

#41 [en] 


Last edited by Ciliana (1 decade ago) | Reason: nvm

#42 [en] 

The only flaw in my claim is that you expect undeniable proof to be presented publicly before you will acknowledge the existance of a valid claim.

The simple fact is that you are biased in this subject or else you would have stopped arguing and accepted that we asking for a CSR response. Giving you personally no room to argue with the claim will not achieve anything. We need results and you cannot provide them. Once the CSR team states here what exactly we need to provide with our tickets for some sort of investigation or action to be taken we will do it.

If there is no possible way to prove the use of 3rd party software that would be sufficient enough to warrant action, we should all be made aware of this so that we can all abuse it. Simply ignoring our tickets, screenshots, fraps and refusing to attend an OP to see for themselves is just not good enough.


#43 [en] 

I can tell you some of things right here.... Fuzzyfeet is Khandoma's Alt, Keeblerelf is Yaka's wife and Monje is a different player altogether.... So those aren't "Bots". The Proof you provided prooves the opposite of what you claim sorry.

#44 [en] 

You seem to be getting thicker. it doesn't matter if these are not Yakapo's and Nitrouss' alt accounts, just that they are account sharing and USING these toons as their healbots.

#45 [en] 

You see. You are stating a claim, and want CSR to take action. Now if they take action they might ban all the accounts that are Claimed to be controlled by 3rd party software. I'm defending myself here because i too was accused on several accounts that i too was controlled by such, and i do not want to be banned. Do you see my point in argueing against this whole thing?

You 1-2 players may say that " Yes we know you are no bot" etc, but those who accused me will not and if action will be taken i too can get banned. So i argue my point till it is clear that there is a way to play and it may seem like botting but in fact it's being lazy and using macros.

The other solution i can recomend and that would ultimately eliminate the possibility of botting in such a way or definatly would make it a lot more difficult is by removing macros from game. No macros no Alts, no botting.

#46 [en] 

All of these characters are being used as alts. Amnesia your assist macro explanation has one serious flaw.

That macro will only perform one action repeatedly. It cannot switch between bomb healing, ressing, and nuking depending on what yakapo is doing at any given time.

3rd party software is being used. There is no basis for reasonable doubt. You are providing explanations that are extremely unlikely at the very best. Your refusal to admit even the possibilty that investigation is needed is not based on a lack of evidence or reasonable doubt. Either you know rules are being broken and you refuse to admit it or you are completely closed to the possibility.


#47 [en] 


Last edited by Ciliana (1 decade ago)

#48 [en] 

I never said i have only 1 Macro.

A Follow macro hit second time will make you stop. hit a second key to do the target of target spell cast macro. another key to heal hp/sap or hp/hp or hp/stam. i can assign upto 9 such macros to the keypad keys and hit them with ease when needed while watching a movie. I done it and i know it can be done. That don't mean that i shared my log in info or that i'm botting.

#49 [en] 

No, Amnesia, the use of macros by several players does not explain what we have seen. At best if it is true it would absolve 2 or 3 of the people following and healing and nuking in unison but the characters admitted to be alts of Nitrouss and Yakapo are still working in unison, which is impossible without 4 or 5 computers and 4 or 5 hands to press the keys repeatedly.

Your explanations cannot explain how they are doing this. The best you can say is the ludicrous claim that TI have 20 or more people willing to log into alts and follow specific players around using macros rather than fighting for themselves on their own characters and moving independantly.

You are just arguing with us because of your own personal bias and if you were honest with yourself you know that there is a real need for investigation here. Offering increasingly unlikely explanations of how they might only look like they are cheating but really are not is just silly. If you cant admit that we have a valid claim please stop posting.


#50 [en] 

Maybe you should read what i say more carefully. So far i been stating of what I do, not what Yaka does. I never once said that he isn't cheating. I was pointing out what I do and that Others might do it too and IT CAN be interpreted as Botting. Being accused of being Yakas ALT is no fun. It's like i would start posting that you might be someone's alt and so both be banned. See where i come from? I'm defending myself!

#51 [en] 

Noone in this post is attacking you or accusing you of anything. You have no need to defend yourself, you have been repeatedly disputing our claims that there is cheating going on, and our justification in asking for CSR's to investigate and act.


#52 [en] 

devs should look through keystrokes and post the findings to settle this kinda boring now :)

#53 [en] 

Im not claiming that these are alts. One does not have to be an alt to be a bot. Its easy to share login info and use others accounts. Im pointing at actions that cannot be done with "regular" gameplay. It is impossible for 5 different players to hit one player at the exact same second.

Another thing I want to take up is that if one wants to go in neutral in an OP fight, to gather proof of botting, one gets slammed with "im gonna ban u from the OP", "get out of here" etc, cause a neutral soaks heals. These are just screenshots from different OPs, that ive taken when Ive seen something suspicious.

The mail goal of this thread is to get CSRs attention. We have tried several tickets, coversations etc with the CSR team, but nothing is done.

wondering at what point it became your job to do such? where as we have had plenty of people come in neutral to soak up our heal pods and drag aggro onto them. saturday, yall had the numbers, we had the coordination, that's it

Last edited by Garuth(arispotle) (1 decade ago)

#54 [en] 

I guess it's ok when Beeficus uses 3rd party software and all of Soloreapers' alts to bot dig but no one else is allowed to eh? See its easy to make claims but without proof you just look like a tool.

Last edited by Stitch(arispotle) (1 decade ago)

#55 [en] 

This kind of complaint is unavoidable in pvp games i suppose, I have played many.

but since we are all here to have fun why not just say "good job, get you next time" and go on and figure out how? yall won one a couple weeks ago and there were no forum posts complainig about how you were "cheating" and such. I like the people i fight, they let me have fun fighting them, would buy yall a beer if I could, but complaining about alts when yall had superior numbers? complainiing about account sharing when there were characters there on kara side when there were characters there who are KNOWN to have quit Ryzom? coem on guys, just have fun :)

Last edited by Garuth(arispotle) (1 decade ago)


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