Взаимопомощь Mac


#1 [en] 

For some reason my mac application stopped working. I've tried to download the app again from the app store at Apple it won't download.

Where can I obtain a clean install of the app?

Last edited by Rollocks (1 десятилетие назад)


Disclaimer: Any resemblance between the characters in this post/thread and any homins, living or dead, is a miracle.* The characters in this post/thread are fictitious. Any homin resembling them is better off dead**
*You Nazty Spy
**I'll Never Heil Again

#2 [en] 

Maybe this helps http://dev.ryzom.com/projects/ryzom/wiki/MacBinaries

#3 [en] 

Maybe this helps http://dev.ryzom.com/projects/ryzom/wiki/MacBinaries

I've tried that, it is a beta version. For some reason it isn't working. I'd like to d/l version 1.12.1.


Disclaimer: Any resemblance between the characters in this post/thread and any homins, living or dead, is a miracle.* The characters in this post/thread are fictitious. Any homin resembling them is better off dead**
*You Nazty Spy
**I'll Never Heil Again

#4 [en] 

Finally got it to work. Had to delete the ~library/application support/ryzom folder.

Now I can get back to killing mektroubs, aggro dragging yelking and killing homins.


Disclaimer: Any resemblance between the characters in this post/thread and any homins, living or dead, is a miracle.* The characters in this post/thread are fictitious. Any homin resembling them is better off dead**
*You Nazty Spy
**I'll Never Heil Again

#5 [en] 

Rollocks (atys)
Finally got it to work. Had to delete the ~library/application support/ryzom folder.

Now I can get back to killing mektroubs, aggro dragging yelking and killing homins.

where did you find that folder? the ~library/application support/ryzom folder? i have deleted and downloaded and manually updated but i still can't get it to work. ryzom has just randomly collapsed on me and nothing i do gets me past the char selection screen.


marceline nitwit.
professional procrastinator.
atys's first openly transgender homina.
loyal member of the guardians of subox.
founding member of the cookies.
proud honorary member of the Lost Girls.

Douglas (atys)
“What to do if you find yourself stuck in a crack in the ground underneath a giant boulder you can't move, with no hope of rescue. Consider how lucky you are that life has been good to you so far. Alternatively, if life hasn't been good to you so far, which given your current circumstances seems more likely, consider how lucky you are that it won't be troubling you much longer.”
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#6 [en] 

I am having the same problem. I 'just' upgraded Mac OS to 10.8.3 yesterday, and the game hasn't worked since. I reach the character selection screen, click 'play', and BANG, All gone. I then am in on online state for about 5 minutes afterwards.

#7 [en] 

I am having the same problem. I 'just' upgraded Mac OS to 10.8.3 yesterday, and the game hasn't worked since. I reach the character selection screen, click 'play', and BANG, All gone. I then am in on online state for about 5 minutes afterwards.

that is identical to what happens to me. i'm currently downloading from the app store for the 6th time... trying to edit the client.cfg file.. either it doesn't work or i'm doing it wrong - the latter is more probable.
what the hell has 10.8.3 done?


marceline nitwit.
professional procrastinator.
atys's first openly transgender homina.
loyal member of the guardians of subox.
founding member of the cookies.
proud honorary member of the Lost Girls.

Douglas (atys)
“What to do if you find yourself stuck in a crack in the ground underneath a giant boulder you can't move, with no hope of rescue. Consider how lucky you are that life has been good to you so far. Alternatively, if life hasn't been good to you so far, which given your current circumstances seems more likely, consider how lucky you are that it won't be troubling you much longer.”
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#8 [en] 

i mailed the support team and they said to do this:


Sorry to hear you are having problems you may wish to try some fixes detailed below,

It appears you might have run into a graphics problem that maybe effecting some of the configurations found on the Mac version of the client. Please try the following possible solution

To do this, you will need to modify your client.cfg file.
It is located in /Users/~yourlogin~/Library/Application Support/Ryzom/

How to view the hidden and libary folders in Mac OS
http://www.macworld.com/article/161156/2011/07/view_library_folde r_in_lion.html

