

#1 [en] 

I have not been playing this game for long but I have identified a problem that I believe you, game administrators, are not doing anything about. I have participated in several outpost battles and I have seen people using multiple players simultaneously. I think that is okay when you do not have to use software or other illicit means to help you control the multiple players you have. This is good for you the company because you are able to sell more accounts therefore you earn more money. I realy believe that one person could control maybe up to four characters simultaneously and the individual has to be good to do that efficiently. Mind you, four conpletely separate characters are controlled with different clients by a single person, and I think that would be complicated but possible. Now when we are talking about being targeted by more than 8 characters simultaneously then obliterated because all shot at you at the same time, I do find that to be beyond human control. In other words, software working in the background is helping such a person to have such control over so many characters. Again I think this is good for your business but I also believe that it breaks the rule of conduct you posted for all to read, items 10 and 12. If you decide to take the time to inquire about this happening and verify that it is real and ongoing I would suggest you could start with two members the Temporary Insanity guild named Yacapo and Nitrouss. I sincerely hope you take the time to examine these assertions from me, because I know if you do you will find I am correct. You have a fantastic game, a cool environment to enjoy the company of others and make friends, a place to pass the time and be happy, a place that I believe you want to keep unspoiled by the behavior of certain individuals in using artificial means to assert themselves as unbeatable. I sincerely hope you pay attention to this because I have felt from listening to conversations of others that this is taking a toll on enjoying their game, and I can safely say this feeling is spreading out fast. If you do not deal with this situation soon, you will have a lot of dissatisfied customers in your hands. To the forum user, please add your comments against or in favor of what I have described.

#2 [en] 

I agree wholeheartedly... I will not renew if something is not done.

#3 [en] 

All this whining because you lost a battle or two?

This is the game of power between residences of Atys whether you like it or not the winner take it all!

Now... you have two options here.

1- Live with it.
2- Join the Kami side.

All in all stop whining, I wonder that ,would you say the same statements if the situation were vice versa..??


Edited 2 times | Last edited by Ezex (1 decade ago)


#4 [en] 

At best, using multiple, automatically-controlled characters is poor sportsmanship. At worse, it's outright cheating. Personally, I'd like to see the issue dealt-with by the devs. I don't use alts, even for mining, but if coding the game in such a way as to disallow players from having multiple characters from the sam IP address is the only way to stop the abuse, I'd consider blocking alts to be a reasonable compromise. I don't mind getting whupped if my opponent out-thinks me but botting isn't out-thinking, it's deliberately taking an unfair advantage and it reduces the enjoyment many get from the game.

#5 [en] 

First, I want to say that I agree that using software to control other characters instead of controlling them yourself is wrong. It's already against the rules, and you already acknowledge that. If you've read the rules and guidelines, you know how to handle this kind of claim: submit a ticket to the CSRs.

The only purpose for a post like this is to create drama. Maybe acceptable in some games, but not here.

Moderators, please lock this thread, as it is only intended to create drama. Include a note like you guys normally do, telling the posters to submit tickets accompanied with some sort of evidence for their claims, and not attempt to stir up drama.

#6 [en] 

Erizon, the CSRs are the problem here. They do nothing no matter how much proof is shown. They do not care about the rules OR the devs don't want to lose the subs.

#7 [en] 

Personally, I wudn't use an alt for a CPer, healslave or anything else as, for me, the game's enjoyment is the coop aspect. A heal/dig whatever slave goes counter to that. 2nd, I look to the game as chance to relax & using multi toons req's a level of attention that Im not prepared to invest.

As most of you know I have no interest in PVP. The thing about this community tho is, for the most part over the years, the players have decided that despite game mechanics and pushes in various directions by the devs, it's always been a place where individuals wishes were respected.

We have maintained relationships w/ all guilds players & freely shared the bounty of our OP's or individual efforts with just about anyone who's ever asked. Having been asked to chime in here, while I personally have my own approach as described above, I wouldn't want to dictate my play style on anyone else. That's why I'm still here after almost 8 years in the 1st place.


#8 [en] 

All this whining because you lost a battle or two?

This is the game of power between residences of Atys whether you like it or not the winner take it all!

Its not about an outpost or two mate. Its about one guild breaking the rules and using the advantage to take everything. TI are taking everything and attempting to completely demolish the Karavans because there are a few people in that guild who can control up to 8 characters simultaneously.

