
#1 [en] 

Ballistic Mystix is looking for a few good homins to rebuild our guild as many old players have not returned home to Atys. We are a long established Tryker based guild, though any race is welcome, and are Karavan followers. We live by 3 simple rules: 1. Have fun 2. Help others 3. There can be no other rules. You may be familiar with our website We offer weekly scheduled guild events and are known to escort treks for new players.

At this time our guild events are in the evening US except for harvesting. Following is our current guild schedule:
Tuesday: Trekked Out Tuesday - trekking homins around Atys
Thursday: Almost Famous (fame)/Not Quite Rite (rites) Night
Friday: Guild Hunt - Skills or Named/Boss Mobs
Saturday/Sunday: Guild Harvesting

If you are interested in checking us out, feel free to contact us and we will be glad to have you tag along.

Last edited by Inifuss (1 decade ago)


Peace, Luv & Cookies,

#2 [en] 

monday: eat all the cookies Ini baked over the weekend!!! :D
we all love Ini's cookies ; )

#3 [en] 

We have a special ever-baking (thanks to Tryker engineering and Karavan materials) GUILD ONLY cookie jar with the best cookies on Atys! Universe cookies are great but Guild cookies are out of this world!!


Peace, Luv & Cookies,

#4 [en] 

I will verify that the Uni cookies are really good, even if Nitrouss is a meany and poked Ini in the eyes. I will have to pass on the Guild Cookies, just because I'm GL for a different guild so I can't sneak into the GH and swipe one. :)


Remembering Tyneetryk
Phaedreas Tears - 15 years old and first(*) of true neutral guilds in Atys.
(*) This statement is contested, but we are certainly the longest lasting.
<clowns | me & you | jokers>

#5 [en] 

Tuesday, April 27, 2010
Guild Fun Hunt

Taking our usual approach to mayhem, last nights guild hunt was all about how many yellow dots we could leave in our trail (and hopefully not our own). With an end goal in mind of trekking Iamme to the Jungle via the most difficult route we could find, we set out from Fairhaven by foot.

We started with an easy warm up of clearing out cutes and zerx on our way to and through Resting Waters, Fount and Bounty Beaches in our "swimming suits" (well, at least for Jazz and Ini).

Once we hit the Trench of Trials it was time to put on a bit of clothing so as to not join Iamme in his yo-yo life as a young homin following his older brothers and sisters in the Prime Roots. Decided long before reaching ToT, we headed to the Nexus. Along the way we found many named creatures and a boss (thanks for the heads up Dennycrane *hands DC a dozen Kara boosted cookies*).

The Lands of Umbra were no challenge for our group and the Nexus was the same; however, things changed once we entered the Wastelands. After being ambushed by two Kitin Patrols, Iamme called it a night (hey! we didn't even get you to the jungle yet!) and the rest of us remained and learned how to take down the vile Kitin Patrol!

Though our goal was not made it was loads of fun and a great team experience. Thanks much to Liliang, the Wise, if not spastic, Skittle Queen! *hands Liliang a dozen skittle cookies*

Hugz, Luvs, n Cookies!
Ballistic Mysix

Edited 2 times | Last edited by Inifuss (1 decade ago)


Peace, Luv & Cookies,

#6 [en] 

Reply with your favorite Ballistic Mystix moment/memory!

Mine would be when I was but a young homin who had been displaced by the break up of my former guild and was wandering aimlessly around Atys. Gecker had found his new home w/BM and invited me to tag along and get some healing XP while he and Kilgoretrout fought the demon ocyx in the Desert. Many, many late nights (can you believe that Kil and I used to stay up until 5 am on the weekends?) all those years ago I went from 50 to 150 in heal (no cats at that time) and decided that BM would be my home.

Much has changed since then, Kil is now the GL, Karu is still AFK in the GH and Gecker is long gone :-( Many friends have not returned and many new ones have been made. Thanks to Ballistic Mystix I know I always have a place to call home on Atys.


Peace, Luv & Cookies,

#7 [en] 

Ballistic Mystics announces Inifuss as new guild leader (temporarily, I hope). We still are here to help out anyone who needs it and loves a bit of mayhem!

We love to trek if you need to schedule a tour, let us know!

Guild Leader


Peace, Luv & Cookies,

#8 [en] 

*Sends a packer of flour, shortening, sugar and chocolate chips to Inifuss* Can get awfully hungry on those long treks.

#9 [en] 

We welcome home Apoljing! You have been missed and we are glad you made it back to Fairhaven.


Peace, Luv & Cookies,

#10 [en] 

If you are looking for a guild that is non-grind centric Ballistic Mystix is the guild for you! We are a fun-loving Tryker guild (being of tryker race is not required) which embodies lake time and have mastered the beach bum skill. Yes, we will help you level your skills, but it is not the main focus of guild life, where mayhem is. Inquire with Inifuss, Kilgoretrout, Icurra or Jazzick.

Last edited by Inifuss (1 decade ago)


Peace, Luv & Cookies,

#11 [en] 

Looking for a new home I found it in Tryker, can you believe it? I've known the name Ballistic Mystix for a long time, mostly been visiting the webpage. I found some good friends in the guild, old and new. I don't regret joining them.


#12 [en] 

Welcome to the fold Grundelwolf!!


Peace, Luv & Cookies,

#13 [en] 

welcome back to Atys, Grundel!


So long and thanks for all the fish

#14 [en] 

Welcome back Syliph and Asdrith! Glad you found your way back to Fairhaven. :-)


Peace, Luv & Cookies,

#15 [en] 

Welcome Back Grundelwolf :)


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