

#29 Report | Quote[en] 

Most of the tools are spreadsheets .... you can use OpenOffice for spreadsheets on a mac


Last edited by Fyrosfreddy (1 decade ago)


#30 Report | Quote[en] 

YuBo Maps Should be Fully Functional Again .... Users will recall that all the old raum maps were wiped when we merged and new ones created....the PR ones became useless when devs switched back to pre-merge layout.

So having saved the old maps, I put them on bunnynet where they could be manually replaced.

This should no longer be required as raum has put the old maps back up so Yubo Maps should upgrade as originally designed.

Feedback requested.


#31 Report | Quote[en] 

Just a bump for the new players ..... I had dig back too many pages to find it :)


#32 Report | Quote[en] 

In response to several questions in Uni of late regarding:

"Is there any way to tell how much XP I need to reach the next level ? " questions , have updated the "Ding Calculators" making various corrections and useability improvements. Three downloadable calculators calculators for:

Magic / Melee XP

Forage XP

Craft XP

Put in your current level, and average XP you currently getting for each kill, extraction or craft, and it tells you how many kills, extractions of crafts you need to complete to get your next ding.

http://fluffybunnies.net/forums/viewtopic.php?f=2&t=1639& p=2178#p2178

See 1st post for access info


#33 Report | Quote[en] 

Bunnynet is still down ..... in the meantime, if y want anythiung send me an IG mail w/ your e-mail address and I will send a set of bunnytools to you


#34 Report | Quote[en] 

If anyone still hasn't gotten their bunnytools in the last year, send me a IG mail. Include what tools ya want.

Last edited by Fyrosfreddy (8 years ago)


#35 Report | Quote[en] 

Hopefully we can bring these to you as In Game Apps ... thanks to Mirakel, the 1st of the Bunnytools is up for testing. As / if others become available, will list here:

Gear Calculator - Open your Identity Window in game copy the following characteristics into the appropriate slot:

Maximum Level

The tool will calculate what level equipment you can use.

** For amps, don't bother with QL 60,90,110,130,150,170,190,210,220,and 240 amps cause they don't do anything the ones one notch lower don't already do.

Gear Calculator Bunny Tool

Edited 11 times | Last edited by Fyrosfreddy (8 years ago)


#36 Report | Quote[en] 

Nice addition to the app zone! Looking forward to more of your work!


#37 Report | Quote[en] 

Are you offering to program the next one ? :)

I'm a math geek but last language I programmed in was Fortran

Last edited by Fyrosfreddy (8 years ago)


#38 Report | Quote[en] 

I would love to, but got hardly time for my own ryzom related projects :( I can help you and Mirakel test it, though.
I think the app zone and the web apps in general are underestimated, so much is possible when linked to game related mechanics or information. A shame the bunnie site died, I hope all the information found on it has been backed up.


#39 Report | Quote[en] 

It was but can't reach Goofy who has the backup


#40 Report | Quote[en] 

Took the GC tool down and replaced it with newer BT app which will serve as the launching point for several tools

1.  The Gear Calculator is still there and works as before.

2.  The XP Calculator is more of a time planner I guess than anything else.  If you are at say level 249 and want to know about hpow long you would need to stay up to master, this is your tool.  It tells you how many kills, crafts or havests you have to do to get to 250.  If ya want to get depressed, put in level 1 and level 250 and you'll get an answer that is rather daunting.  Currently in Beta and auditioning celebrities for the next video :)

Yur GC tool has been removed, you'll have to load the new BT app to get both.


#41 Report | Quote[en] 



The Clan

#42 Report | Quote[en] 

The Consolidated Mob Resistance Guide is now up andn included in Bunny Tools.

Click on any mob from the drop down and it lists:

What to know before you meet:
-Aggro Range - How close ya can get before it will aggro you
-Dodge / Parry - How it defends itself
-Physical Damage Type - Pierce / Blunt / Slash
-Magicl Damage Type - Acid / Cold / Electric / Fire / Posion / Rot - Shockwave  Blind / Fear / Root / Sleep / Stun

Mob Resistances:
-Blunt Resistance - Amount of Resistance to Physical Attacks in %
-Pierce Resistance - Amount of Resistance to Physical Attacks in %
-Slash Resistance - Amount of Resistance to Physical Attacks in %
-Acid Resistance - Amount of Resistance to Magic Attacks in %
-Cold Resistance - Amount of Resistance to Magic Attacks in %
-Rot - Amount of Resistance to Magic Attacks in %
-Poison - Amount of Resistance to Magic Attacks in %
-Shockwave - Amount of Resistance to Magic Attacks in %
-Fire - Amount of Resistance to Magic Attacks in %
-Electric - Amount of Resistance to Magic Attacks in %

Affliction Immunities:
Slow Move - Yes / No
Slow Attack - Yes / No
Stun - Yes / No
Sleep - Yes / No
Fear - Yes / No
Blind - Yes / No
Root - Yes / No

Last edited by Fyrosfreddy (8 years ago)


#43 Report | Quote[en] 

Occupation Event Timers

Mirakel put up an alpha version of the Occupation Event Timers today.  So far just testing that it works, accurate times will go in later.  This tool is the the CRS afflicted.  Will be completed in 3 parts:

a)  Occupation Practices - Finish practicing, for example Water Carrier ?  Hit the START TIMER button and it will count down the 21 hours you have left before ya can do it again.

b)  Occupation Special Items - Grabbed your Stimulating Water ?  Hit the START TIMER button and it will count down the 47.75 hours you have left before ya can get another.

c)  Hand-ins of Occ Produce to NH - Turned in your 36th Occ Produce item for cash and points ?  Hit the START TIMER button and it will count down the 22* hours you have left before ya can do it again.

* I remember 22 but asked numerous folks to date to confirm:

3 said 22 hours
3 said 23 hours
3 said 24 hours
1 said 20 or 22 hours
3 said "There's a cooldown timer ?"

And, yes, Occasion will be changed to occupation.

NOTE:  1st post is edited frequently.  Check for status there.

Edited 3 times | Last edited by Fyrosfreddy (8 years ago)


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