or Winchgate would open game data as they did with source code and assets. I think that character wipe, at least in the way as it's planned, is not a good idea.
... I've never thought it will end up like this.

I agree completely. Sell the game to someone who cares about the community and their long, hard earned efforts of getting their characters where they are now. You're betraying your most loyal subscribers. I'd even rather see you triple the cost of subscribing than a full wipe.

#213 Report | Quote[en] 

Is that zombie frappi or real frappi?

#214 Report | Quote[en] 

Cheer's for all the fun time's everyone :)
Just remember the epic battles and the fun we had!!!!


Peace is a lie, there is only passion.
Through passion, you gain strength.
Through strength, you gain power.
Through power, you gain victory.
Through victory, your chains are broken.
Ma-Duk shall free you.

#215 Report | Quote[en] 

We know that you have spent a lot of time on your current characters. It is you that has helped keep this game running as long as it has. You are an unbelievable community that other MMO games and players envy. We would not have made ​​this decision if there was an alternative, and we realise that many of you will be dissapointed. We ask for your support to make this transition as painless as possible.

This is maximum insult to loyal Players in one Paragraph.
What a Joke! All to maximise their profits at the expense of all our hard work, I Loved Ryzom subbed 2 accs, I will remove Ryzom without any reservation out of hate if they wipe and i will never return. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE DONT WIPE you may not be able to manage the game but please dont punnish us too, leave our chars for someone that cares and understands the time it has taken people to get where they are.... Bye Bye Folks o/

#216 Report | Quote[en] 

We know that you have spent a lot of time on your current characters. It is you that has helped keep this game running as long as it has. You are an unbelievable community that other MMO games and players envy. We would not have made ​​this decision if there was an alternative, and we realise that many of you will be dissapointed. We ask for your support to make this transition as painless as possible.

This is maximum insult to loyal Players in one Paragraph.
What a Joke! All to maximise their profits at the expense of all our hard work, I Loved Ryzom subbed 2 accs, I will remove Ryzom without any reservation out of hate if they wipe and i will never return. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE DONT WIPE you may not be able to manage the game but please dont punnish us too, leave our chars for someone that cares and understands the time it has taken people to get where they are.... Bye Bye Folks o/

Cry me a river! Please someone wipe the server of this dribble. Please wipe the message board too!


Disclaimer: Any resemblance between the characters in this post/thread and any homins, living or dead, is a miracle.* The characters in this post/thread are fictitious. Any homin resembling them is better off dead**
*You Nazty Spy
**I'll Never Heil Again

#217 Report | Quote[en] 

What a Joke! All to maximise their profits at the expense of all our hard work

I think the problem is the lack of profit, not maximizing them.

#218 Report | Quote[en] 

What a Joke! All to maximise their profits at the expense of all our hard work

I think the problem is the lack of profit, not maximizing them.



Disclaimer: Any resemblance between the characters in this post/thread and any homins, living or dead, is a miracle.* The characters in this post/thread are fictitious. Any homin resembling them is better off dead**
*You Nazty Spy
**I'll Never Heil Again

#219 Report | Quote[en] 

Dear Winch Gate,

Assuming there is at least some humanity (Hominity?) left in a company that could consider genocide--and the effects on Atys as a result--in such a flippant manner, consider the responses in this thread--as well as this post--carefully. It may determine not only the standing of Winch Gate Property Ltd.--both financially and within the MMO industry, not to mention the actual open source community (of which google is not considered a part)--but the credibility associated with those who run it as well.

Since your source code has already been released, the only "virtually actual" property you now own--in terms of intellectual property--are the server configurations, the player accounts, and your standing in the MMORPG industry. All of which, along with much existing player cred, you are now considering simply deleting. You probably don't want to go the way of unix, and have to consider a total loss. Those like Linus Torvald and the resulting linux community will be happy to pick up the slack.

My notes say that it has been seven months since I last played this game...

Within that time, and the year previous, the real world has blown up. Maybe not--at least in the cities many of us reside in--in terms of glass, steel, and cement, but rather in terms of people and what they are capable of doing--whether that be in protesting governmental actions, or in attempting to appease or restrain said actions.

Over this period of time, I've been involved to varying degrees, in both sides of these conflicts.

Out of these experiences, I can say to some degree of certainty, that the people want informed stability, not traditionalism nor inflexibility, from those they are in some ways forced to rely upon or even trust.

With that said, if you continue with this poorly constructed course of action, adversely effecting an ambiance those other than yourselves created--whether you hire programmers or not, you did not originally develop this game, and are simply working off of what others have built.--I for one may find it rather difficult to forgive you.

I've had to forgive some rather heinous actions taken against myself and others...

Also, be aware that there has been at least one class action over far less (this only concerning virtual property/items).

