
Want to see something like this?
Yes, I love all of the ideas
Atys: Aaylejah, Binarabi, Fitis, Fyrencal, Jazzy, Karabas, Leetah, Marceline, Seternulon, Sherkalyn, Silanis, Sor, Suboxide, Tinial, Ulykus, Wrnsft
Arispotle: Subversive
17 (2)
Yes, but some ideas need work (pls clarify)
Atys: Irfidel
Yes, but some ideas should be removed (pls clarify)
Atys: Redishwolf
1 (1)
No, I demand real prizes for events (time is money) 0
No, I don't like these kind of events
Atys: Aleeskandaro, Mederi, Vitania
3 (1)
No, just no I hate the idea 0
Atys: Arfur, Bitttymacod, Rollocks
Other 0
Abstain 5

#1 Report | Quote[en] 

=> This is best read out of game: http://forums.ryzom.com/ <=

This isn't an official announcement because I can't organize something of this scale on my own.

I wanna find out if ppl are really intersted in this sort of event and if there are ppl who would like to participate in this event. 
Also wouldn need some ppl that would like to help organize it, I have made a channel for everyone to join '/channel Atyslympics'.

PS. if this works then I'll certainly try to organize more events both PVP and non-PVP related

Edited 7 times | Last edited by Suboxide (1 decade ago)


#2 Report | Quote[en] 




  • All over Atys.


  • Everyone is welcome to join in this great spectacle of hominkind.
  • Events won’t be held for different levels so the best person in fencing will probably be a master 1h swords but lower lvl homins still got a chance to win events like swimming, running, mounted sports, and so on … ; this event would be spread over weeks/months most likely some f2p would be subbed by the end and just the organisation of doing every event double would be quite an undertaking not saying if enough ppl are intrested in doing a seperate event it can be done but not for 3 ppl for instance


  • To be announced.
  • Would love to do it in the weekend maybe one event a week or something like that


  • These are games for all homins to partake in to find out who is best in these disciplines.
  • This is not just an event for ppl to find out who is the best is in pvp, while there are some pvp events there are still enough other events non pvp oriented.
  • Depending on how many ppl or teams show up for the events we will use a ladder system.
  • Maybe we do a seperate team competition for the team events and one competition for the individual events. Do need to make all team events 2v2,3v3v,... can't do 5 different team competitions so I would imagine 3v3 for everything can be fun

What to wear? Sponsorship?

  • It would ask a tremendous amount of work to craft armors for everyone taking part in the events so instead of doing this homins are allowed to use their own armors and weapons for the events.
  • Some events will demand for a certain armor to be worn like a bathing suit for swimming.
  • We encourage homins to talk about their sponsors who carfted their gear it’s atys after all and good crafters can use some advertisement so they can sell some of their wares. (Yes you heard right everyone is allowed to sell/trade gear during these events; and we encourage sponshorship deals. why wouldn't a crafter be allowed to be proud he made the winning bathingsuit)


  • The top 3 homins (or teams) get a q10 necklace saying in the info message what they won; gold (fyros) / silver (zorai) / bronze (matis).
  • No other prizes have been donated up till now but guilds and individuals can donate prizes for certain events and maybe for the biggest 3 winners (those with most medals)
  • Maybe we could have a talk with the event team for titles for the overal best individuals and overal best team?
  • Gambling? If somebody wants to set up a gambling house next to these events they are welcome to do, it would be nice if they donate part of their income as prizes.
  • We can also count medals guilds get or if ppl would like it to be race based instead let us know. But pretty sure event team wouldn't give a whole guild or race a title because an individual won the overall most events in Atyslympics. :(

Other rules:

  • Doping? Eggs like speed/life/inv eggs are considered doping the same with occupation items, when a judge is certain a homin uses them then he will disqualify that homin from that event.
  • Afflictions? Afflicitions aren't allowed in these events either (except when mentioned they are) and will be punished like the use of doping, guess we can call it poisoning.
  • Magic? Magic will not be allowed during these events (except in magic events) except for judges to revive fallen homins. Spectators healing a homin or helping him will just get their friend disqualified.
  • Alts? Alts and poor slaves aren’t allowed either to take part in these events if their master is taking part in the same event.

Edited 4 times | Last edited by Suboxide (1 decade ago)


#3 Report | Quote[en] 

Yubo-ball (3-5 ppl team)

This is a group sport for the not so faint of heart, but we promise not many yubo’s have died in inventing this sport. Aflictions & Enchants allowed!!!!