Follow these steps:
1. make sure you are logged out of ryzom. Restart computer if recently crashed.
2. open client.cfg in a text editor.
3. add (or edit) the following lines in your client.cfg:

FullScreen = 0;
Width = 1024;
Height = 768;
DisableVtxProgram = 1;
DisableVtxAGP = 1;
DisableTextureShdr = 1;
MicroVeget = 0;
SoundOn = 0;
Bloom = 0;

You can re-enstate Full Screen, sound and bloom if the client stabilizes, but micro vegetation may have to stay off until a patch update is released.

Dont not edit the client_default.cfg file you might also find in the installation as any edit to this file will break the game.

Should this not resolve the issue, please reply to support@ryzom.com and then we will investigate further.
The developers are aware of this issue and are working on a solution.""


marceline nitwit.
professional procrastinator.
atys's first openly transgender homina.
loyal member of the guardians of subox.
founding member of the cookies.
proud honorary member of the Lost Girls.

Douglas (atys)
“What to do if you find yourself stuck in a crack in the ground underneath a giant boulder you can't move, with no hope of rescue. Consider how lucky you are that life has been good to you so far. Alternatively, if life hasn't been good to you so far, which given your current circumstances seems more likely, consider how lucky you are that it won't be troubling you much longer.”
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#9 [en] 

Thought for a sec, we may had solved it. I still have the same problem. Great try though, Marceline. :)
I guess I will have to turn to solitaire for a while.

The (Lost) Soul

#10 [en] 

Thought for a sec, we may had solved it. I still have the same problem. Great try though, Marceline. :)
I guess I will have to turn to solitaire for a while.

The (Lost) Soul

ok, i have it working!! for now at least but i have lost all my map markers.
here's what i did:

firstly, to save map markers and such you need to find these files:

~/Library/Application Support/Ryzom/save/interface_"character name".icfg
~/Library/Application Support/Ryzom/save/keys_"character name".xml

these apparently save your map markers and other stuff that saves to your computer.. i didn't know that until it was too late.
secondly, delete all traces of the game from your computer. erase the lot.

then i downloaded the game again from this site:


and used this link and followed the instructions underneath the link:


it didn't work the first time but i think it was because i didn't fully erase all traces of the game.. i had random files all over the place. i had to find the hidden library file to find the secret bits ;P
it's hidden but you can find it when you have the finder bar at the top and click 'go' then 'go to folder' and type in ~/Library in the box.
so it's:
'go to folder'
type ~/Library
then click application support
then ryzom

you'll then have all the secret files and this is also where you'll find the files that you need to save elsewhere before you delete the game.

once you've done all that you can then download the game again from the site i mentioned at the top.

i was told other ways to try but none worked for me. things like edit the client.cfg file with some codes/text - i tried it many times but none worked. i may have had different versions of the same thing saved all over but it doesn't matter now as i'm back in the game.. to coin a phrase :)

i hope you get it working again.. it took me three days solid to get it going.. luckily i had three days off work so it all came together nicely.


marceline nitwit.
professional procrastinator.
atys's first openly transgender homina.
loyal member of the guardians of subox.
founding member of the cookies.
proud honorary member of the Lost Girls.

Douglas (atys)
“What to do if you find yourself stuck in a crack in the ground underneath a giant boulder you can't move, with no hope of rescue. Consider how lucky you are that life has been good to you so far. Alternatively, if life hasn't been good to you so far, which given your current circumstances seems more likely, consider how lucky you are that it won't be troubling you much longer.”
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#11 [en] 

Thanks for this. I have tried this quite a few times with the same nasty ending. Like you, I've been deleting the entire Ryzom directory, before re-trying, and since its always the same result, I believe that the new Mac OS update has done something. The client worked 'almost' perfectly before the upgrade. Certain sounds were always a crash generator, but the game played well.

I guess I will have to wait for a MAC upgrade to the client. :(
Last visit Пятница, 7 Июня 07:30:00 UTC

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