Since you are simply the publisher, one can forgive such a poorly formed, reactive plan, in light of financial strain; however, to follow through with it after the majority of the active subscribed players have responded against it, is another matter entirely. I'm fairly certain that those who do not play, but still subscribe to support the game, or maintain a character, will simply stop paying without any notice...

Arguably the programmers on staff simply correct bugs, effect minor code changes, and are currently ill equipped to handle such drastic changes without help. There seems to be a number of game developers that might even volunteer their time if certain concessions were made concerning the aforementioned.

First and foremost, I'd advise not deleting the data of any player character or server configuration, etc. Again that's all you really have going for you, and storage is cheap.

At this point you may want to consider delaying the implementation--this would at the very least show that you are seriously considering player response. This would in some ways improve your credibility with players, existing or otherwise interested.

A small fee for character transfer to the new server could solve the issue of other non-related costs associated with the merge--one that you do not currently have. This is actual, immediate income, and not based on projected results, which in this industry can change drastically based on player response.

In all actuality, as far as we know, all that has been done so far is a forum announcement, a few very minor actions in-game as a result, and the resulting fallout as a result of said post.

Other suggestions:
avoid splitting communities between sub and f2p, let it remain a simple matter of level progression
avoid effecting game mechanics which may do well when there are many players on one server--in light of other MMO failures this game seems to do fairly well

Roleplay aspect:
Cataclysmic events in this world are not unprecedented, and it is not unlikely that Homins would have to react to them; however, give us a chance to stage a fighting withdrawal...

This could be an opportunity for a game-wide event in which the entirety of the players are overwhelmed and must retreat--eventually--to a much smaller area, perhaps Silan, perhaps not.

The aggressors could be the kitins, the goo-heads, or perhaps even a dragon or two, who knows...either way it must be an overwhelming force that would make even the most rock-headed of Fyros--eventually--take flight, or die fighting...

The event could be predefined or you could allow us to make our own strategies, but in the end the overwhelming aspects would force a consolidation in a single area.

Perhaps the goo could spread drastically as well...
The goo option could eventually cause those more adventurous players who like to go it alone to reconsider, face violent death, or perish in a wasteland--without the need for GM intervention.

Furthermore, after a Homin is killed in this event, you could simply not allow them to log back in until it is over, or re-spawn them in the retreat area, e.g. silan etc.

If no relog, then after the last Homin falls use that time for server downtime; better yet let us consolidate in the retreat area and then shutdown.

Much lore could be written about this, as well as much cred and perhaps items etc. for those who last the longest.

Game-wide events like these that have far-reaching and defining effects on the world usually gain a great deal of publicity.

News of this beforehand could also draw in new players as well.

If you simply must ignore sound MMO business practices and actually delete accounts, and server configurations, give us a chance to go out with a fight, rather than a flop. At the very least the Fyros will be happy...


Edited 2 times | Last edited by Hadriankross (1 decade ago)

#220 Report | Quote[en] 

Wow...this was shocking news. Ryzom was my first MMO, Loryen was my first character in an MMO...and my only character in any MMO for many years. I normally resub for a month or two every 4-6 Ryzom seems to be my "fall back" game. I must admit that I too am confused by the logic of tossing your best feature, the strong community of long time mature gamers. I feel like I just lost a friend or pet.

I think Shylan is still in shock. She has been shaking her head for the last half hour since I read her the news (I think she is whispering something about "travesty"). I think it goes without saying that neither of us will be resubbing...ever. We would like to officially log our objection to this plan...for what it matters.

If anyone wants to reach us post-apocalypse, we are Forencith and Shylan respectively in GW2 (Tarnished Coast, but whispers can be sent across servers)...drop us a hello.

Last edited by Loryen (1 decade ago)

#221 Report | Quote[en] 

Hi all!
Even without reading all the pages I already could predict 100% what will I read here, still - I've read them all.
When merge is actually a good idea wipe is horrible HUGE MISTAKE.
Let's think what makes ryzom so special? For me it is the only game that allows making such incredibly passionate relations between players which forms this unique community. But! To form such relations u need time and time in ryzom is quite slow :) it is almost like a life, a real life and let's see what u doing now? - killing alot of lives, alot of sleepless hours, alot of emotions, memories, learning, achievements. U may think what a problem, it will be a new life - no it won't be a new life, it will be another life, but how willing u be to play it after u got killed?
Ryzom is not significantly developing so gameplay stays same, world (as locations) stays same leveling stays same old horrible grind and u think many ppl will want to repeat YEARS of big efforts thru the same game? For me it's not even a question :) Obviously NOT.
So what we have here: all loyal and knowledgeable players leaving and making huge fuss all over social networks and u losing money, new players who see this kind of advertisement will ask themselves 'do I really want to go there and give them money see what they did to oldies?' - so no new moneys as well which means even less developing and even big question how to pay that only single server we have.
Okay okay let's turn on unreal imagination and see brand new ryzom with tons of new newbies running around. What was special about ryzom when I came to play? I can tell u - COMMUNITY. I thought I found heavens no less - ppl being helpful, attentive, answering questions spending time with me even being much higher in levels and everything. But u just killing this community! For all those imagined newbies there will be NO community! Noone to help finding that fine zun amber, noone to help killing kirosta, noone to explain how great digging is! "Oh this game is too hard! I go back to WoW" - this what u will have. And it will take YEARS to form new community - ask yourself "do we really have those years?".
Really now, admin folks, switch on ur brains and see finally that wipe thing will be just the last nail into ryzom's coffin cover.
I ask u kindly: for the sake of all incredible love to this game and for the sake of it's surviving - PLEASE RECONSIDER!!!

