
#1 [en] 

We are having a PARTY and YOU are INVITED!

On Sat 11 Feb 21:00 GMT (1 decade ago) we celebrate the Armageddons 2nd Birthday Party! This invitation to join our celebration is extended all of our Atys friends. The party starts and ends in Yrkanis. Beautiful and wonderous prizes are to be won, and the day will end with fireworks. You don't want to miss this gala event. So mark your calender and invite all of your friends!

  • What: Armageddons' Birthday Party
  • When: 11th of February 21:00 GMT
  • Where: Yrkanis
  • Who: All citizens of Atys
  • Why: To have a blast and celebrate together

The festivities will include (but are not limited to):
  • Hide & Seek
  • Ammo Lugging Race
  • Mektoub Race
  • Trivia / Anagrams
  • Grand Prize Contest

Read the event descriptions before party day so you come prepared to participate in as many events as possible. The more you play, the more chances to win!

Prizes will include (but are not limited to):
Grand Prize:
.• Plush Yubo
Big Prizes:
  • Supreme Kara Klout Axe
  • Supreme Dueling Vampire Daggers
  • Boosted High Quality Jewels
  • Excellent High Quality HP Jewels
  • Heffah's Jewels
  • Boss Loot Grab Bag, lvl 270 Supreme
Small Prizes:
.• Mid-level gear, Rubbarn tools, Armilo tools, Catalyzers, Lakes Beer, Fireworks, etc. etc.

For more information or donations of prizes: please contact Jola(Arispotle) or Sneakylegs(Arispotle).

Edited 3 times | Last edited by Sneakylegs (1 decade ago)

#2 [en] 

Topic moved


SEM Arispotle

#3 [en] 

LoL, you ask one CSR where to post it, and another one moves it. :-)

Anyway, All come to the party! (CSR's are welcome as well)

Last edited by Sneakylegs (1 decade ago)

#4 [en] 

I did tell you "general or events" :) And jaliun's the boss of events, not a CSR :)


Sywindt | Game Master | EN, NL, de, fr

#5 [en] 

Sneaky? What is a Thumb Trek?


Remembering Tyneetryk
Phaedreas Tears - 15 years old and first(*) of true neutral guilds in Atys.
(*) This statement is contested, but we are certainly the longest lasting.
<clowns | me & you | jokers>

#6 [en] 

Good question Bittty.
As soon as Tendrili comes online, i will ask him to explain it here, since he is the eventleader of that specific event. And i do not want to risk explaining it a bit different than he would. :-)


#7 [en] 

Grand Prize

Plush Yubo

Grand Winner! Maegon
This handheld delight will turn heads everywhere you go. This is the rare q250 "Teddy" version of this perennial stable stomper's dream. Rumor has it that this cuddly pet will even change appearances for holiday events! So save a hundred million dappers at the wheel and amaze your friends by winning this cuddly pet.

Big Prizes

Supreme Kara Klout Axe x2

Winners: Bitttymacod, Virg
This high quality 2-handed blade was crafted by Sneakylegs. It is q250, Dam/Spd 662/27. Perfect for the up and coming 225+ Executioneer or even the Crimson master needing a dependable blade.

Dual Supreme Dueling Vampire Daggers

Winner: Malindraug
This matched pair of vedice dueling daggers was painstakingly crafted by Azad. Both are q200, Dam/Spd 112/56. Each dagger has a 5% chance per hit of stealing life from your enemy. With combined hits of 112 per minute, you are looking at a vampire drain about every 10 seconds! What a sweet pair of hands for the aspiring Dagger Virtuoso.

Heffah's Jewels x2

Winners: Malindraug, Sabreshadow
This is a complete matched set of Fyros style jewelry lovingly crafted by Heffah's own hand. Each q180 piece confers a superior 130 HP bonus, giving the lucky wearer +400 HP over conventional grind jewels! The set only requires 155 in any skill to equip, making it the perfect companion for the mid-level grinder on the go!

Boosted High Quality Jewelry

Winner: Virg
This is a complete set of Zorai style High Quality jewelry crafted by Marla. Each q250 piece confers 125 focus AND 40 HP bonuses, giving the diligent digger +400 HP over conventional foraging jewels!

Supreme High Quality Zorai Amplifiers

Winner: Virg
This is a pair of q250 97% bonus amplifiers meticulously crafted by Jennie. The amps are 97% Damage 97% Speed for all spell classes except for 61% Defensive Affliction speed.

Supreme High Quality Fyros Amplifiers

Winner: Wbt
This is a pair of q250 96% bonus amplifiers diligently crafted by Razorsedge. The amps are 96% Damage 96% Speed for all spell classes except for 63% Defensive Affliction speed.

Boss Loot Grab Bag

Winner: Maegon
You select what you want! Choose any combination of 20 pieces of supreme q270 boss loot from the following parts list: Aranakin Tooth, Kizokin Sting, Ragukin Leather, Yelkoo Pelvis, Yetikya Fang, Yetikya Ligament.

