
#156 Report | Quote[en] 

it has been years since my last post since i had decide not to participate any more in the forums for my own reasons.

*clap* clap* clap*

i am not going to talk about other people points of view but i have the feeling that most of the above posts have more or less cover my point of view.

the only thing i have to say is the way i personally feel.
i feel being used. why? very simple. since the game return back after a year's of absence i have keep paying my account event though when i wasnt playing just to support the game the way i could in order to keep ''my love'' alive. its less than 3 months i decided to come back and finish of my crafts.i m pretty sure i m not the only person who keeps paying but not playing just to support the game and the community as a whole.

ofcource i m not planning to return back with a pay account and the reason is not because i dont want to but because you simple dont worth my trust to do so. all this time players who have been playing for years have been used because they have been usefull to you. now seems we are not any more usefull so you just through away the paper and flash the toilet. your actions just prove that you actuallly dont want me any further in the game therefore i m not going to stay somewhere when others dont want me to be.

even if i had decide to stay why should i do that? just give me one only good reason that i have to stay other than giving money to you.
how can i trust tou and start over again? how do i know that in a year or two of paying you, you wont do the same again because things didnt come the way you had them in your mind and you decide that a fresh start is needed?

the only way i would resub is to give me a free sub till i reach all the levels i have gotten till now so i can play for free til i die because for sure i m not to put again the effort of almost 8 years once more
i dont have the time to do that anymore and most important i dont want to support people who treat others like trash.

have been fed up with stupid excuses from you all these years. you keep trying make things better with non stop lies in order to be able to keep the cash and you dont have the guts to come out and just for once speak the truth.

i would rather have known that the game cannot run any more like it happened on 2008. at least... i could still dream that it could one day revive again like it did at 2009 when you bought it. Funny thing no accounts were lost even from a year absence back then but its going to happen now. funny thing that the people who saved the game back then decided to murder it today.

like i say... if the time has come to go .... go now not tomorrow ....and thats tha case with you.

so this is my farewell to all my friends, enemies and to a company that dont give a ***** about us

#157 Report | Quote[en] 

Daomei (Leanon)
I have suggested a procedure where everybody starts at Silan from scratch, but gets her data restored manually by a CSR after a while, e.g. after having done all city welcomer missions in all capitals.

Or after wining enough achievement points... this will promote the new achievement system and allow to spread the restoration requests out over time.


Kaléan McFerty
Pirate of the Lakes

#158 Report | Quote[en] 

or you could get over it and accept were all going to have to start new chars

#159 Report | Quote[en] 

Effex, it is no wonder that such a situation is luring the trolls and supermachos out of their holes. Yet you are making a fool out of yourself by deriding others' concerns.

The problem is not that i cannot go over it. I shall surely be there Sep 25 no matter whether stats will come back or be lost like mats, app, meks and, much worse, RP, the guild of mobile traders at FH and other things that make me cry (yes, you may deride about).

The problem rather is that quite a number of players will not bear it but simply go elsewhere. And if the decision to shut down the servers was taken out of economic problems, it is likely to worsen instead of alleviate them.

I merely doubt that server operation, maintenance, networking and other hard- and software related cost make more than 20% of overall cost. Assuming same traffic, they may at best shrink by half when reducing the number of servers from 3 to 1. That means saving 10% of overall cost. Take other 10% due to simplified programming and software maintenance when serving only one system (I doubt it is so much) you still do not have more than 20% cost reduction. I fear it is much less.

I have no numbers about the paying accounts, but I can take some estimates (which I'm not willing to publish here). Anyway, if only part of the players expressing their determination to leave actually do so, that will most probably cause an income reduction which dwarfs any savings. Together with the additional cost the migration will cause (after all, it is one more server in the first place, or are you naive enough to believe it won't be in place already now?) this means that the economic situation will deteriorate instead to improve.

Thus, I am quite skeptical whether Ryzom will see the year 2013. I shall not be the cause for. The cause of my suggestions is mitigating such a development.


