

#96 [en] 

We can improove on our discussion by leaving personal feelings aside. I acused two people, Yacapo and Nitrouss, not the whole Kami community. These two individuals are the only ones who rightfully could bring a personal note to this discussion if they so desire.

LOL At least post with your main toon.


#97 [en] 

hmm direct accusastions with no proof. so slander eh? yeah you arent being personal at all. pvp does this to a lot of people though. was in one game where they made a direct accusation of cheating a bannable offense to avoid things like this. perhaps the management should think about that as well. send your complaints to where they should go and stop grandstanding.

wanted to clarify on this. i really wasnt being sarcastic (at least not totally) earlier. there really are a lot of people who cant handle pvp. I value and appreciate my in game enemies. would take them out for beer and bs if it was practical because i have fun, win or lose it is fun. We pay for the game to have fun and I do. Part of that is having people to fight against. Some are great sports and handle it well win or lose. Some dont and we end up with things like this.

Edited 2 times | Last edited by Garla(arispotle) (1 decade ago)

#98 [en] 

Garla if you have proof my accusations are false, please state them here in the post.

#99 [en] 

I would only like To Thank all karas crying
in this Thread for bringing Xmas early ..

as nothing bring me more joy that hear
karas butthurt and and WAAAmbulance
in action

Happy Xmas to all :)

p.s /beep /beep

please continue ..



Am the Lizard King......... I can do Anything
Temporary Insanity Complaint Department Officer
Bring your own Tissues

#100 [en] 

Garla if you have proof my accusations are false, please state them here in the post.

No idea where you are from Ganix. but proof that accusations are false is not how it works most civilized places.

instead of having to prove yourself innocent. they have to provve you guilty.

remembered the quote. "Innocent until proven guilty"

unless you want to prove to me that you are innocent of kidnapping and abusing puppies.

where as your potentially damaging slander is right here for all to see eh?

Last edited by Garla(arispotle) (1 decade ago)

#101 [en] 

So far the responses from TI have been:

"Just because you lost"
"You do it too"
"You are butthurt"
"You are whiners"
"Prove it"

With the exception of one who actually contributed something to the topic by saying that the issue was raised before and the CSR's were unable to prove the use of 3rd party software.

This will just keep going and going and going until there is a CSR response. Thats what we are asking for.


#102 [en] 

Weird but I had just read the mmorog.com thread on this topic yesterday and here we are again nothing has changed. Not only is new content a far off dream but new topics on forums as well. It's a shame. The Karas must admit that they are impossible to lead like herding cats.We have had some good fights recently(Ginti). We need to stop letting the Kami get in our heads.It is obvious that even with the no 3rd party software ban that it's unenforceable. So we either have to do whatever is neccassary to win or play fairly hopefully with some better tatics and hope for a fun fight. If we're getting whipped just surrender the day.Calling for CSRs is pointless.Those who can't accept the reality of the situation are going to be miserable. It comes down to balancing the friendships and gameplay of a different game or quitting if that's not enough to maintain the fun factor.


#103 [en] 

So far the responses from TI have been:

"Just because you lost"
"You do it too"
"You are butthurt"
"You are whiners"
"Prove it"

With the exception of one who actually contributed something to the topic by saying that the issue was raised before and the CSR's were unable to prove the use of 3rd party software.

This will just keep going and going and going until there is a CSR response. Thats what we are asking for.

no you are not. it says quite plainly that you wont be told of any response to accusations you make to a csr. so there is no way for you to know that nothing has been done. send your ticket and you will never know if anything happens from it. so you cant even say that nothing has. might want to actually look at the rules on ttickets before you accuse them of ignoring you. They cant respond to you. it is against their rules.

Last edited by Garla(arispotle) (1 decade ago)

#104 [en] 

Weird but I had just read the mmorog.com thread on this topic yesterday and here we are again nothing has changed. Not only is new content a far off dream but new topics on forums as well. It's a shame. The Karas must admit that they are impossible to lead like herding cats.We have had some good fights recently(Ginti). We need to stop letting the Kami get in our heads.It is obvious that even with the no 3rd party software ban that it's unenforceable. So we either have to do whatever is neccassary to win or play fairly hopefully with some better tatics and hope for a fun fight. If we're getting whipped just surrender the day.Calling for CSRs is pointless.Those who can't accept the reality of the situation are going to be miserable. It comes down to balancing the friendships and gameplay of a different game or quitting if that's not enough to maintain the fun factor.

