
#131 Report | Quote[en] 

As I pointed out in another thread.., a lot of us know a lot of stuff in our flesh and blood brains.  The thrill of discovery will not be there.
That is an important point, invalidating all ideas of equal chances during new beginning. While many won't come back, still the majority of new beginners on Silan will be old players. They are like babies thinking about sex and real estate investment while shitting in the pants, freaks overshadowing the minority of real beginners, possibly driving them away.

I remember quite well my first steps on Silan, how proud I was about discoveries, fights with dangerous creatures, all that. Later, building a new toon until she was ready for the mainland was a matter of an afternoon when carefully doing all missions.

I doubt it will be a bright future what we are facing now. But let's see.


Daomei die Streunerin - religionsneutral, zivilisationsneutral, gildenneutral

#132 Report | Quote[en] 

How many of those fond memories have you being mentored, or a group of you and your friends being escorted on a trek. As I pointed out in another thread (...), a lot of us know a lot of stuff in our flesh and blood brains.  The thrill of discovery will not be there.

And your point is...? To each its own, I'm an achiever not an explorer. I thrieve in the challenge, not in gaining knowledge - most of whatever there is to know is in my brain. Okay, I don't remember anymore how many fireflies are flying around streetlamps but I can certainly trek myself to anywhere at lvl 10.

For the record, 80% of what I know about Ryzom I discovered by myself and I enjoyed every second of it.

#133 Report | Quote[en] 

It took me forever to accumulate this much DP and PVP tagging. What now? :(

Hey at least you will have the knowledge of how you gained all that DP, now you will be able to do it faster!!

#134 [en] 

Deleted by Mokoi(arispotle) (1 decade ago) | Reason: bad language

#135 [en] 

Deleted by Mokoi(arispotle) (1 decade ago) | Reason: spam

#136 Report | Quote[en] 

Dont forget about the CTO:

Vianney Lecroart

Mugshot: le?banner=pwa

This guy has a lot of influence especially over the one thing that could SAVE this game which is:

Making it _all_ Open Source

Give me the Ari data and ill host it on a server in my Colo for free.



#137 Report | Quote[en] 

Mugshot: le?banner=pwa

link not working for me

#138 Report | Quote[en] 

Remove the space in "profi le".

#139 Report | Quote[en] 

Take out the space between the i and l in profile.

#140 Report | Quote[en] 

Take out the space between the i and l in profile.

cute :P

#141 Report | Quote[en] 

Well, You can add me to the "find another game" group. Bye to all my Atys friends.


#142 Report | Quote[en] 

Yea same Here. Not gonna waste my time playing again if they are just gonna do the same thing again down the road. Ill just go to another game that actually will stay around and care about their loyal community.

#143 Report | Quote[en] 

Well I have a couple of months until my sub will elapse, thus I'll be there when the new server will come up. Yet I have no hope whatsoever that many will follow. And I won't try to regrind my 250 levels or so. I expect the final shutdown during the next months.


Daomei die Streunerin - religionsneutral, zivilisationsneutral, gildenneutral

#144 Report | Quote[en] 

I sit here at my same desk where I have played Ryzom for over 6 years, amazed and shocked. I will always remenber the many treks across our little root ball, the many op wars, NPC hunts, pvp skirmishes, and the great LAG. But most of all I will remember you, the Ryzom community. Love me or hate me it is up to you, but personally I loved every moment in game. I will miss staying up well past a reasonable time killing one last boss, or waiting for supreme mats to pop. *sniff* Farewell my friends, I will not be resubbing my toons. I will let Iwishiwasfive die with dignity standing proudly at the Fairhaven Stables where he has been for these many years. Thank you to my ever-loyal alts Vmax, Jackoba, and Jaslene. You have made this game so much fun for me. Last but certainly not least thank you to Sarifina for introducing me to this game, and for putting up with all the times I was up late, or scarfing down dinner at the computer desk, or was late for something because I was trying to finish up in game. Ryzom will be deeply missed.



In this modern computer world I find it difficult to believe that the player information will be lost due to technical difficulties. The world is full of programmers that could solve the issue, many of which play Ryzom. If you need help resolving an issue please let us help!

#145 Report | Quote[en] 

I think you should all stop moaning! You think they came on this decision lightly? This is clearly a last ditch effort and i think its a good idea could bring about a new community and new challenges! I personally cant wait to start again! The new players will be useful again! everyone will have to work together to get the economy going again!

This will be alot of fun! Cya all soon

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