Daomei die Streunerin - religionsneutral, zivilisationsneutral, gildenneutral

#160 Report | Quote[en] 

It doesn't make sense to pay while not playing and stop paying because they wipe the servers. The reason of paying is keeping this world alive. Wiped or not wiped the world will be here for whoever wants to keep it alive.

I don't like the minimal resistance solution of not allowing the active players to reserve by request one or two character names, but can't do anything against it. .. after all it's their toy.

I would be happier to pay a little more if they hired a real programmer (you know the kind of guy who actually codes in C/C++ etc), or at least payed for some advertising, more than all fantasies with web development, events, marauders, and other fluff.

#161 Report | Quote[en] 

Wiped or not wiped the world will be here for whoever wants to keep it alive

With the entire history gone, there's no world kept alive.

#162 Report | Quote[en] 

With the entire history gone, there's no world kept alive.

Indeed. I'm not angry ... I'm just very, very sad.

I wish the game every luck it needs. I'm not giving up on Atys ; Atys gave up on me.

Last edited by Salazar (1 decade ago)


Salazar Caradini
Filira Matia
Royal Historian
Member of the Royal Academy of Yrkanis
First Seraph of the Order of the Argo Navis

#163 Report | Quote[en] 

Wiped or not wiped the world will be here for whoever wants to keep it alive

With the entire history gone, there's no world kept alive.

Where are you keeping that history? In your appartment? In your armor? In your mektoub? The history of a MMO is inside the people's minds imho.

#164 Report | Quote[en] 

Wiped or not wiped the world will be here for whoever wants to keep it alive

With the entire history gone, there's no world kept alive.

Where are you keeping that history? In your appartment? In your armor? In your mektoub? The history of a MMO is inside the people's minds imho.

If you keep it just in your mind, in private, it doesn't matter to the world, just to you. But the histories on three servers differ. Who won the temple wars? Is Dexton alive or not? Was there a war between Matis and Fyros? Who saw Muang, and where? What has Salazar done, if he did anything at all, as a Filiria? Who the hell is Salazar, by the way? We wrote the history of three worlds to have it thrown away, for it does not fit in one.


Salazar Caradini
Filira Matia
Royal Historian
Member of the Royal Academy of Yrkanis
First Seraph of the Order of the Argo Navis

#165 Report | Quote[en] 

With the entire history gone, there's no world kept alive.
Where are you keeping that history? In your appartment? In your armor? In your mektoub? The history of a MMO is inside the people's minds imho.
The RP history in a persistant world is kept in the course of events and developments. These developments were always allowed to differ slightly among the shards. On Leanon, the conflicts between Fyros and Matis were reconciled short before a war, on Ari and Ani, war broke out with victory/defeat for different sides as I recall. On Ari, Imperator Dexton died, on Leanon, I still hold an axe handed to me by Dexton for contributing to save his life, on Aniro, I don't know. My apartment holds a memorial plate granted by the Imperial Family and Senate for my actions in this case.

All that will be gone and wiped out, surviving only in a couple of screenshots. Damn sad, but I don't see a way to preserve it. When RPing with former Aniro and Ari players, I shall have to learn their views, histories, styles of RP. This will be a challenge, but I am willing to take it. But it would be foolish to deny what we have lost.

Additionally: While frantically digging in order to save Dexton's life, I learnt better ways of harvesting and completed my lvl 200 in desert and 190 in prime roots. Sure I shall never forget that.

Last edited by Daomei (1 decade ago)


Daomei die Streunerin - religionsneutral, zivilisationsneutral, gildenneutral

#166 Report | Quote[en] 

Agree, I stand corrected. But ever since Still Wyller died and the voting was bent to "developing needs" this part died pretty much for me.

By the way... at what point in histroy is the new server starting?

Last edited by Faa(arispotle) (1 decade ago)

#167 Report | Quote[en] 

I, like many who have posted, felt angry and betrayed by this decision. I will probably give the wiped server a chance. But, getting my wife to come back with me may be impossible.