Edited 2 times | Last edited by Sneakylegs (1 decade ago)

#8 [en] 

Small Prizes

Winners: Too many to count
  • Rubbarn tools
  • Armilo tools
  • Catalyzers
  • Lakes Beer
  • Breakdancing Surprises
  • Fireworks

Edited 3 times | Last edited by Jola (1 decade ago)

#9 [en] 

Prize Distributions

Hopefully one or more of the posted prizes has already captured your interest! Our prize distributions are designed to encourage as many homins as possible to participate in multiple contests throughout the party. We also hope that most of the big winners are happy with their prizes.

To accomplish these objectives, contestants must win a Small Prize before getting a chance at a Big Prize. Contestants get multiple chances at Big Prizes IF they win multiple Small Prizes. And finally, all contestants winning a Big Prize get to compete for the Plush Yubo Grand Prize! Here is a brief overview of how it will work:

Each event will produce multiple Small Prize winners (winning team, first 5 over finish line, etc.). At the conclusion of each event, all event winners will roll /random 100. The highest 2 draws will advance to the Big Prizes.

At the conclusion of all regular events, the Big Prize Drawing will be held. Each contestant will roll /random 100. The highest draw will choose a prize from the Big Prize Basket first; next highest draw will choose second, etc. Once the Big Prizes have been distributed, these same contestants will engage in a final head-to-head contest to determine the sole Plush Yubo Grand Prize winner!

As you can see, the more you play, the more chances you have to win. I hope you all will read the event descriptions before party day so you come prepared to participate in as many events as possible. :)

Edited 2 times | Last edited by Jola (1 decade ago)

#10 [en] 

Schedule of Events & Winners

  • Hide & Seek
  • Ammo Lugging Race
  • Mektoub Race
  • Trivia / Anagrams
  • Grand Prize Contest

Hide & Seek

Some colorful characters have recently arrived from Silan. Being shy, they are LURKING in the shadows around Yrkanis. Being new arrivals, they are desparately in need of your help. Be the first to find them and initiate a 1 dapper trade. Doing so will win you a Small Prize!
Requires: Be not colorblind and 1 dapper.
Big Prize Winners! Bitttymacod, Virg

Ammo Lugging Race

They say experience is the best teacher and if so, these colorful new arrivals have much to learn. They are a pair of greedy rival sisters who have each gathered up a crippling burden of ammo. Now both are pleading for your strong back to help them move their stash to a better location... BEFORE their sibling manages the same feat. Help one of these one of these lovely damsels in distress beat her sister and win a Small Prize!
Requires: 100 free bag bulk.
Big Prize Winners! Malindraug, Sabreshadow, Wbt

Mektoub Race

In our opinion, whoever designed this racing course was drinking too much Stinga rum! With all the twists, turns and obstacles, we can't imagine how any racers will finish the course. Regardless, those who somehow manage to cross the finish line AHEAD of the main pack will win Small Prizes.
Requires: Mount stabled in Yrkanis.
Big Prize Winners! Malindraug, Virg

Trivia / Anagrams

We were mulling contest ideas and several old timers were complaining that their eyes were too dim to spot lurkers, their backs were too infirmed to lug ammo, and their mounts... well they were nearly as old as their owners. So we came up with a contest to favor wisdom over youth. Those with the best understanding of this ROOT BALL we call home will surely win Small Prizes!
Requires: Knowledge of Atys Lore and Ecology.
Big Prize Winners! Maegon, Virg

Grand Prize Contest

Shhh... it's a secret. We can't tell you everything, eh? We can only say that at the end of the party, one winner will stand TRIUMPHANT above all others!
Requires: Ya gotta already be a big time winner!
Grand Prize Winner!! Maegon

Edited 4 times | Last edited by Jola (1 decade ago)

#11 [en] 

Funny how jaliun moved this topic but still made their event the same time.

#12 [en] 

I've been asked to post my party speech by some homins who couldn't attend. So here goes...

Jola's Party Speech

Welcome to Armageddons' Birthday Party! We are two years old today. Thank you all for coming. To celebrate this occasion, my officers have asked me to say some words about Armas; who we are and what we do.

Today Yrkanis appears prosperous with a plentiful population, but we all know this is an illusion. Looking over the many guilds honoring us with their presence, I am reminded that guilds are the foundation of our community. They are the fertile ground in which new arrivals take root, grow and blossom into mastery. Everyday we see new arrivals from Silan. They truly are the seeds of our future. Yet we know that most will fail to thrive on our beloved rootball. And in our hearts we worry for the future of Atys.

Recently I looked through the Guild Registry forum. In the past two years 60 guilds have registered. Nearly half were brand new guilds! 27 new guilds and yet... I was hard pressed to identify any that remained vital beyond a few months. Armageddons was the rare exception. What a shame. New guilds embody new homins with new ideas. Are not new homins and new ideas the best solution to our low population problem?

