
#1 [en] 

/who shows the players in your region currently, but doesn't say how many there are. Why not append a count as well?
Online characters in region "Dew Drops".
4 characters.
As well, for those who are interested in the current number logged on the whole server, how about a /whoall command that only shows the count? (I'm thinking a list of all the players would be too long.)
300 characters on Atys (20 afk).
The AFK count, if present, would just be those with /afk on.

#2 [en] 

I don't see this as really needed. It's basically just laziness for the first one. I've been counting people in region for years even when there were well over 20 or 40 people in region. Especially with the low numbers its uneeded.

As for the entirety of atys, personally, I like the mystery of not knowing how many people are online at a time. It could also cause people to question Ryzom when they ask how many people play the game. Ryzom isn't huge like some of the other MMOs out there.

Just my opinion...I'd rather see the devs working on other stuff than implementing this...


Meagy :)
Spirit of Atys
High Officer of Spiritus Artificis
Never argue with an idiot; they will just drag you down to their level, and beat you with experience.

#3 [en] 

Jeeze Meg no wonder you die so often while diggin... you're to busy counting people in region!

#4 [en] 

I think it would discourage some ppl from subbing if they could see the world population.


#5 [en] 

The counting however, might be nice for events. Having to count 50 people is not so fun.

#6 [en] 

/whocount might make sense, I suppose. Not sure about /whoall though.

I've had the System Info panel span the entire height of the screen on the right side of my F3 interface for years. It's been working well enough. Then there's chatLick to get counts after the fact, from chatLog files.
Last visit Tuesday, 11 March 05:05:09 UTC

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