

#84 [en] 

Nope, not raging. Responding to a thread that points out an issue that affects the entire server. Each of my posts has been calm. Your reasons for converting to Kami were personal reasons about your perception of karavans response to you personally. That is what you stated.

What i said was, i was pissed off about AA talking about me behind my back and not confronting me about it, and i also said i hated the fact that kara guilds were so closed in.(which meant that if kara guilds aren't talking to each other, they are not coordinanted fyi) What i mean by that was, AA was sick of sharing Boss mats with me so they outcasted me, even though i was finding them. Only guild that would do them with me was GoJ.

You can't even kill the igaras in pei, so coordination comes into the play again, how do you expect to kill TI if you can't coordinate? Stop whining about something when you're doing it yourself, yes i've seen you run 4 alts with you.

#85 [en] 

We are losing players rapidly because there is abuse of 3rd party software

You mean atiara left because of 3rd party software? I thought he was butthurt about us killing his packers at the op war.

#86 [en] 

It has been screenshotted, frapsed, ticketed and ignored. The reason it has now reached the point of being splashed on the forum is because we want answers. A mass exodus is exactly what is coming if we dont get them. We are losing players rapidly because there is abuse of 3rd party software that is obvious to those of us trying to fight against it and a perception that the CSR team is unwilling or unable to stop it.

The CSR team have no responded because the use of Third Party Software cannot be proven. The possibility of players have a huge gaming setup, with several computers controlled by the same player makes it so.
So, submit as you may with screenshots and Fraps'd vids, but until you have conclusive proof, such as a player admitting to the use of the software, no one will be banned based upon your tickets.

Answers were given 7 months ago. The same answers still apply now. If the CSR's felt there was an issue, they would be responding to your tickets. Shaking your fists in the air and spewing poison all over the forums will get you nowhere but the same place you've been all along.

#87 [en] 

It has been screenshotted, frapsed, ticketed and ignored. The reason it has now reached the point of being splashed on the forum is because we want answers. A mass exodus is exactly what is coming if we dont get them. We are losing players rapidly because there is abuse of 3rd party software that is obvious to those of us trying to fight against it and a perception that the CSR team is unwilling or unable to stop it.

I will speak out loudly and I will not back down because I am willing to take the flaming, trolling and counter-accusations. I dont care what you say about me. I dont care what you threaten me with. I really dont care about anything but getting the answers that will stop more players from leaving.

proof or gtfo.

#88 [en] 

OMG, can't believe this subject is back one year later the last forum battle.

And there is still someone that wanna claim the use of automated bots is not cheating.
And this reminds me of people trying to use the WoW CoC to justify the break of rules in Ryzom.

The solution is simple: don't play with the loosers.

This is the reason why i stopped doing pvp long time ago.


Legion of Atys

#89 [en] 

*shrug* if you want to get rid of multi clienting just get rid of the follow command, but I doubt they want to lose that much revenue from all the people who pay two accounts. Thinking about it they should encourage it actually, and so should we. the more subbed accounts the more money they get to pay coders and artists to come up with fun things.

#90 [en] 

Wow.. I must be some sort of prophet. I make a post foretelling of doom and gloom, go to bed, and wake up to the explosion of a drama-bomb!

#91 [en] 

OMG, can't believe this subject is back one year later the last forum battle.

And there is still someone that wanna claim the use of automated bots is not cheating.
And this reminds me of people trying to use the WoW CoC to justify the break of rules in Ryzom.

The solution is simple: don't play with the loosers.

This is the reason why i stopped doing pvp long time ago.

right. a lot of people arent mentally set up for pvp and ryzom unlike alot of games was set up so that you can pretty much totally avoid it. raging is bad for your blood pressure. if it gets you that upset just dont do it :)

#92 [en] 

Aeralin thank you for attempting to speak on behalf of the CSR's but thats not what we need here. We need a direct and current response from them.

Orlaf and stitch, more trolling wont help, and Im not just going to back down.


#93 [en] 

Aeralin thank you for attempting to speak on behalf of the CSR's but thats not what we need here. We need a direct and current response from them.

Orlaf and stitch, more trolling wont help, and Im not just going to back down.

keep trolling yourself. as i said accusations with no proof = you a troll.

Last edited by Stitch(arispotle) (1 decade ago)

#94 [en] 

OMG, can't believe this subject is back one year later the last forum battle.

And there is still someone that wanna claim the use of automated bots is not cheating.
And this reminds me of people trying to use the WoW CoC to justify the break of rules in Ryzom.

The solution is simple: don't play with the loosers.

This is the reason why i stopped doing pvp long time ago.

right. a lot of people arent mentally set up for pvp and ryzom unlike alot of games was set up so that you can pretty much totally avoid it. raging is bad for your blood pressure. if it gets you that upset just dont do it :)

Your sarcasm is totally useless.


Last edited by Gilgameesh (1 decade ago)


Legion of Atys

#95 [en] 

I am very happy to come here this morning and see this wonderfull response to my post. I have read through all the replies and I can say that one thing in common amongst all is that there is no impediment to have the administration, not CSRs, take a look at the issue and stipulate on the use of third party software. I guess we can all agree that one group defended itself from my accusations and stated that they do not use such methods therefore they do not oppose and investigation due to the fact they do not have anything to fear from it. The other group is requesting the investigation and claritication on the issue. Awesome we are all in agreement. I was not aware the problem had been debated previously and I am to blame for not having properly done a search on the forum, but by the responses this is an issue that needs discussion and clarification and I believe all of us agree on this, afterall we have nothing to hide becasue we are all palying by the rules, therefore the investigation should not hurt anyone and it should clarify the dispute.

We can improove on our discussion by leaving personal feelings aside. I acused two people, Yacapo and Nitrouss, not the whole Kami community. These two individuals are the only ones who rightfully could bring a personal note to this discussion if they so desire.

#96 [en] 

We can improove on our discussion by leaving personal feelings aside. I acused two people, Yacapo and Nitrouss, not the whole Kami community. These two individuals are the only ones who rightfully could bring a personal note to this discussion if they so desire.

LOL At least post with your main toon.


#97 [en] 

hmm direct accusastions with no proof. so slander eh? yeah you arent being personal at all. pvp does this to a lot of people though. was in one game where they made a direct accusation of cheating a bannable offense to avoid things like this. perhaps the management should think about that as well. send your complaints to where they should go and stop grandstanding.

wanted to clarify on this. i really wasnt being sarcastic (at least not totally) earlier. there really are a lot of people who cant handle pvp. I value and appreciate my in game enemies. would take them out for beer and bs if it was practical because i have fun, win or lose it is fun. We pay for the game to have fun and I do. Part of that is having people to fight against. Some are great sports and handle it well win or lose. Some dont and we end up with things like this.

Edited 2 times | Last edited by Garla(arispotle) (1 decade ago)

#98 [en] 

Garla if you have proof my accusations are false, please state them here in the post.

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