So what made Armas the exception? Why is Armas the oldest "new guild" on Arispotle? I surely don't know the full answer. A guild is many things and much about guild culture defies quantification. However, after reflection I settled on three principals that might matter a great deal. I call them the 3-Cs: Compassion, Commitment, and Curiosity.

Why compassion?

Let's face it; Ryzom is a challenging game for newcomers. There is no strong quest line to guide development and the learning curve is brutal. Yet it is a sandbox and each homin must somehow find their own path. Sadly most new arrivals fail to do so. They flounder around for a brief time, become increasingly disillusioned, bored, and soon fade away. Those of us who are veterans must reach out to them before it is too late. We must take them into our hearts and homes to teach them the joyful nuances that elude the newcomer. It is a relentless task; no matter how much you give, the newcomers keep coming. And yet, if too few of these new seeds take root, we have only ourselves to blame. It is we who failed to till the soil and prepare a suitable field (guild) for them to take root and florish.

Why commitment?

Compassion might plant the seed by bringing a promising new arrival into your guild. However, for them to thrive you must continue to water their aspirations. You cannot simply give them some equipment and send them forth to conquer the wilds of Atys. You must help them find teammates, steer them clear of pitfalls, and teach them about multi-faceted aspects of their development. In Armas we developed a program of daily guild events to get these vital objectives accomplished. Monday is Touring the Camps (team building) day; Tuesday is Fame & Forest Teleports day; Wednesday is Heal Fest day; Thursday is Far Trek day; Friday is Boss Hunt day and so forth. Participation in these events is entirely voluntary of course. Some farsighted homins don't need much guidance.

Why curiosity?

Any culture grows stale without a fresh sense of adventure fueled by curiosity. What else can I do? What's the next step? How do I prepare? These questions are cornerstones of a dynamic gaming experience. Without unfulfilled personal goals anyone will become bored and drop out. But sometimes finding the path forward is hard, even for masters. In Armas we developed Master's Challenge (Scouting Wasteland Bosses, Hunting Kitin Patrols, etc.) programs for anyone with a mastery or two under their belt. In our view, getting a combat mastery in Ryzom is akin to getting a black belt in martial arts; It really just means you are done with your apprentice phase and ready to begin serious training. As with the new recruit programs, all participation is voluntary because not everyone needs guild events to keep enthused.

Undoubtedly there is more to Arma's success than the 3-Cs: Compassion, Commitment, and Curiosity, and certainly I have bent your ears long enough. But maybe you can find some value in my words. I do know this at least, these principles have served Armageddons well these past two years and now you know a bit more about what makes us tick. Thanks for your kind attention. Now up off your duffs and on to the next event! :)

- Jola(Arispotle)

Edited 2 times | Last edited by Jola (1 decade ago)

#13 [en] 

The Armageddons Birthday Party Event is over.

We are proud that around 50 people showed up to celebrate our birthday with us. We were even honored by 2 CSR's who showed up. Daexin and Sywindt thanks for showing up!

The party itself was a great success. All the attendees and spectators had a blast and nice prizes were won.

At the party, the strangest things happened. We had the Mektoubs participating in the Mektoub Race being shrunk to half their size. It looked like the participants touched the ground with their feet! Also there were some Kinchers and even a Kincher Boss visiting us in Yrkanis! And all of the online Armageddon guilds had their titles changed to either Birthday Girl or Birthday Boy.

Near the end of the festivities there were some fireworks distributed to everyone, so at the end after handing over the Big Prizes and the Grand Prize, there was a great fireworks show!

The posts above have been updated with Jola's speech and with the winners of the prizes. So be sure to check them out.

Some player comments:
-Great event ... Fabulous party!
-We need more player events like this.
-Swell party
-One of the better run events i have seen in a long time.
-Again next week :-)?

We congratulate the winners with their prizes and we like to express our thanks to all who showed up and made this birthday an unforgettable event in Armageddons history.

Cheers and up to next year!

On behalf of the entire Armageddons guild,

Last edited by Sneakylegs (1 decade ago)

#14 [en] 

Thanks for Coming!

The party was a big success with nearly 50 participants and hundreds of fireworks aloft during the grand finale. To wrap things up, I've updated the Schedule of Events with the names of all Big Prize winners. I also added a copy of my speech if you wanted to read it and couldn't attend the event. Folks had a blast judging by some of the comments we received:

(CSR) Daexin
Great event .. fab party.
Brilliant party, next week again?
Swell party, and one of the better run events I have seen in some time.

We couldn't have done it without the support of this wonderful community. Many thanks to all who participated! Special thanks to the party committee and to CSRs Daexin and Swindt for adding the fun party titles, transforming racing mounts into Mini-Mektoubs, and staging a kincher invasion while we waited at the finish line of the Mektoub race!

- Jola(Arispotle)

Edited 5 times | Last edited by Jola (1 decade ago)

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