
#188 Reportar | Citar[en] 

Personally, I think this may be for the better of the game.
I am myself a new player and I have tried a Ryzom a few times, but each time got bored because playing by myself, no excitement to talk with other fellow players and so forth.
MMOs are meant to be played with people, not alone.

So, I am think this decision may be a benefit for the game. Even if some veteran players leave, I think the majority of the current community will stick and new players will join as well.
As a matter of fact, I am going to redownload and reinstall the game as we speak

Yep plenty of players to team with, your region chat will look just like this:

¿Buscas equipo, necesita nivel 30 curandero
Je suis là pour l'équipe, ont besoin d'une mêlée près de 28
Elementar 33 muss Nahkampf und heilen
Можно сделать наступательной или оборонительной магией на уровне 29 или ближнем бою на 32 нужна команда

You: need a team, around level 30

Good luck.

Última edición por Abendiggo(arispotle) (1 década hace)

#189 Reportar | Citar[en] 

Well, for me, not such a problem since I speak/read/write in both English and French.
This said, one option to fix that for the future is to have specific channels based on language. Upon logging in game a player would select the channels they would use each time. The other channels would still be available, but optional

#190 Reportar | Citar[en] 

i've said for a long time this is a good idea for the company winchgate. there would actually be people on the server...
there are a lot of downsides to it of course. i never advocated resetting all the characters, but, if you're gonna merge, maybe it's the best way.. course nobody's gonna like it, might kill the game more, yadda yadda...

would be nice to have a full server sometimes eh?


#191 Reportar | Citar[en] 

Well, for me, not such a problem since I speak/read/write in both English and French.
This said, one option to fix that for the future is to have specific channels based on language. Upon logging in game a player would select the channels they would use each time. The other channels would still be available, but optional

Sorry but you'd better reread the press release. Only universal (world wide) channels will be available for each language and selectable on that basis, local and regional channels will be all languages - not separated - all lumped together.

In any event, great for you, not any good at all for people like me who only read and write one language.

#192 Reportar | Citar[en] 

RP will be adventurous, for sure, for unusual - and wrong - reasons. There is a big danger of producing ghettos - people of different languages will most likely not merge at all. But those who are pretty new to the game will not loose much. They just started their adventure, and can do so again. For others, with a long "life's work" behind them, it will be very, very hard.


Salazar Caradini
Filira Matia
Royal Historian
Member of the Royal Academy of Yrkanis
First Seraph of the Order of the Argo Navis

#193 Reportar | Citar[en] 

Would you rent here?

So you’ve rented one of my apartments for many years. Thank-you.
I see you have invested a lot of time and effort into it. You’ve moved in furniture, appliances, a nice big screen TV. Oh, and the car in the garage, wow, I didn’t think anyone actually owned one of those.
But it seems that the economy has shrunk and now we have to consolidate three apartment complexes into one.
And some new folks that have moved into the complex don’t have all the stuff you’ve managed to collect over these last several years.
So in order to fit everyone into the new single complex, and to get more people to move into these apartments here’s what we’ve decided to do:
We are going to take everything in your apartment. We are taking your furniture, appliances, cars, TV’s, everything. Even your name and your mailbox. At the end of the month everyone will be on the sidewalk without even the clothes on their back.
We think this leveling of the playing field will attract more renters in the future.
Have a good day.

Última edición por Dwarz(arispotle) (1 década hace)

#194 [en] 

Eliminado por Mokoi(arispotle) (1 década hace) | Razón: harrassment

#195 Reportar | Citar[en] 

Yes ... that's exactly the point. Thanks for the reminder. I tend to forget.


Salazar Caradini
Filira Matia
Royal Historian
Member of the Royal Academy of Yrkanis
First Seraph of the Order of the Argo Navis

#196 [en] 

Eliminado por Mokoi(arispotle) (1 década hace) | Razón: implied bad language

#197 [en] 

Eliminado por Mokoi(arispotle) (1 década hace) | Razón: duplicate

#198 Reportar | Citar[en] 

I just got this in my email and while I dont play anymore, I would just like to say to the existing players how sorry I am that this has happened to the game and your characters.

While I'm glad OP's and cats are gone (I hated them with a vengence), I would suggest that you do not penalise non subbed players with your XP plans. I cant think of any other MMO currently doing something like this.

I went back to Lineage and its still got a vibrant population, it came out at the same time as Ryzom, but to survive it (like many MMO's) has gone f2p, but it busts its ass to enhance gameplay for non subbed and beginner players, it gives double XP, at certain milestones it gives you free armour, weapons and jewellery that are bound to your character, but you can keep them and it also gifts you top tier equipment for certain periods of time to get you through levels faster and with style, it has buff bots in towns to give you free buffs.

As I said, it busts its ass for the players to enhance their gameplay.

Here you are busting your loyal players asses, you cannot expect them to accept something like this when every other MMO is busting their asses to help loyal players.

These player LOVE their gameworld and their characters, in many cases they consider their ryzom characters an extension of their real life personas, kill their characters and its like murdering them, then asking their owners to come back and pay to dance on their graves.

So on behalf of the existing players, I hope you will reconsider your position on the matter or do something like give each one a lv 250 character for their account, with an amount of skillpoints to spend as they see fit, something to assuage their distress at what you are doing here.

I know Ryzom has always bucked the trend vs other MMO's, but from someone who has played many subbed and f2p MMO's, you are not shooting yourselves in the foot, you are shooting yourselves in the head.

Good luck all and I hope you get some sort of positive reaction to your issues.

/Peace, Valda.


The Operative: Do you know what your sin is Mal?
Capt. Malcolm Reynolds: Ah Hell... I'm a fan of all seven. But right now... I'm gonna have to go with wrath.

#199 [en] 

Eliminado por Mokoi(arispotle) (1 década hace) | Razón: more spam

#200 Reportar | Citar[en] 

I am turning to Wurmonline, that is what I found the nearest of Ryzom. I will see.
Yesterday, I tried Guild Wars 2. Teenage community, totally immature and not helpful, exaggerated magic effects. All is on graphics but the content is empty. I can give a 4/10.

Maybe one day, I will get pissed off with all of them and go back to Ryzom. But so far, NO.

#201 Reportar | Citar[en] 

Since no one has mentioned it i think ( dont jump on my back if you have :P )

Cho was created for the "new" players and what happened........

Loads of Vets jumped from Aris and went there and dominated and decimated the entire server within weeks, so much for balance and helping new players.

Im with the majority of replys here, i have subbed on and off for to long really to a game that for some reason keeps pulling me back because i have formerly known as Mardock waiting for me to run him around again. Visit the kipees so i can moan about the noise find things to kill or work up the will to grind some more on ranged ( takes all the fun out of pvp :( )

Will i resub or make a F2P account no, ive started from scratch on to many toons and gained to many lvls to justifly putting the time back in to do it all again.

To the people ive been guilded with and the ones ive just played with and against its been a blast with loads of memorys, I Salute You All.

To Winchgate i would urge you to reconsider the toon wipes as from what i can read and see in game your going to loose a lot more than you think you are.

#202 Reportar | Citar[en] 

I believe that no one has understood what the situation is. Merge or nothing, because they do not make it to maintain all the servers. If you agree we start from scratch together. If you do not agree, that's the door. You did not understand that they will not beg anyone but they are pointing to a new community.
I read about threats, words and reactions extremely out of place. Perhaps someone should remember that this is a game, not real life. And above all, that the friendship created in game will exist anyway.
Last visit domingo 9 junio 07:32:58 UTC

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