Do you support/agree with my idea, and would you use it?
I support/agree with you and would use this. You smell nice.
Atys: None
Arispotle: Kingsid
2 (2)
I support/agree with you, but wouldn't use this. You smell okay. 0
I don't support/agree with you. You smell bad.
Atys: Arfur, Gorran
I don't support/agree with you, but I'd use this. I smell funny. 0
Atys: Bitttymacod, Karu, Suboxide
Other 0
Abstain 1

#1 [en] 

I like to stick the forum window at the bottom of the screen between the default positions of the chat window and the buttons window. When I'm digging, crafting, looting mobs I killed, etc, this is a problem, though as the messages "You have found 4 raw material sources." "You obtain one Fragment of Basic Kipee Mandible of quality 90." etc cover up the forum words.
So, I'd like an option to do one of the following: Either move those type of messages somewhere else like windows, or make windows cover those messages.

#2 [en] 

I really don't understand what you are trying to say, and it's still to early for me to be drunk. So it must be your post I tried to read 5 times.

You can move chat windows where you want and resize them? => yes you can
You can move and resize forum (web-ig) window? => yes you can

But for all i know you can be talking about something entirely different, I did see the word digg in there and most of the time when that's used it means to dificult for Sub.


#3 [en] 

Here's a screenshot. I want to be able to move the green text (and all other similar text that appears in the same place) somewhere else, or make windows cover it up because it makes my chat window and forum browser hard to read. I like my chat window and forum browser where they are now.
(click to enlarge)

#4 [en] 

I want to be able to move the green text (and all other similar text that appears in the same place) somewhere else
If you feel adventurous, then you can move those messages by editing config file. 'SystemInfoColors' defines where each message type is and what color it is.



#5 [en] 

Here's a screenshot. I want to be able to move the green text (and all other similar text that appears in the same place) somewhere else, or make windows cover it up because it makes my chat window and forum browser hard to read. I like my chat window and forum browser where they are now.
(click to enlarge)

Given that they cover the chat window in your case, I would change my vote. I've largely ignored those messages for years as I can just view them in the sys info window.


Eldest, Order of the White Lotus

#6 [en] 

I don't support your suggestion for moving/covering the live messages you get at the bottom of your screen. I could do with the type being a bit bigger, and I would like to have time to notice them and read them before they disappear, but I think it would be easier if you just moved your chat window.

[edit] I don't really think you smell funny :-j

Last edited by Arfur (1 decade ago)


It's bad luck to be superstitious . . .

Palta e decata, nan nec ilne matala.

When one goes on a journey it is not the scenery that changes, but the traveller

#7 [en] 

I want to be able to move the green text (and all other similar text that appears in the same place) somewhere else
If you feel adventurous, then you can move those messages by editing config file. 'SystemInfoColors' defines where each message type is and what color it is.
Glad I can (I still would like to be able to move them from the client).

Looks like: "<message type>", "<R> <G> <B> <A?> <layer>" but not all the message types have obvious meanings and some are repeated.

#8 [en] 

My guesses:
BC - ?
BL - ?
CHK - check? check what?
DG - ?
DGM - ?
DGP - ?
DMG - damage
EMT - ?
ISE - ?
ISE2 - ?
ITM - item
ITMF item ____
ITMO - item ____
MIS - miss?
MISM - monster miss?
MTD - ?
OSM - ?
PVPTM PvP timer (You will be attackable in n seconds.)
RG - ?
SP - ?
SPL - ?
SPLM - <SPL> monster?
SYS - system
THM - ? (this one has an extra option at the end:
TSK - (task? what would this refer to?)
TTL - time to live? Probably not.
VE - ?
VI - ?
XP - experience
ZON - zone (You are entering Imperial Dunes. This is a neutral area.)
[edit] I don't really think you smell funny :-j
That part's a joke, if you didn't figure it out :P

#9 [en] 

[edit] I don't really think you smell funny :-j
That part's a joke, if you didn't figure it out :P[/quote]

Sometimes I surprise myself - good job I'm as clever as I think I am. Cute, too.


It's bad luck to be superstitious . . .

Palta e decata, nan nec ilne matala.

When one goes on a journey it is not the scenery that changes, but the traveller

#10 [en] 

MIS & MISM are likely Mission and Mission Material


Eldest, Order of the White Lotus

#11 [en] 

"MIS", "150 150 150 255 normal", // The opponent misses
"MISM", "255 255 255 255 normal", // I miss

where did i get those?

