
#114 Report | Quote[en] 

::imagines 3 servers-worth of players competing for PR-dug Sup mats::

Yup, obviously, 2/3rds of those players must go away to keep PR digging viable.

Mission: accomplished



Always argue with an idiot... it's the only way they can get Experience! :)

#115 Report | Quote[en] 

I couldn't be more upset by this stupidity. I JUST SUBBED! Was brought in by the community and fellowship of my guild and guildmates. Felt like family, looked forward to seeing them all, and having some fun together. I am not a master in anything, but was planning to be. Now you do this crap.

Utterly irresponsible. I want my sub fee back. If you'll do this once, you'll do it again later. How will we ever trust you again. Shame on you.

Some of these fine folks have played this for years, become established icons in the game. And you just spit in their faces and say it couldn't be helped.

I want my sub fee back.

#116 Report | Quote[en] 

After all the crying and whining i think this will be best for the game. A wipe will provide an opportunity to play the game again :) and re-experience the challenges of rebuilding civilization. I i will resub my accounts.

#117 Report | Quote[en] 

LMAO This is hilarious. I'm so mad, that I just have to laugh at how stupid this is. Also Frappi, You are my hero, that post me laugh so hard I think I ran off the rails of the imperial fleet in swtor.

Anyway, on a sad note, Good bye Liliang, You will never be forgotten.

Good Bye Ryzom, My only regret is that they aren't going to just put you down like old yeller, You are going to suffer, slowly and painfully.

Smoke em' if ya got em Atys. o7


The fail whale!


My name is Lil, but you may call me Your Majesty. ;)

#118 Report | Quote[en] 

Well I was thinking of popping back into the game to say Hi to everyone that I have missed over the last year. But I see that wont happen or might not if they really go through with this. I too will miss all the time I spent working my various skills to where they are. This is a sad day for Ryzom.

If they do. Those that remember me you can all find me on Horde Drak'thul in WoW. Usually on as Darkefyre.

(I miss you all still)

Or if you dont want to chat me up in WoW, let me know and ill get my email out to you.

Last edited by Daemion (1 decade ago) | Reason: *added email bit*

#119 Report | Quote[en] 

Any chance of the Devs making a Uni channel for each language? Or do we really have to put up with the clusterf*** of a Babylonian mishmosh of languages scrolling wildly across my screen?

Would appreciate a means of seeing text I can comprehend, and not a 80% uninterpretable chat window. :)

Get on it, Devs! Thank ya,



Always argue with an idiot... it's the only way they can get Experience! :)

#120 Report | Quote[en] 

@ Wintergreen
Yumeroh (Aniro)
There will universe channels for English, French, German, Spanish and Russian so people can ask for help from other players in their own language. For the local channels all languages will be mixed.


Kaléan McFerty
Pirate of the Lakes

#121 Report | Quote[en] 

Still no Klingon



#122 Report | Quote[en] 

So sad but i guess the end has come, I will not be resubbing and rebuilding another character. Our identitys will be erased, very sad. Maybe someone else will get our names first, we may not know how to contact our friends and relationships we have made. Thats what kept us all together was our tight knit communitys, you cannot bring this back after you erase they paying players, you will be left with f2p. RIP Misatey it was a fun 8 years.

#123 Report | Quote[en] 

So sad but i guess the end has come, I will not be resubbing and rebuilding another character. Our identitys will be erased, very sad. Maybe someone else will get our names first, we may not know how to contact our friends and relationships we have made. Thats what kept us all together was our tight knit communitys, you cannot bring this back after you erase they paying players, you will be left with f2p. RIP Misatey it was a fun 8 years.

I will miss you Misa.. if you ever do feel like popping in.. i will be starting a guild.... "Remnants of Aris"

Last edited by Baet (1 decade ago)

#124 Report | Quote[en] 

Our identitys will be erased, very sad. Maybe someone else will get our names first, we may not know how to contact our friends and relationships we have made. Thats what kept us all together was our tight knit communitys

Misa makes a very good point. How are we to find each other on the new server unless we have unique names. If there are two Aeralins, who is to know what I might end up with as a different name. Those who know me as Aeralin will look to the other person in an attempt to find me, and won't be able to locate me. It seems the whole system is inherently flawed. I can only hope that there isn't another me floating around in Atys somewhere and that I'll get my name again.

#125 Report | Quote[en] 

I have mixed feeling about this. On one hand I'll hate the loss of my titles, rare/unique items, the hours of work I put in developing my toons, the loss of my posessions (i'm a packrat).

On the other hand, my early days in Ryzom were great and I have fond memories about those times. I wouldn't object to repeating the experience. I'm not actively playing right now but I may resub because of this.

However there is a make it or break it issue - keeping the names of my toons. If, for any reason, I won't be able to get back the names of my favorite toons I'm not going to even try to play Ryzom again.

#126 Report | Quote[en] 

How many of those fond memories have you being mentored, or a group of you and your friends being escorted on a trek. As I pointed out in another thread [color=#6fd02e] 988/2#2[/color], a lot of us know a lot of stuff in our flesh and blood brains.  The thrill of discovery will not be there.


Remembering Tyneetryk
Phaedreas Tears - 15 years old and first(*) of true neutral guilds in Atys.
(*) This statement is contested, but we are certainly the longest lasting.
<clowns | me & you | jokers>

#127 Report | Quote[en] 

You should have let the players buy this game out of receivership. You are a disgrace to the single most revolutionary game made in modern times since the inception of 3D MMOs. I once thought you were better than Sony but I agree with previous comments in reference to SWG. Both Ryzom and SWG were something new and great. Now our last hope of a not so copy paste game is twitching in death throws with you holding the noose.

Why not have a central login server only and allow for player (opendev) servers to host the actual game.
or have a login server and assets server with all other code/servers player hosted.
Allow for custom work, open source more of the world. Obtain the rights if you don't have already, to opensource the main Server's full assets and world design.

You have a following that includes many creative and dedicated minds regardless of the new games out there.
In a time where 2 major titles have been released and the big dog on the block (WoW) has released new expansions you are killing this game by this rash move.

Think of OTHER ways to make capitol off this while freeing it up a little bit. there are options out there.
This game will die for good if this is the reward you offer for years of dedication to the game. Remember people are loyal to the GAME not WG. You borrowed our loyalty off the backs of the work created by Nevrax.

Look at many other old games that have emulators. The emulators outlive the official servers in many. Heck they become a threat to the official server due to a few simple facts. People are BROKE but still want entertainment, People like the ability to create the environment if they choose, And some people like to host servers with new rules or lack of rules for the expanded entertainment of their peers.

Drop the greed and slow down the milking this thing for every last dieing dollar/Euro.
You can make something work while still holding onto the rights of control over the game itself and opening it up for others to "play with" the deeper aspects of the game.

#128 Report | Quote[en] 

After all the crying and whining i think this will be best for the game. A wipe will provide an opportunity to play the game again :) and re-experience the challenges of rebuilding civilization. I i will resub my accounts.

See I knew the marauders were behind this reset.


Disclaimer: Any resemblance between the characters in this post/thread and any homins, living or dead, is a miracle.* The characters in this post/thread are fictitious. Any homin resembling them is better off dead**
*You Nazty Spy
**I'll Never Heil Again
Last visit Saturday, 28 September 20:16:52 UTC

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