
#1 Report | Quote[en] 

Patch 1.13 Known Fixes

Hello Players,

Unfortunately we are still seeing PvP and Aura timer bugs with the current patch. In order to help facilitate support, Here is a list of how to deal with these bugs if there are no Game Masters online.

Please try these fixes before submitting a ticket to Customer Support.

Aura Timer:
On log in, you may get a message in sys info similar to the following:
Your auras and powers have been reset. They will be reset again in 2 hours.

In the event this does not occur, please open WEBIG (Shift+W) and press Refresh. If the auras are still not reset. Try a relog.

PvP Timer:
When first logging in, press the PvP Icon immediately if you are tagged. This may give you a 10 or 30 second timer.

This can also be fixed by attacking another PvP Flagged player. After attacking a player, the timer will reset to 10 minutes and drop to 0. After it hits 0 minutes, please try to disable your PvP. It should be gone now.*

*Note: A duel will NOT suffice. This must be a PvP conflict so both players must be PvP tagged.

*Note: On Mac/Linux there is an extra bug you may have. This one is a purely cosmetic bug, you can be healed, you cannot attack others, and they cannot attack you.

**Linux users can download the official game from sourceforge rather than the Ubuntu Software Center here: oad

This will come with the file that will patch your client to the latest 1.13. This should clear the cosmetic issues found ingame.

Can't sell to Merchant:
Press Shift+W to open WEBIG and hit refresh.

"White Pearl" Bug:
Please check if there is an update available. If not, you can try the fix below:
Remove these 2 lines from /etc/ryzom/client_default.cfg:
TexturesInterface = "texture_interfaces_v3";
TexturesInterfaceDXTC = "texture_interfaces_dxtc";

Save and restart.

Support Chat:
Players can download the support program here:
Login:(your account name) Password:(your game password)

You may be able to find a GM on CeB if not ingame!

Note: Any GMs online can reset your Auras or PvP Timers if needed. These are meant to assist when you cannot find a GM.

Edited 2 times | Last edited by Daexinfbl(Yubo) (1 decade ago)

#2 Report | Quote[en] 

As I can see in the logs Linux client was updated on my machine this morning which means it reached Ubuntu distribution channels.
Last visit Monday, 17 February 00:58:55 UTC

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