Well said KT!!!!


#105 [en] 

I have made an accusation against two persons who I believe are very good players, but that I do not believe have the ability to control as many characters as they do simultaneously without the aid of 3rd party software. I believe in what I saw not once, not twice, but several times. I believe, after seen it with my own eyes, the accounts of others when during conversation the subject was discussed. You may color the issue whatever you want, but as some of you guys have requested from us, there has been no concrete proof provided by you that makes my accusations false. They stand and I believe the need for a third party investigation to lay aside and clarify the issue. As I have stated before, if you are not doing anything wrong you should not fear the consequences of such an investigation. You state that the proper channels must be used. They have by several persons but a solution agreeable by both parties has not been found, therefore the issue persists.

#106 [en] 

no you are not. it says quite plainly that you wont be told of any response to accusations you make to a csr. so there is no way for you to know that nothing has been done. send your ticket and you will never know if anything happens from it. so you cant even say that nothing has. might want to actually look at the rules on ttickets before you accuse them of ignoring you. They cant respond to you. it is against their rules.

They can and should respond. They can clarify that all tickets are taken seriously if that is in fact the case. They could also clarify what evidence needs to be provided and from how many people to warrant further action.

If it is not the case they could state outright the rule cannot be enforced and possibly abolish it, so that the arguement wont come up again.

There are a number of ways they could respond without commenting on specific players or guilds or tickets.


#107 [en] 

it is not your place to pull this out on the forums and try to egg on the drama. there is a system for it. youo dont directly accuse people. you send a ticket. and you be happy with that. they have a systemt o deal with it and you dont get to know if any sanctions were thought approppriate. They will only talk about that to the player that is accused. instead you come here and try to stir drama by committing deliberate slander.

#108 [en] 


if your read the aripostle game rules you will see that they have clarified it. it is a few posts above this one.

Edited 2 times | Last edited by Garla(arispotle) (1 decade ago)

#109 [en] 

I have made an accusation against two persons who I believe are very good players, but that I do not believe have the ability to control as many characters as they do simultaneously without the aid of 3rd party software. I believe in what I saw not once, not twice, but several times. I believe, after seen it with my own eyes, the accounts of others when during conversation the subject was discussed. You may color the issue whatever you want, but as some of you guys have requested from us, there has been no concrete proof provided by you that makes my accusations false. They stand and I believe the need for a third party investigation to lay aside and clarify the issue. As I have stated before, if you are not doing anything wrong you should not fear the consequences of such an investigation. You state that the proper channels must be used. They have by several persons but a solution agreeable by both parties has not been found, therefore the issue persists.

The burdon of proof lies with the accuser not the accused. Yaka and Nit don't need to prove anything. You do. I tell you right now no 3rd party software has been used so prove otherwise.

What you're really saying though is "I submitted a ticket and didn't like the outcome so I'll make a drama post on the forums with some anonymous alt and cry until I do get the outcome I want."

#110 [en] 

1. Is there still in fact a policy against the use of 3rd party software.
You acknowledge that the proper functioning and success of an Massively Multiplayer Online Role Playing Game such as Ryzom and/or Ryzom Ring depends on a delicate balance which Winch Gate Property Limited has to maintain.

The User is therefore strictly forbidden:
(a) to use any program or method to change the content or functionalities of the MMORPG;
(b) to cause the server to be overloaded;
(c) to use any procedure to make it easier to obtain any instruction faster than through the ordinary course of play;
(d) to modify the user interface or any other component in order to obtain objects, experience points, currency, characters' attributes, ranks, etc., other than as the result of proper normal use of the MMORPG;
(e) to buy, sell or transfer MMORPG characters or their attributes.

Furthermore, the User must at all times observe the Code of Conduct, the Courtesy Policies and the Ryzom Naming Charter displayed on the MMORPG's website at www.ryzom.com, whose contents are hereby declared an integral part of this Contract. We reserve the right to take any emergency measures on your account (including suspending or canceling it) which we think fit, if we believe that your use is contravening the above prohibitions.

I always thought that the points (a) and (c) are about the usage of 3rd party software in Ryzom.

Last edited by Trini (1 decade ago)


Trini | 'Ys kard' | Arispotle
First and last of the Darkmoor Rangers


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