#222 Report | Quote[en] 



Disclaimer: Any resemblance between the characters in this post/thread and any homins, living or dead, is a miracle.* The characters in this post/thread are fictitious. Any homin resembling them is better off dead**
*You Nazty Spy
**I'll Never Heil Again

#223 Report | Quote[en] 

Shock and anger are the emotions I experienced as well as those of my friends. Some wont come back but I bet many will, many who are posting that they are leaving. Does it suck? Of course it does. The length of time that some have been at this game, makes it more painful to some than others. That being said, they are going to do this. So what to do?
You can rant and be bitter. You can post memories and leave gracefully. Or you can look at this awesome game and awesome community and say I am going to roll up my sleeves stick with it and weather the storm. Everything will be here that was here before. Many people will be returning, that means there will still be a community, the knowledge of where to find those mats, how to best level, what ways are best to kill the mobs. My guild will be mostly coming back and i wouldn’t be surprised to see even those who said they wont come back drop back in. I am just shy of two masters and I have been playing for less than 4 months. I bet even w/o the cats and great gear my guild gave me, I will in a short time get back to where I was. I know how to do it and I will teach those that dont how to as well.
The world can be quite a crappy place And I play the game to get away from it and spend time with my friends. If this is the worst thing that happens to you this year count yourself lucky, many people in the world would love to switch problems with you. Your masters, titles, and rare items are not really that important, its the friendships that make this game.

After hurricane Katrina 7 years ago it was hard to find your friends but we managed. We had no plan or warning. Somehow I think if they are friends, with this much warning you can make plans to find each other in the game. But remember this is just a game of 0's and 1's, the friends are real though. Keep things in perspective.

P.S. I doubt there will be a run on your characters name.

My 2 cents...

#224 Report | Quote[en] 

Six years of grinding
six years of dedicated time given in love

the anguish of the Big Wait
though the uncertainty of floundering companies

battles lost and won
friends made, love that blossomed into marriage

The Soul supporting me to gain a marauder armour crafter
hours and hours and months and months

lost in a restart and all for double XP
seems unfair

I feel... empty.... sad

#225 Report | Quote[en] 

I am/was a new player. I registered last year but didn't play due to RL priorities. I came back a few days ago with the intention of playing but had problems with the game. Spent many hours trying to troubleshoot. I didn't bother to read the announcements until now. I wish I had done so earlier, I could have saved myself a lot of time.

I won't be playing Ryzom if they follow through with the character wipe (and I'm certain that they will; they won't change their minds).

I get it - times are tough, and the Dev's need to do what they can to keep Ryzom alive. The server merger is a good idea. The character wipe is not.

Companies survive on the good will of their loyal, repeat customers. By implementing this wipe, the Dev's will destroy that good will. Loyal, paying customers will leave. They won't come back. The anger here, on this forum, is perfectly justified. This isn't about the loss of a character: stats, skills, gear, whatever. It's about the RL disgraceful lack of respect for the customers. It's about a violation of trust. It's hurtful.

MMORPG's are a buyer's market. You want to keep your company alive? Take care of of your players. But a wipe does the opposite. It ostracizes your players and drives them away to your competitors. Now I won't presume to guess what the Dev's are thinking, but I'm guessing that they are hoping new players will come in due to the wipe, and the short-term lack of competition of veteran players. And I'm sure that some new players will come in because of this.

But here's the really important thing about this: Many new players will look at this wipe, look at this forum thread, and know that this company can and will wipe their characters whenever they feel the need to do so.

Some new players will come in, sure. But most MMO players are savvy enough not to spend their time and money on a game company that's going to stab them in the back a year or so down the road.

Some of these players have been here for YEARS supporting this game. Do you really think I, or any other player with a sense of self-respect is going to invest time/money into a game that could turn on me at any moment when there are plenty of other MMO's to choose from? Nope, mama didn't raise no fool.

The thing that really bugs me about this is I know that Ryzom was an amazing game. I respect the Dev's for porting it for LInux. And to be honest, I really hope I'm wrong, that others are wrong, and this wipe won't kill this game. But I have little hope of that.
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