  • 2 teams of 3-5 players
  • I love 5v5 in yuboball but if we would do a team ladder i guess 3v3 would be the way to go
  • both teams have to wear LA/MA boots, pants, shirt as a minimum but if both teams wear the same color armor then one team will have to play shirtless. (we hope to see some nice colorfull armors here)
  • Amps and staffs are allowed for the enchants since this makes this whole event alot faster, crayzier and more intresting (been tested in GoS a couple of times)


  • This event will be held not far from Fairhaven in Blackwater, there is room for spectators and no agro around and some yubo's every season I checked.
  • 4 campfires will be set up and they will for the 2 goals.=> Some really bad game breaking stupid game decision was made here and they removed campfires from the game (why I don't know lets hope the person who did it got tasked of vacuuming the desert or something), we can use less fun beer barrels instead now :(
  • You are allowed to use the whole map as long that the yubo follows you but scoring a goal has to happen from the right side into the goal, you can’t score from the back.


  • 2 or 3 rounds of 5-10min, only 2 rounds if same team wins 2 times, 3 rounds of both teams win a round.
  • A referee will taunt a yubo and bring it to the center of the playing field
  • While both teams wait in the goal where they have to drag the yubo to.
  • The referee will yell start.
  • Then it’s a game of taunting, enchants and aflictions trying to get the yubo to follow you in the goal of the opponent while the others try to steal it and do the same.
  • If for some reason the yubo dies the team killing it is disqualified and the others win that whole round. Maybe instead killing a yubo = 1 goal for the other party.
  • Aflictions and enchants allowed if they don't hurt the yubo

Test results:

  • We did actually test this game in 2 teams of 2 and 3 and it worked like a charm, there are a lot of tactics needed but it’s just so much fun.
  • We think 2 times 15-20min works great. (But hard to do in practice with alot of teams there)
  • Some of us asked why this game wasn’t featured on the box cover of ryzom it’s just so funny.

Edited 6 times | Last edited by Suboxide (1 decade ago)


#4 Report | Quote[en] 

Fighting events


  • Everyone.


  • These events can be held all over atys to show of our diverse landscapes and such.




  • This is bare hands 1 versus 1 boksing.

  • Magic not allowed but all auras are allowed. (there will be no waiting for ppls aura’s to regen if you used it 1min before fight that’s your problem)

What to wear:

  • LA or MA pants/boots/gloves (no amps, and no skirts, no chest armor?).




  • This is 1h sword fighting.

  • Magic not allowed but all auras are allowed. (there will be no waiting for ppls aura’s to regen if you used it 1min before fight that’s your problem)

What to wear:

  • HA or MA full suit of body armor + a helmet (no shield)

Gladiator wars (1v1):


  • This is a 1 versus 1 PVP event where all weapons are allowed.

  • Ele magic is not allowed but all auras and weapon enchants are allowed. (there will be no waiting for ppls aura’s to regen if you used it 1min before fight that’s your problem)

What to wear:

  • HA or MA full suit of body armor, shield/buckler is allowed

Gladiator wars team (3v3):


  • This is a 3 versus 3 PVP event where all weapons are allowed.

  • Everything is allowed here for magic EXCEPT NO AMPS (yes THE staff is allowed) all auras are allowed aswell. (there will be no waiting for ppls aura’s to regen if you used it 1min before fight that’s your problem)

What to wear:

  • HA/MA/LA full suit of body armor, shield is allowed



  • This is a work in progress but I’ll put here what we got so far

  • The ppl taking part in the event all team and tag up

  • One referee will also tag up but not team with the shooters

  • At some point in time he will yell a body part.

  • All the shooters have 1 bullet and have to aim to shoot that part as fast as they can (referee will look in sys info who shot the body part the first/seccond/...

What to wear:

  • LA/MA/HA are all allowed, no helmet (can’t aim so well with a helmet)

  • Rifles and bow rifles? (what about pistols and bow pistols?)


Pistol duel 1v1:


  • 1 v 1 pistol duels; I've seen em be held before but I'm not ranged expert for rules we gonna need to talk to ppl who did it before to know whats the most fun

What to wear:

  • LA/MA/HA are all allowed, no helmet (can’t aim so well with a helmet)

Pistol duel 3v3:


  • 3 v 3 pistol duels; I've seen em be held before but I'm not ranged expert for rules we gonna need to talk to ppl who did it before to know whats the most fun

What to wear:

  • LA/MA/HA are all allowed, no helmet (can’t aim so well with a helmet)

Edited 7 times | Last edited by Suboxide (1 decade ago)


#5 Report | Quote[en] 



  • Everyone.


  • These events will be held all over lakelands in the many natural swimming pools the Trykers have.

