
#1 [en] 

At present only HO's and Leaders can remove items from a GH inventory but would it be possible for crafters to be able to remove crafting mats upto a quality equal their ability to craft.

This would remove the need for crafters to have to wait for an HO/Leader to be available to release the mats and also save the time of the HO's.

To control which mats could be taken a simple flag could be assigned to the mats that allow open access. Any mats not flags can't be accessed.

#2 [en] 


Once you trust a person with mats from GH just make him a HO. How can you trust somebody half?
And would you really want the guild leader spending all day marking up items ppl can use and what they can't use.
And what if i trust person 1 for yelk skins and person 2 for cutler bones how would you make that work out.

Last edited by Suboxide (1 decade ago)


#3 [en] 


Sounds like a good idea, and I know how frustrating it can be. However:

- As Suboxide said, if you trust someone with the GH mats, make them HO.

- GH mats are not really for levelling up your Craft, rather they are for making armour + weapons for Guild Members.

- If you are levelling up Craft, go dig your own mats - it is one of the things that makes this game great, and it's fun researching + finding dig locations. There are maps to help you locate diggable mats, and Guildmates will help you. If you want looted mats, again it's fun figuring out where to find your prey, where they are at different times of the day (or season).

- You can't take stuff out of GH unless you are paying subscription.

Edited 2 times | Last edited by Arfur (1 decade ago)


It's bad luck to be superstitious . . .

Palta e decata, nan nec ilne matala.

When one goes on a journey it is not the scenery that changes, but the traveller

#4 [en] 

The principle behind this idea is for lower/mid lvl crafters the ability to contribute to the Guild without the need of an HO. If a Guild has a few high lvl crafters then there is a tendency for them to make everything and be the first guys to be asked to craft something. If a lower/mid lvl crafter can access better quality mats to craft at their lvl they can also assist with crafting items the guild need.

As far as I'm concerned the mats in the GH are to be used and not stored indefinitely and as long as they are not being used inappropriately I think anyone who has the ability to craft with them should be allowed. Obviously no guild will make all crafters HO's so we need to be looking for alternatives that give the best balance of access and control.

I do however fully agree that a crafter should forage their own mats for craft grinding and GH are not for that purpose.

#5 [en] 

On the contrary, you definately dont want noob crafters using boss mats without supervision. The management of mats is by far the most important role of a HO. You dont want an inexperienced crafter making q50 maga amps with ora eyes and q250 maga brambles :/

#6 [en] 

Zyeir, I totally agree with you, but what I am saying is that a q50 crafter only has access to q50 mats.

As the crafters develop they will get access to higher lvl mats

#7 [en] 

There are guilds that store q50 mats in GH? :)

Sub q150 there's really no point in proper crafting. Part due to named/boss levels spread and part because you just outlevel items too quick. Yeah, I guess you could go and spoil alts with uber items but that's hardly a norm. You can research recipes with generally available mats just fine, principles are the same whether you use Fine/Choice or Exc/Sup.

For general GH supplying when there's no HO/GL on I have another idea but it's not yet at a public stage.

#8 [en] 

There are guilds that store q50 mats in GH? :).

There are guilds that store any mats at all, other than boss / supreme / excellent mats, in GH ?.

Even as it is, heard quite a few stories from GL's having discovered say 400+ QL250 exe mats go to making QL80 gear for new players who want "black armor" ..... peeps who tried out the game and left two weeks later.

GH space is at too much of a premium to store anything but the most valuable of mats .... and these should be governed by an HO.

Wanna store mats ina GH for QL50, 100, 150 .... thats what alt GH's are for :)


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