But, I do feel like despite being called a mature community we are being treated like children who should be seen (most especially through our money) and not heard. I think this diverse community could have and would have helped financially or as free labor to save the massive amount of work put into our character's progression.

If the decision was to help new players by leveling the playing field, I think you are trading a small benefit for a major loss. At least on the server I played on, new players that showed they were more than immature little brats were helped and mentored by the veteren community a tremendous amount.

I am unsure if enough of the mature parts of the community that supported and helped this game survive as long as it has will return to help it restart. If not enough veterens do stick through this, this action will just delay the death of Ryzom, not prevent it.

It would be nice for a developer response to many of the questions/clarifications mentioned in this thread.

#168 Report | Quote[en] 

I may not have a lot of years invested in Ryzom, but I have 11 years invested in another game, and I can understand the frustration of existing players, who are losing so much of their time and work. I also understand the excitement of a few, for being able to start over and relive "the old days", with all players on semi-equal footing. I don't know how much equal footing comes into play in Ryzom - where I'm from, there is a HUGE class discrepancy between newer and older players. That game is over 15 years old, but I expect this is true of any long-standing game.

When I first heard about the merge, I was a bit upset. Afterall, we hadn't had much time to grow, but we did have our little accomplishments, and these might as well not exist. For a while, I didn't see any point in playing other than to hang out and chat. Then I remembered something. There is... no difference, in the long term, whether I advance my character or not, REGARDLESS of whether the servers merge tomorrow. This is because it's not real life. Nothing I do here will carry forward into my real future. It's a pastime. It's fun. So... if I can enjoy it once, why not enjoy it twice? In the end, it's all illusion anyway. Unreal accomplishments in an unreal universe, providing a real sense of accomplishment - which I could've gotten from real life deeds. I'm choosing to pass (waste?) my time in a virtual world. I mean, really - once you accept that truth, how much does the rest really matter? Accept it and move on. Or don't.

I searched for this game for 10 years. That's how long ago I first started searching for a replacement game. Over the years, I searched several times, browsing, researching, sampling other games - and I never even found the name Ryzom until a few weeks ago. There's really nothing else like this game. There are a few other games that have unique "claims to fame", but Ryzom, like them, is special in the MMORPG universe. And it just so happens that what makes Ryzom special, is one of the dealbreakers in my ongoing search for a new home.

So I'll still be here after the merge, and hopefully for a long time to come. I'm also trying to bring friends in, to enjoy what really is a special place.


#169 Report | Quote[en] 

I think the biggest issue people face is not so much the fact of starting over from scratch, but the fact that if things are so dire as to need such a desperate action then the future looks very bleak and it would seem a waste of time starting over if it's unlikely to have much of a future

That and the fact that many long term players simply don't have the time they used to have years ago so have no hope of regaining what they lost anyway

I see the point that the community is what makes the game special and some of that community may remain for whatever time Ryzom has left, but that doesn't provide any incentive to invest any serious grinding time into a game who's days seem to be numbered, and it's not much of a game if you're just bumbling around aimlessly with no real commitment.

In fact I think the community aspect will be damaged somewhat by the merger - playing on a server with people you have no way of communticating with produces its own set of issues which I'm only too familiar with having played a primarily Korean MMO in the past

It's a sad state of affairs, but I believe Ryzom's glory days are long gone if this is the only way forward

Edited 2 times | Last edited by Korva(arispotle) (1 decade ago)

#170 Report | Quote[en] 

Hello from Aniro !

Be sure that we also are very concerned about this very very very bad news. Upset, sad, mad, we all feel the same.

We hope we shall find a solution even though it seams to be a sweet dream :(

The only positive thing is that we will have the great pleasure to meet you all guys ! It will probably be a super mess and I hope we will have a lot of fun.

I'm pretty sure it won't last a lot (*), so be ready to enjoy !!!!

See you soon !

(*) I won't pay for that of course, I'm not that dumb ^^


Lemra Ma Xue

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