What to wear:

  • Swimgear => show is what you can come up with.


Short distance swimming:


  • Homins all wait behind a referee when he yells start they all run into water
  • They swim around plants and turn back
  • Run on land, first one that passes the 2 fires wins. (AGAIN CAMPFIRES GOT DELETED BY SOME CRAZY GUY THEY MADE DEV)


Short distance relay swimming (3 ppl team):


  • This is the same basically like normal swimming but with a team of 3 ppl

  • Every team get an item at the start of the race, the one with the item swims
  • Comes back to land trades with team mate, then that one goes swimming
  • Does the same again with team mate 3
  • Last one comes back to land and runs through the 2 fires. (AGAIN CAMPFIRES GOT DELETED BY SOME CRAZY GUY THEY MADE DEV)


Short distance backstroke swimming:


  • Homins all wait behind a referee when he yells start they all run into water
  • They swim backwards around plants and turn back (will need alot of referee here)
  • Run on land, first one that passes the 2 fires wins. (AGAIN CAMPFIRES GOT DELETED BY SOME CRAZY GUY THEY MADE DEV)


Short distance breaststroke swimming:


  • Homins all wait behind a referee when he yells start they all WALK into water
  • They swim in WALKMODE around plants and turn back.
  • Run on land, first one that passes the 2 fires wins. (AGAIN CAMPFIRES GOT DELETED BY SOME CRAZY GUY THEY MADE DEV)

Where and how for short distance:

The maps I made got lost but still rember the spots or can find new spots


Synchro swimming:


  • I have no idea how to do this, ideas are welcome.


Long distance swimming:


  • Homins all wait behind a referee when he yells start they all run into water
  • They swim fount lake over
  • Get out of the water, run around referee XXX while they shout out their own name 1 time in around.
  • They get back in the water and swim back
  • Run on land, first one that passes the 2 fires wins. (AGAIN CAMPFIRES GOT DELETED BY SOME CRAZY GUY THEY MADE DEV)


Long distance relay swimming (3 ppl team):


  • This is the same basically like normal long distance swimming but with a team of 3 ppl
  • Every team get an item at the start of the race, the one with the item swims
  • Comes back to land trades with team mate, then that one goes swimming
  • Does the same again with team mate 3
  • Last one comes back to land and runs through the 2 fires to win.  (AGAIN CAMPFIRES GOT DELETED BY SOME CRAZY GUY THEY MADE DEV)


Long distance backstroke swimming:


  • Do we really want this? Will take ages.


Long distance breaststroke swimming:


  • Do we really want this? Will take ages.

Edited 5 times | Last edited by Suboxide (1 decade ago)


#6 Report | Quote[en] 



  • Everyone.


  • These events will be held all over Atys.

What to wear:

  • LA / HA pants/boots (shirt/gloves/shoulders allowed), no skirts, no weapons


Short distance running:


  • This is a bit like the swimming. Homins start all together again run around the right plants/tree/beer barrels/... and return. First one that passes the 2 fires wins. GUESS WHAT HERE ASWELL WE GONNA NEED BEER BARRELS SINCE THE INSANE DESSICINION WAS MADE BY WHAT I ONLY CAN DESCRIBE A MADMAN TO REMOVE THIS GIFT OF THE GODS


Short relay running (3 ppl team):


  • This is a bit like the swimming. Homin teams all get an item from referee’s they run around plants/trees/beer barrels/..., come back trade with team mate, he then does the race. He trades with teamate 3, that one runs race and when he passes the 2 fires first he wins. OMG DON'T TELL THEY REMOVED THESE NICE CAMPFIRES WE SO LOVED? THIS IS SO SAD FOR ATYS.


short distance fast walking:


  • Homins start all together again WALK around the right plants/trees/beer barrels/... and return. First one that passes the 2 fires wins. WHAT YOU TELL ME HOMINS CAN'T MAKE A CAMPFIRE ANYMORE? GONNA NEED TO USE UGLY BEER BARRELS I GUESS AND NOT DO EVENTS AT NIGHT ;(

Where and how for short distance:

This can't be to hard to find spots all over Atys.

