

#66 [en] 

Whatever. It's a shame that Yaka didn't take a screenshot of you admitting to using 3rd party software. You want to make accusations thats fine. But people in glass houses and all.

#67 [en] 

still dont get it, yall had more characters than we did and are complaining that we had too many becasue we won is all I can figure.

what yall need is to put an organized person who isnt afraid to be a jerk in charge and MAKE people do as he says. I am sure there are many of you who have great ideas, but it seems like you try to do them all at the same time instead of having a central person in charge

Edited 2 times | Last edited by Garuth(arispotle) (1 decade ago)

#68 [en] 

Deja vu... I believe the kara's may be stuck in an infinite loop, maybe their coding should be looked into? Anyway, this is so stupid, turn cat production back up or find a way to fix it other then that occupation that nobody cares about and we'll have more cats then we know what to do with (they'll have to be given back), however declaring with your alts and making rage posts with your alts on the forums does not motivate us to ever hand OP's back. Look at it this way, you can start working on your coordination, figuring out tactics for battle other then your bum rushing, and AA in particular, maybe you should listen to everyone in your guild's Idea's, the person I'm talking about knows who they are. ;) And to all kara's in general, every person that has ever come over to TI that was kara has been a person who tried and tried and tried to organize you all, and was ignored, TI kept getting better. See?


The fail whale!


My name is Lil, but you may call me Your Majesty. ;)

#69 [en] 

I do not use 3rd party software to control my alts. I have used 3rd party software more than 1 year ago before I was made aware that it is against the rules. I have never denied this. I have never used 3rd party software to help me dig or to give me any advantage during OP battles.

I find it interesting that you are trying to justify your guilds violation of the 3rd party software rule by saying "you do it so dont complain".

Again, try to divert from the issue all you like but we will not keep quiet about this any longer. We want to hear from the CSR team.

1. Is there still in fact a policy against the use of 3rd party software.
2. If so, will action be taken to prevent its use and punish violations of the policy.
3. What must we provide for you to take this seriously enough for some kind of action.


#70 [en] 

Anyway, this is so stupid, turn cat production back up or find a way to fix it other then that occupation that nobody cares about and we'll have more cats then we know what to do with (they'll have to be given back),

I totally agree Liliang, That or remove cats all together and adjust the xp acordingly.

#71 [en] 

And to all kara's in general, every person that has ever come over to TI that was kara has been a person who tried and tried and tried to organize you all, and was ignored, TI kept getting better. See?

Im sorry, I dont know what you have been told by these people but I know of 4 converts in the last few months who do not fit in this statement. 3 ex-AA members and one ex-TPM. They each left due to personal differences with various people, and had nothing to do with coordination or being ignored.

I could list these people and their reasons, but that would be personal and completely off topic. If you care at all or are curious feel free to send me a tell.

Last edited by Beeficus (1 decade ago)


#72 [en] 

One of the two parts of my statement is still true. They've made TI better, and FYI they all have wonderful idea's and strategies so i thank you to not speak of them unkindly, we don't take well to that sort of thing. :)


The fail whale!


My name is Lil, but you may call me Your Majesty. ;)

#73 [en] 

I find it interesting that you are trying to justify your guilds violation of the 3rd party software rule by saying "you do it so dont complain".

I'm not trying to justify anything. All I'm saying is its very easy to make accusations, but without any proof then it means nothing. You think you know what Yaka and Nit does but you have no proof of anything. I think I know what you do when you dig but I don't have any proof of anything. Really though this has been handled by the CSRs before. Its been pointed out to you by people in this thread. So please spare us with this crap. It is just a big whine fest because you lost again. wha wha wha we can't beat TI so lets get them banned. same ol' crap different day.

#74 [en] 

still dont get it, this arguement seems to boil down to me to yall saying "yes we had more people, but you still had too many, therefore you must be cheating"

Last edited by Garuth(arispotle) (1 decade ago)

#75 [en] 

All of this because we defended our OPs.....Sad You guys wiped us in 2 mins to start it off then you fell apart. The real definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different outcome. You guys might want to find a new war leader.


#76 [en] 

One of the two parts of my statement is still true. They've made TI better, and FYI they all have wonderful idea's and strategies so i thank you to not speak of them unkindly, we don't take well to that sort of thing. :)

Im not speaking unkindly of anyone, just stating the truth. They left because of personal reasons that had nothing to do with strategy, coordination or being ignored.

Garuth, your post is completely false. The issue is not the amount of players, and that is not the basis for the accusations.

Stitch, you are simply trolling. We do not wish to see TI banned, we want the abuse of alts and 3rd party software to stop. We want to see something done about it. People controlling up to 8 characters at once are the ONLY reason you are able to win every OP, and it seems like the problem is getting worse while the CSR team refuses to respond to the issue. Call us whiners all you like but we will not keep quiet about it anymore.


#77 [en] 

so you are saying that even though you had more toons there, we had too many and must be cheating to do it.

Last edited by Garuth(arispotle) (1 decade ago)

#78 [en] 

hi, im the ex-tpm member, how are you? Raging? I see.. Well sir, you're wrong, i left cause of the uncordination between the guilds, which was one of the many reasons why i disapprove of karas. Ima go back to looking for bawses, but i think we killed em already.

#79 [en] 

Stitch, you are simply trolling. We do not wish to see TI banned, we want the abuse of alts and 3rd party software to stop. We want to see something done about it. People controlling up to 8 characters at once are the ONLY reason you are able to win every OP, and it seems like the problem is getting worse while the CSR team refuses to respond to the issue. Call us whiners all you like but we will not keep quiet about it anymore.

Sorry mate but you're the only troll here. Accusing people of cheating without any proof. And no one is controlling 8 toons. Amnesia already pointed this out. Simply repeating the same tired crap over and over doesn't make it true.

#80 [en] 

hi, im the ex-tpm member, how are you? Raging? I see.. Well sir, you're wrong, i left cause of the uncordination between the guilds, which was one of the many reasons why i disapprove of karas. Ima go back to looking for bawses, but i think we killed em already.

Nope, not raging. Responding to a thread that points out an issue that affects the entire server. Each of my posts has been calm. Your reasons for converting to Kami were personal reasons about your perception of karavans response to you personally. That is what you stated.

Garuth, repeating yourself doesnt change anything we have said. There are people in TI cheating and the problem is getting worse the longer nothing is done about it. We want it to stop. We want this issue settled, either thru CSR's action or a statement that there wont ever be any. Simply pretending its not an issue is not going to cut it.



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