
#1 [en] 

hi, i'm a marauder and i recently start paying for ryzom...
now i gained more levels, i wanted to upgrade my racial skills....
BUT they don't wanna teach me!

so would think, maybe a traitor or spy, in the new marauder village...
that can learn the racial skills to the marauders....

#2 [en] 


Makes logical sense... As Marauders in lore occasionally can infiltrate and "live the lives" of normal citizens until called upon. It's not as though they couldn't learn things and teach it to Marauders who cannot train from the capitals themselves.

#3 [en] 

+1 or even going deeper and giving marauders some new skills from the old world that other escaping homins forgot about


#4 [en] 

- 1 (unless everyone could learn it, as all the other racial spells)

they would need to add some lore for this, because Marauders are of race, they just do not follow their ancestors.

Each race were taught their racial spells by kami or karavan during ancient times. Marauders arent a race they are merely a following who wont follow the ancient ancestors because they were too weak to keep up during the great swarm and hold a grudge for the apparent of being left behind :)

Last edited by Soloreaper (1 decade ago)

#5 [en] 

Like Suboxide said, plenty in the Lore to allow for a Marauder-only Spell.
The Marauders are shrouded in mystery and it is often said that they possess strange technology that has never been seen in the New Lands. Certainly, the armour worn by some of the Marauder leaders was not known in the New Lands until they brought it there. More recently they've also been shown to have access to perfect crafting materials that are completely without flaw.
The Marauders also have shown to have superior encrypting technologies and the ability to teleport without aid from the Kami or Karavan.
It is believed that a mysterious substance referred to as matoxia is somehow tied to Marauder technology. The Marauders also seem to have no qualms about using Goo in their weaponry.

New technology really should make possible new weapons systems. This is different from having a characteristic spell (fire, poison, shockwave, electricity), as all players have greater or lesser resistances to these, depending on their race and there would be no corresponding resistance to any new Marauder weapon.

Marauders are not a race, however, so it would be a Faction thing and technology could easily play the part.

If not technology then perhaps a Marauder-only offensive magic spell based on Matoxia or Goo. If they have the ability to throw Matoxia or Goo around that would be plausible. There would, however, be no racial resistance to this so it would have to be balanced out somehow.


It's bad luck to be superstitious . . .

Palta e decata, nan nec ilne matala.

When one goes on a journey it is not the scenery that changes, but the traveller

#6 [en] 

I can't disagree more. Ryzom is a classless sandbox game. Marauders are a factional and RP-wise alternative, they should not and must not compromise the concept of every skill open to be learnt by everybody. Next step would be Karavan or Kami only abilities.
All that would change the nature of the game.


Daomei die Streunerin - religionsneutral, zivilisationsneutral, gildenneutral

#7 [en] 

I read that lore as....

gives the ability to add more TPs for Marauders, new weapons, armour and materials...

Technology developments doesnt give magical development.

I would love to see new things in game and to have a new type of "faction" would be fantastic.

#8 [en] 

gives the ability to add more TPs for Marauders, new weapons, armour and materials...
Technology developments doesnt give magical development.
I would love to see new things in game and to have a new type of "faction" would be fantastic.

TPs would be ok. As to weapon, armour, and materials, I would deeply dislike to be coerced into PvP or factions in order to learn new crafting plans or to obtain new materials. On contrary, I would love if there were a possibility to optain OP mats in a similar way as catalysts by an advanced occupation (should be hard not to compromise OP mat rareness).


Daomei die Streunerin - religionsneutral, zivilisationsneutral, gildenneutral

#9 [en] 

why would you not want new things? If they were open to all just like the current system.

#10 [en] 

New things would be nice, sure (except the threat of new bugs ..). But I would dislike everything establishing the marauders as a class rather than a faction.


Daomei die Streunerin - religionsneutral, zivilisationsneutral, gildenneutral

#11 [en] 

Why are all of you thinking of a new skill?

Just make it possible to learn the current racial skills from the "spy"-trainer in the marauder city.
But it would cost "extra" (skillpoints or dappers) and could only be used for those spells where your fame is too low to get into the capitals or other cities/outposts of that race.
And you might have to finish some missions first (like the initiation rite for the marauders - same as becoming a member of a particular civilisation)


#12 [en] 

Jarnys (Leanon)
Why are all of you thinking of a new skill?

Just make it possible to learn the current racial skills from the "spy"-trainer in the marauder city.
But it would cost "extra" (skillpoints or dappers) and could only be used for those spells where your fame is too low to get into the capitals or other cities/outposts of that race.
And you might have to finish some missions first (like the initiation rite for the marauders - same as becoming a member of a particular civilisation)

Best idea yet.


It's bad luck to be superstitious . . .

Palta e decata, nan nec ilne matala.

When one goes on a journey it is not the scenery that changes, but the traveller

#13 [en] 

that's exactly what i want
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