It's all in the client_default.cfg along with a lot more documentation on all the options.

But never change anything in client_default.cfg, that file is maintained by the autopatcher and will be restored if changed. Rather copy them to client.cfg.

"overonly" is the message type that is shown nowhere but at the bottom of your screen.
Change it to "over" to have them copied to your Sysinfo. I think it's very helpful for ITMO.

For the original opening post:
You might consider undocking your SysInfo Window. It contains A LOT of VERY useful information you dont want to miss.

Last edited by Casy (1 decade ago)


Casy * Foreign Secretary * Alliance of Honor
Intensive Care Bear

#12 [en] 

Thaxlssillyia (Leanon)
For the original opening post:
You might consider undocking your SysInfo Window. It contains A LOT of VERY useful information you dont want to miss.
I've looked through it before and it doesn't appear to contain anything I'm interested in. Off topic, but what sort of things do people use from it? If we're talking about the source mode of a resource, I can keep a resource from dying or exploding without trouble by watching the bars. I don't dig anywhere dangerous yet. There's also "n mob hit you for this much at this location" but why do I need to see that? The rest, afaik, is all shown in messages at the bottom of my screen. On top of this, if text scrolls, it usually means I want to see what it says, which is false for most of SYS. INFO (so it would just be distracting and annoying).

Last edited by Nonea (1 decade ago)

#13 [en] 

I'm using source mode to decide which forage action i use on the source (gentle or not). There are some source modes you can dig aggressively with almost no impact on the bars and others that almost imediatly die/explode if you do. Another mode is loosing hp way too slowly when digging carefully so i need to throw in 1 or 2 harmful digs to get it done before focus runs out (i'm using the dying sources/high focus method).

And I dont like to read those item acquired messages (for myself or team members) on the bottom of the screen because in some continents the colors make it hard to read (might also be a lot of lines disappearing quickly). Yeah, something a little on-topic here!

When i die in combat and don't know why i read sysinfo to find out. And i can see what kind of healing or equipment i need to prevent dying again.

When i don't do full damage using elemental or melee i take a quick look at sysinfo to find out if i was just out of luck (doing 1234(1234) damage) or the mob has protection against it (doing 1234(1500) damage).

When i run from something i take a brief look at sysinfo to check if i'm in the right defense mode (parry and dodge is not displayed above my head when i am not actually in combat with the mob attacking me).

Damage display above my head is inaccurate for elemental melee attacks (Kincher lightning says 1234 above my head but 456(1234) in sysinfo which is right).

[Edit] When searching for bosses with a target macro i check sysinfo to see if there is more than one in sight.

But you are right of course, there is a lot of useless information in sysinfo, too. I learned to ignore those lines constantly scrolling by.

[Edit] As a workaround for your issue you can reroute everything from the bottom of your screen to sysinfo disabling the text at the bottom of your screen.

Edited 2 times | Last edited by Thaxlssillyia (1 decade ago)


Casy * Foreign Secretary * Alliance of Honor
Intensive Care Bear

#14 [en] 

I constantly read sys info undocked sitting neatly in lower left corner. In combat it is a constant source of info allowing you to see how much dmg your doing to judge resists among other things. I love keeping an eye on things like how high I can get bleed up to for instance(seeing it at 600+ on a boss on top of your wep dmg proves melee is more then aggro holder for nukers). Over time I have refined my UI to upper left my toons info(name,hps,sap,stam,focus). The rest of the top of my screen is chat(guild,main box of all undocked items center half of the top,Tryker channel,faction channel). Lower left is sys info and net info(ping et al).Lower right Compass and target. Team bars and chat right side. I know it sounds like alot of screen space is given to boxes but it works for me.Hands bar is lower center btw.You'll never miss a line of chat.-Kil


#15 [en] 

IF you decide to edit the system text colors or locations, three things to note:

#1 ALWAYS make a copy of client.cfg before making any changes to it!

#2 Copy the entire SystemInfoColors = { section from client_default.cfg into client.cfg or you will experience color oddities with other text.

#3 Edit ONLY the data in client.cfg and DO NOT edit client_default.cfg at all.


Eldest, Order of the White Lotus

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