Long distance running:


  • This is like the swimming again. Homins run from checkpoint to checkpoint when they pass behind it they yell out their name in around. They finish when they pass the to fire beacons. YEAH YOU KNOW BY NOW NO MORE CAMPFIRES INGAME, I LOST MY ONLY REASON TO DIG INGAME


Long distance relay running (3 ppl team):


  • This is a bit like the swimming again. Homin teams all get an item from referee’s they run around passing the checkpoints like in long distance running, come back trade with team mate, he then does the race. He trades with teamate 3, that one runs race and when he passes the 2 fires first he wins. GUESS I NEED TO KEEP REPEATING MYSELF NO MORE CAMPFIRES I THIS GAME ;(


Long distance fast walking:


  • This is like the swimming again. Homins WALK from checkpoint to checkpoint when they pass behind it they yell out their name in around. They finish when they pass the to fire beacons. FIRE BEACONS YOU ARE ASKING? IF YOU PLAYED BEFORE MERGER YOU WOULD KNOW OF THIS GREAT CRAFTABLE ITEM THAT GOT YANKED OUT OF OUR HANDS

Where and how for short distance:

Same as before I'm sure loads of homins can come up with nice spots to do this


Edited 7 times | Last edited by Suboxide (1 decade ago)


#7 Report | Quote[en] 

Mounted sports:


  • Everyone with a mount (ppl can get a free mount from organisation?).
  • All these events can be done again individual and as 3v3


  • These events will be held all over Atys.

What to wear:

  • You are free to wear what you want but make it stand out.


Short distance mounting:


  • Homins mount up at the FH stables and do the same parcours as long distance running, they yell their name again when they pass a checkpoint


Long distance mounting:


  • This will be a very long event with a checkpoint in every zone of the lakelands so don’t forget your food. It will also involve swimming and searching for the referee XXX in every zone we will provide a small map with their locations but those won’t be 100% exact or we will just provide tips to ppl passing the referee's .
  • You will need to follow exactly the way the referee’s say when you pass them. You will also need to yell your name again when you pass them. And they will tell you a word write that one down and at the end of the race you will need to say all those words in order so we can double check.


Edited 5 times | Last edited by Suboxide (1 decade ago)


#8 Report | Quote[en] 

Some of the more crazy ideas:

Mounted dressage:


  • Mount on walk mode and walk around in a circle do some special steps and some judges give points




  • Homins do a dance infront of the judges to get points.
  • Let the spectaters vote aswell in tell? Like with the aristople Guardians of Jena miss elections? Alot of work for the guy getting the tells but in the end everyone feels they took part in the process.


Duathlon / triathlon / pentathlon:


  • Some combined events so we can see who would make the perfect warrior; running,swimming,shooting,mounting,fencing.




  • Lets all be very inventive here :)

Weight lifting:


  • This is just a crazy idea. We build a small parcour with fires (beer barrels I guess ;( ). Give the ppl ammo/sap crystals till they should be at a speedfactor 20 naked (we don’t count armor and jewels but they do have to come to the start decent pants+boots). They need to do the parcour one by one while a judge clocks the time.

Hammer the arma:


  • We go to void or somewhere every participant has to bring an 1h or 2h mace (need to check wich is more fun); in a competition of 1v1 they kill the arma just with brute force first one that does the kill wins and goes up the ladder.

Hack the plant:


  • We go to void or somewhere every participant has to bring an 1h or 2h AXE (need to check wich is more fun); in a competition of 1v1 they kill the plant just with brute force first one that does the kill wins and goes up the ladder.

Dig the mount:


  • No idea if even proposing this idea is legal so to speak of.
  • we put 2 mounts at a spot 1v1 the diggers try to kill one of the mounts.
  • digger who gasses his mount first wins and goes up the ladder.

Pull the yubo:


  • Could do this in yrk i think or some other awfull place with agro if there is even something worse matis lands.
  • Every participant gets to taunt a yubo. And he has to bring it on his own as far as he can without it dieing or him dieing.
  • This comes from Ulykus idea's but I think it is one we can setup without needing the event team just need to find a good spawn of yubo or we just call it pull the ragus/gingo and use those instead

Find XXX:


  • These find the person (really easy with who in regions) or find the item (beer barrel) have been done loads of times
  • Easy to setup but are they really a competition and do these deserve a place in the atyslympics? IF so I can come up with a bunch of ideas for these tip based or map based ...

Edited 6 times | Last edited by Suboxide (1 decade ago)


#9 Report | Quote[en] 

Pls don't delete this I'll use it for future addons

Edited 2 times | Last edited by Suboxide (1 decade ago)


#10 Report | Quote[en] 

Pls don't delete this I'll use it for future addons

And anxious awaiting what you guys think about this :)


#11 Report | Quote[en] 

It's a great idea. The only downside would be imo, that there are not too many people who can compete in all disciplines.

We had a somewhat similar event on leanon some time ago, it was called 'Olympic Atys'. I'll tell you about it, maybe you get something out of it for your event. It was a group challenge, we had 6 or 7 groups of 5 people. Two out of the 5 people team were selected for each contest. Each contest had little prizes and there was a big prize for winning the turnament (by score).