I dont think there is anyone who has actually fought on either side of a TI involved battle who can dispute this. Without those people breaking the rules and using 3rd party software to control their alts the outcomes would be vastly different and the entire faction balance would be different.

Something needs to be done about it. CSR's cannot simply look the other way forever. Its irresponsible and shows a lack of resolve.


#9 [en] 

I think the CSRs and Devs need to realize that one guild unsubbing their alts is definitely not as bad as a whole faction leaving the game. Effing do something about it, this is a public game, not TI's playground.

#10 [en] 

Now when we are talking about being targeted by more than 8 characters simultaneously then obliterated because all shot at you at the same time, I do find that to be beyond human control. In other words, software working in the background is helping such a person to have such control over so many characters.

I wasn't there in person for the latest of OP battles, but what i have seen in many OP battles was that i was targeted by atleast 12 characters from the Kara side and fired upon at the same time. What do you make of that?

I tell you what. It's called ASSIST MACRO! Step 1: Target entity = Yakapo. Step 2: Target my target's target. Step 3: Use Shortcut = Whatever number your best spell is on.
You can also add a chat line in there saying /follow that will make you follow the target around like an ALT and if you keep pressing the macro you will fire upon enemy as soon as your Followee targets an enemy. It may look like he controlls you but i can assure you, he isn't.

The reason i'm writing this is because i got this very same answer when i "Whined" about Karas kicking us when TI wasn't around to help us all with their sheer numbers of combined master skills.
I don't use alts, even for mining, but if coding the game in such a way as to disallow players from having multiple characters from the sam IP address is the only way to stop the abuse, I'd consider blocking alts to be a reasonable compromise.

The problem with this is you would be banning many players. Almost half. Those who share internet at home or at a public place to play, ultimately have the same IP address, but have different Sub-IP addresses. By limiting log-in 1 per IP you would not let but only 1 person play at the time from a home, workplace or cyber cafees.
Please consider that.

#11 [en] 

I tell you what. It's called ASSIST MACRO! Step 1: Target entity = Yakapo. Step 2: Target my target's target. Step 3: Use Shortcut = Whatever number your best spell is on.
You can also add a chat line in there saying /follow that will make you follow the target around like an ALT and if you keep pressing the macro you will fire upon enemy as soon as your Followee targets an enemy. It may look like he controlls you but i can assure you, he isn't.

Yes, but what is the command to make 8 alts assist and nuke at the EXACT same time? Give it up please. Atleast Ezex didn't deny the obvious botting. We have sent video proof to CSRs many times. They don't do anything. They're either Kami players or they don't want to cut the game's revenue by suspending/banning the offending players. And if they delete this comment/thread we know it's the former. It's getting redonkulous.

#12 [en] 

You are either naive or in denial mate. When you attack one of nitrouss or yakas alts you get all of those eyeballs on you at exactly the same time and then you instantly die. You can see clearly that they are using alts and they dont deny this, but you claim that because it is possible to use assist and follow they may plausibly be other players?

You like many other Kamis are using plausible deniability to claim you are unaware of the cheating and therefore using TI's help for your own gain is justified.

The simple facts are: The rules are being broken. Without the abuse of alts being simultaneously controlled TI and the Kamis could not win every OP. The players are aware of this problem. The CSR's are aware of this problem. Repeated reports and tickets are yielding no results.

The balance between factions is being severly manipulated through a disregard for the rules. I'm smply calling on the CSR's to respond to this issue. Either enforce this rule or abolish it completely so that we can respond in kind.


#13 [en] 

I'm not denying they have ALTs, I'm not denying i have Alts. But I was taken for Alt when i used that macro. Am i an Alt now? Just because i follow them around and target off of them?

Is this becoming a problem ONLY when Kamis are winning? It is absolutely all right when Karas do the same?

#14 [en] 

Please give me an example of any Karavan controlling an unreasonable amount of alts like Yakapo and Nitrouss do. And a screenshot/video. We have that. There are no karas who bring more than 1 or 2 healing alts to a battle.

#15 [en] 

We have ticketed, we have sent evidence, we have asked for some sort of investigation and been ignored by the CSR's. So now we are publicly calling for action.

We have named the guild in question and the main culprits. If you claim "Karas do the same" name them.

Who in Karavan controls several alts at once to give them a substantial boost in firepower and an outcome-altering advantage in OP battles? Or are you just throwing out a pointless counter-claim to detract attention from the fact that this is a real issue that is being ignored?



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