
#1 [en] 

Since JavaScript normally can not query cross domain, I was hoping to add some support for this in the API. Is the API Open Source? If not I have two suggestions to fix it:

1) Add a parameter so you can tell if you want response in xml or json.
2) Add a header to each request: Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *

If the API is Open Source, could someone provide the link? I tried searching for it, but no luck.

Thanks in advance :)



#2 [en] 

Hi Drogos,

You can find the source here:
And then go into Code/Web/Api

You can do cross domain calls with javascript buth it's tricky... And not the way to go ;).
This option has some security issues with it.


#3 [en] 

Looking at the given location, I can not locate for instance character.php or any of the other API's.

Regards Drogos



#4 [en] 

Looking at the given location, I can not locate for instance character.php or any of the other API's.

Regards Drogos

xml api (character guild, etc) are not open source. one in repository is for writing web pages or apps to Ryzom Code server.

You thinking of writing HTML5 mobile app interface? ;-)



#5 [en] 

xml api (character guild, etc) are not open source. one in repository is for writing web pages or apps to Ryzom Code server.
Ah, this is why I have not been able to find it then, thanks :)
You thinking of writing HTML5 mobile app interface? ;-)
First a framework for it, then hopefully use it for mobile app, tablet app, and a downloadable webpage, that you can run directly from file system without the need for a server. The server header mentioned above would allow such queries :)

I know many people have concerns about using pages located on servers that may store all info about them, and I feel the same, so writing one in JavaScript is tempting.

Regards Drogos



#6 [en] 

xml api (character guild, etc) are not open source. one in repository is for writing web pages or apps to Ryzom Code server.


This isn't totally true. There are three web-based components to Ryzom Core - Ryzom API Server, Ryzom API Client and WebIG. There's a project on Ryzom Core for the Ryzom API Client:

This is a PHP API for people to write web-apps using the XML/ReST interface to the Ryzom API Server. When the Ryzom API was released only the client portion was released.

Ryzom Core took on a student to write a new character achievements app for Ryzom and Ryzom Core:

As part of that a new server-side components for implementing WebIG was open sourced - which includes the server-side components to a new Ryzom API: ow-open.html

Now this new Ryzom API is incompatible with the public Ryzom API client that is currently being used - you can't connect that PHP stuff to the new stuff available in the Ryzom Core repository (which is where Bennassi pointed you.) I have no idea what Winch Gate's plans are for this, or when it will be used by Ryzom but given that they provided it to us (the Ryzom Core community) so that a student could write a whole new player achievement system... I'm pretty sure they'll be using it sooner than later.

So if you want to do anything new and radical with the Ryzom API I would really suggest hopping in to the Ryzom Core forums or, preferably, the IRC channel and giving it a go with the new API. You can find us on IRC at in #ryzom.

Edit: Here's the achievement code for a good example of how the new stuff works... 3124ccf03ab4557b7/code/web/app

Karnig (aka sfb)

Last edited by Anastia (1 decade ago)

#7 [en] 

Drogos (atys)
If the API is Open Source, could someone provide the link? I tried searching for it, but no luck.


After GSoC 2012 concluded we received a paired down version of the Ryzom API. We received in part due to SirCotare's work on the new Character Achievement system. The results were a minimally functional Ryzom API. I've posted an idea for GSoC 2013 which has gathered some interest. I want a Ryzom API Service with a PHP adapter to provide RESTful interfaces to it. Code#GoogleSummerofCode-RyzomCoreAPIService

This idea has some interest from prospective students... so stay tuned - maybe we'll get something new soon!
Last visit Friday, 20 September 12:39:11 UTC

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