
#180 Доклад | Цитировать[en] 

This is really bad news. For me it means that I will most likely stop playing Ryzom at all. Made some friends here, but I can keep the contact alive with mail and messangers, too.

Please think it over again, deleting all chars is the worst you can do. You destroy everything with this action.

Why not merge accounts to one server? I'm sure if one really wants, this must be possible. Name conflicts could also be solved, e.g., the oldest char can keep it's name and the others must choose a new name. That would be a solution everyone could live with.

Well I still hope that you will change your mind.

If not: I suggest as many subbed players as possible should cancel their subscription now in order to show their disagreement. Maybe this could be a signal to them and make them change their mind? If they delete all chars, it will be the beginning of Ryzom's end.

Last edited by Stellina(arispotle) (1 десятилетие назад)

#181 Доклад | Цитировать[en] 

Please, go back to the drawing board. Figure out a reasonable solution. Use some engineering ingenuity.

If you want to get rid of all the Dappers, get rid of the dappers.
Do a real merge (not a deletion) with the names changed.
Remove all land/guild ownership but let people keep their xp and items.
The battles will rage righteously with merged servers and a blank slate of a world for everyone to stake out.
Whatever you do, don't make everyone start over.
Do not take away everyone's hard earned time and effort.

Eat some humble pie, admit it was a mistake to even consider it, and beg for forgiveness from all of the people who pay to subscribe.

If you follow through with this, I see no reason to trust the company to ever preserve the integrity of protecting the time that so many put into the game. To take that away is wrong, economically, personally, as game developers, from a business perspective, moral perspective, there is no way to defend it.

And to say that the challenges are too difficult to overcome? We landed people on the moon damnit. You can merge servers and come up with a better solution than this.

I know for a fact it isn't impossible. "Technical issues" are never impossible to overcome.

I don't know what universe you're living in if you think merging MMORPG servers while preserving some items (doesn't need to be all), xp and social ties isn't possible. Change what you need to in the underlying game world, make some concessions here and there, but do what is right for the players and the game.

#182 Доклад | Цитировать[en] 

I would be happier to pay a little more if they hired a real programmer (you know the kind of guy who actually codes in C/C++ etc), or at least payed for some advertising, more than all fantasies with web development, events, marauders, and other fluff.
Winch Gate has programmers. I know 2-3 of them ( 2 I know for sure to be Winch Gate employees, the 3rd I am not so sure ).

#183 Доклад | Цитировать[en] 

I would be happier to pay a little more if they hired a real programmer (you know the kind of guy who actually codes in C/C++ etc), or at least payed for some advertising, more than all fantasies with web development, events, marauders, and other fluff.
Winch Gate has programmers. I know 2-3 of them ( 2 I know for sure to be Winch Gate employees, the 3rd I am not so sure ).
Not to mention that there are us outside of the company who contribute to Ryzom ( making tools and whatnot ), even if it's not very obvious for the players.

#184 Доклад | Цитировать[en] 

Hey there everyone.
So, by the looks of it, there's some serious disagreement with the way the server-merge will be handled by Winchgate, by every community throughout all the three servers.

So, here's the deal we propose to the developers, to at least keep a good share of the veteran players with the game. Because to be honest, if the merge is done as it's planned right now, a good share of people will just stop with this game. We all know that. And Winchgate should know too.
This is not a threat, this is a fact.
Next to all the, and I'll be blunt, bitching an whining on the forums, there are some players who wish to make this transition as smooth as possible, without having too many members actually leaving the game.
So we thought about possible ways to keep those players. We can understand the way taken to just transfer characters on paid accounts, which have shown to be active by obtaining one of the packages to keep their chars name and appearance.
Here's the way most would probably agree with, as we can see it:
- transfer only characters with a package obtained on the events, those need to be on accounts that are paid at the moment of the server-transit
- transfer with the name and the appearance, all titles, all skills on the character, and the inventory of said
character aka the characters bag
- kill on server-transit all guilds, empty all homes and guildhalls along with all the equipment on the mektoubs
- kill all Dappers on the characters transferred, just leaving them with those gained from the packages
We'd like to've most of you supporting this deal. It's the way every professional company would handle such server-merge, as it needs to be taken for the survival of the game.
But so the game can go on, there needs to be a community to actually play the game, and to pay for it.