1. 'Survive the chamber'
Two homins went to a closed area without escape. Spectators were at a safe place nearby. The E-Team then spawned increasing amounts of mobs near the two competitors in fixed intervals until they died. Free weapon and armor choice. No eggs or occupation products. Two attempts for every team.
Class: High-level PvE
Issues: Mobs wandering off & attacking spectators; solved by increasing distance
Result: Wide spread (20s...3min); Two general tactics got used: LA/nuking/healing (2., 4., 5., 6., 7.) and HA/heal enchants (1., 3.). Good success.

2. 'Survive the island'
Two homins each of two teams were put onto an island. Surviving team wins. Rezing was allowed by teammate, not by spectators. Free weapon and armor choice. No eggs or occupation products. Group rounds and KO semi/finals.
Class: High-level PvP
Issues: Inability to set up PvP between two guildmates; solved by leagues.
Result: Lots of fun. Clear, repeatable victories. Similar tactics for all teams with good placement.

3. 'Bring a yubo'
Two homins of each team had to carry a yubo as far as possible. Start location was near Yrkanis, Destination was hidden source gateway to desert. Yubos got renamed at start. Teams had to call a referee when they thought they couldn't bring it further or the yubo got killed to measure the score. Unlimited attempts within confined time (taking new yubo at start line).
Class: Mixed level PvE
Issues: Inaccurate distance measurement by compass (didn't change anything as teams were far apart)
Result: Lots of fun too. Wide spread results from 500 to 2000m. Different tactics applied.

4. Ludo/Parcheesi
A board was set up using spawned objects. Two players by team. Teams were /randoming just as in Ludo/Parcheesi.
Class: All level minigame
Issues: Took a very long time; at the end the process got speed up very much so that turns of different teams mixed, leading to confusion about who is out (got kicked or missed to kick an opponent).
Result: Some fun for the less athletic type of homins. No athletic challenge involved.

5. Kill the bad guy
Again two members of each team moved out to kill an event toon with boosted stats and his mini-challenges. Winner was the team that got him down most quickly. Two attempts for each team.
Class: High-level PvE/PvP
Issues: none
Result: Lots of fun, good athletic challenge.

6. Find the hmm... lets say object, don't remember
An object was hidden inside a vacant kitin stronghold and barriers set up to make movement harder / force detours.
Class: All level scouting
Issues: none / knowledge about toon collision area required / No maximum time set up
Results: Very wide spread; Took a very long time; Loosing teams that couldn't find the object or a way to get to it had to try over and over until success (some >30min without any chance of good placement).

7. Finding things
Teams (2 out of each team again) got mounted and had to find specific loot in specific locations. First set of hints was given at start in around chat, giving away the location of 3 or 4 different npc that gave clues where to find the loot.
Class: All level scouting/PvE
Issues: Can't control if spectators are helping (but it went well, nobody did it).
Results: Mix of riding skill, lakelands knowledge, riddle solving; lots of fun.

#12 Report | Quote[en] 

The announcements were always kinda vague so that teams could select their combatants in advance and do some basic training but not know the actual kind of competition preventing extensive, targeted training or battlefield preparations.

The event series took place during several weeks, one evening for each discipline. The rewards (for 1./2./3. place) of each day were simple things like sap crystals or generic RMs. The reward for the turnament was the total score converted to some points that can be traded for various stuff including two titles. One of them was 'Atys Champion' so expensive that only winning team players could afford it.

#13 Report | Quote[en] 

Thx for the post and some great ideas in there, but we would need the help from the event team for most of the events you guys did on leanon.

We did have something similiar in mind like your "survive the island" event where we would allow all weapons but no magic a bit gladiator based fights. I'll add that to the list in 1v1 and 2v2 later.

I love the bring a yubo idea and would be great once we make it to another land, if this works out we would try a similar event every year or so and pulling a yuo around lake lands would be over quite fast this year, but in jungle/forest/desert i can see that work :)

The finding things event you guys had does sound abit like our long distance mounting (i'll edit ours a bit so it resembles it a bit more we can see later what works best)


#14 Report | Quote[en] 

I do like the team idea aswell but think this would just make things harder on aristople. I think alot of idividual events would make sure everyone even refugees could partake in the events

But the teams thing is certainly something to think about.


#15 Report | Quote[en] 

awesome ideas. would love to see this happen.

only downside i see is the speed events (swimming / running)
Unfortunatly not all players on atys have the same speed.
Last visit Friday, 24 January 15:40:41 UTC

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