Edited 2 times | Last edited by Neira (1 десятилетие назад)

#185 Доклад | Цитировать[en] 

Very well said.
The level difference between me and much older players only did one thing, and that was to keep me going - sure i felt overwhelmed - but why would that make me want to leave??? - It only gave me the high standards (and a long subscription) to aim for.

#186 Доклад | Цитировать[en] 

I've managed to recruit quite a few people (who've known the game for a long time but never really started playing) who are interested in starting to play after the wipe, though. :)



#187 Доклад | Цитировать[en] 

Personally, I think this may be for the better of the game.
I am myself a new player and I have tried a Ryzom a few times, but each time got bored because playing by myself, no excitement to talk with other fellow players and so forth.
MMOs are meant to be played with people, not alone.

So, I am think this decision may be a benefit for the game. Even if some veteran players leave, I think the majority of the current community will stick and new players will join as well.
As a matter of fact, I am going to redownload and reinstall the game as we speak

#188 Доклад | Цитировать[en] 

Personally, I think this may be for the better of the game.
I am myself a new player and I have tried a Ryzom a few times, but each time got bored because playing by myself, no excitement to talk with other fellow players and so forth.
MMOs are meant to be played with people, not alone.

So, I am think this decision may be a benefit for the game. Even if some veteran players leave, I think the majority of the current community will stick and new players will join as well.
As a matter of fact, I am going to redownload and reinstall the game as we speak

Yep plenty of players to team with, your region chat will look just like this:

¿Buscas equipo, necesita nivel 30 curandero
Je suis là pour l'équipe, ont besoin d'une mêlée près de 28
Elementar 33 muss Nahkampf und heilen
Можно сделать наступательной или оборонительной магией на уровне 29 или ближнем бою на 32 нужна команда

You: need a team, around level 30

Good luck.

Last edited by Abendiggo(arispotle) (1 десятилетие назад)

#189 Доклад | Цитировать[en] 

Well, for me, not such a problem since I speak/read/write in both English and French.
This said, one option to fix that for the future is to have specific channels based on language. Upon logging in game a player would select the channels they would use each time. The other channels would still be available, but optional

#190 Доклад | Цитировать[en] 

i've said for a long time this is a good idea for the company winchgate. there would actually be people on the server...
there are a lot of downsides to it of course. i never advocated resetting all the characters, but, if you're gonna merge, maybe it's the best way.. course nobody's gonna like it, might kill the game more, yadda yadda...

would be nice to have a full server sometimes eh?


#191 Доклад | Цитировать[en] 

Well, for me, not such a problem since I speak/read/write in both English and French.
This said, one option to fix that for the future is to have specific channels based on language. Upon logging in game a player would select the channels they would use each time. The other channels would still be available, but optional

Sorry but you'd better reread the press release. Only universal (world wide) channels will be available for each language and selectable on that basis, local and regional channels will be all languages - not separated - all lumped together.

In any event, great for you, not any good at all for people like me who only read and write one language.

#192 Доклад | Цитировать[en] 

RP will be adventurous, for sure, for unusual - and wrong - reasons. There is a big danger of producing ghettos - people of different languages will most likely not merge at all. But those who are pretty new to the game will not loose much. They just started their adventure, and can do so again. For others, with a long "life's work" behind them, it will be very, very hard.


Salazar Caradini
Filira Matia
Royal Historian
Member of the Royal Academy of Yrkanis
First Seraph of the Order of the Argo Navis

#193 Доклад | Цитировать[en] 

Would you rent here?

So you’ve rented one of my apartments for many years. Thank-you.
I see you have invested a lot of time and effort into it. You’ve moved in furniture, appliances, a nice big screen TV. Oh, and the car in the garage, wow, I didn’t think anyone actually owned one of those.
But it seems that the economy has shrunk and now we have to consolidate three apartment complexes into one.
And some new folks that have moved into the complex don’t have all the stuff you’ve managed to collect over these last several years.
So in order to fit everyone into the new single complex, and to get more people to move into these apartments here’s what we’ve decided to do:
We are going to take everything in your apartment. We are taking your furniture, appliances, cars, TV’s, everything. Even your name and your mailbox. At the end of the month everyone will be on the sidewalk without even the clothes on their back.
We think this leveling of the playing field will attract more renters in the future.
Have a good day.

Last edited by Dwarz(arispotle) (1 десятилетие назад)

#194 [en] 

Удалено Mokoi(arispotle) (1 десятилетие назад) | Причина: harrassment

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